How much soil do cattle ingest? A review
The role of animal products in balancing food baskets for Laos and the Pacific islands of Samoa and Vanuatu to minimise caloric and hidden hunger: a review
The role of animal products in balancing food baskets for Laos and the Pacific islands of Samoa and Vanuatu to minimise caloric and hidden hunger: a reviewAbstract | The role of animal products in balancing food baskets for Laos and the Pacific islands of Samoa and Vanuatu to minimise caloric and hidden hunger: a review Full Text | The role of animal products in balancing food baskets for Laos and the Pacific islands of Samoa and Vanuatu to minimise caloric and hidden hunger: a reviewPDF (286 KB) |
Advances in smallholder large ruminant production and profitability in Southeast Asia over the past decade – lessons from the Mekong region: a review
Advances in smallholder large ruminant production and profitability in Southeast Asia over the past decade – lessons from the Mekong region: a reviewAbstract | Advances in smallholder large ruminant production and profitability in Southeast Asia over the past decade – lessons from the Mekong region: a review Full Text | Advances in smallholder large ruminant production and profitability in Southeast Asia over the past decade – lessons from the Mekong region: a reviewPDF (239 KB) |
A narrative review of factors affecting the welfare of dairy cows in larger Australasian pasture-based production systems
A narrative review of factors affecting the welfare of dairy cows in larger Australasian pasture-based production systemsAbstract | A narrative review of factors affecting the welfare of dairy cows in larger Australasian pasture-based production systems Full Text | A narrative review of factors affecting the welfare of dairy cows in larger Australasian pasture-based production systemsPDF (682 KB) |
Goat meat supply and demand in Vietnam: global context and opportunities and risks for smallholder producers

Goat meat supply and demand in Vietnam: global context and opportunities and risks for smallholder producersAbstract | Goat meat supply and demand in Vietnam: global context and opportunities and risks for smallholder producers Full Text | Goat meat supply and demand in Vietnam: global context and opportunities and risks for smallholder producersPDF (4.5 MB) |
Disease as a constraint on goat production in Lao PDR and trade to neighbouring countries: a review

Disease as a constraint on goat production in Lao PDR and trade to neighbouring countries: a reviewAbstract | Disease as a constraint on goat production in Lao PDR and trade to neighbouring countries: a review Full Text | Disease as a constraint on goat production in Lao PDR and trade to neighbouring countries: a reviewPDF (2 MB) |
Perspectives on progression of transboundary disease, one health and ecosystem health management in the Greater Mekong Subregion and beyond
Perspectives on progression of transboundary disease, one health and ecosystem health management in the Greater Mekong Subregion and beyondAbstract | Perspectives on progression of transboundary disease, one health and ecosystem health management in the Greater Mekong Subregion and beyond Full Text | Perspectives on progression of transboundary disease, one health and ecosystem health management in the Greater Mekong Subregion and beyondPDF (328 KB) |
The use of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) on farm animal’s productivity, health and reproductive performance: a review
The use of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) on farm animal’s productivity, health and reproductive performance: a reviewAbstract | The use of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) on farm animal’s productivity, health and reproductive performance: a review Full Text | The use of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) on farm animal’s productivity, health and reproductive performance: a reviewPDF (5.9 MB) |
Selecting methods of agricultural extension to support diverse adoption pathways: a review and case studies
Selecting methods of agricultural extension to support diverse adoption pathways: a review and case studiesAbstract | Selecting methods of agricultural extension to support diverse adoption pathways: a review and case studies Full Text | Selecting methods of agricultural extension to support diverse adoption pathways: a review and case studiesPDF (667 KB) |
Vitamin K: history, metabolism, and nutrition in the horse
Review of the potential impacts of freight rail corridors on livestock welfare and production
Review of the potential impacts of freight rail corridors on livestock welfare and productionAbstract | Review of the potential impacts of freight rail corridors on livestock welfare and production Full Text | Review of the potential impacts of freight rail corridors on livestock welfare and productionPDF (1.4 MB) |
Black soldier fly larvae (Hermetica illucens) as a sustainable source of nutritive and bioactive compounds, and their consumption challenges
Black soldier fly larvae (Hermetica illucens) as a sustainable source of nutritive and bioactive compounds, and their consumption challengesAbstract | Black soldier fly larvae (Hermetica illucens) as a sustainable source of nutritive and bioactive compounds, and their consumption challenges Full Text | Black soldier fly larvae (Hermetica illucens) as a sustainable source of nutritive and bioactive compounds, and their consumption challengesPDF (586 KB) |
Commercial equine production in New Zealand 4: welfare implications of the New Zealand production systems
Commercial equine production in New Zealand 4: welfare implications of the New Zealand production systemsAbstract | Commercial equine production in New Zealand 4: welfare implications of the New Zealand production systems Full Text | Commercial equine production in New Zealand 4: welfare implications of the New Zealand production systemsPDF (481 KB) |
The challenge to reduce crude protein contents of wheat-based broiler diets
Advances in prebiotics for poultry: role of the caeca and oligosaccharides
Interactions of diet and circadian rhythm to achieve precision nutrition of poultry
Multispecies forages in the Australian dairy feedbase: is there a biological business case?
Multispecies forages in the Australian dairy feedbase: is there a biological business case?Abstract | Multispecies forages in the Australian dairy feedbase: is there a biological business case? Full Text | Multispecies forages in the Australian dairy feedbase: is there a biological business case?PDF (1.7 MB) |
Malnutrition of pregnant beef cows and the impact on passive immunity transfer to calves
Malnutrition of pregnant beef cows and the impact on passive immunity transfer to calvesAbstract | Malnutrition of pregnant beef cows and the impact on passive immunity transfer to calves Full Text | Malnutrition of pregnant beef cows and the impact on passive immunity transfer to calvesPDF (411 KB) |
Deer and climate change: impacts and perspectives
Antlers as bioindicators of environmental pollution: principles, achievements, and future research directions
From a general anti-cancer treatment to antioxidant or deer osteoporosis: the consequences of antler as the fastest-growing tissue

A review of some aspects of goat meat quality: future research recommendations
Risk management in pig farming: a reality or conjecture? A systematic review

Defining breeding objectives for sustainability in cattle: challenges and opportunities
A review of factors affecting the welfare of weaned replacement heifers in pasture-based dairy production systems
A review of factors affecting the welfare of weaned replacement heifers in pasture-based dairy production systemsAbstract | A review of factors affecting the welfare of weaned replacement heifers in pasture-based dairy production systems Full Text | A review of factors affecting the welfare of weaned replacement heifers in pasture-based dairy production systemsPDF (1.6 MB) |
An assessment of global ruminant methane-emission measurements shows bias relative to contributions of farmed species, populations and among continents
An assessment of global ruminant methane-emission measurements shows bias relative to contributions of farmed species, populations and among continentsAbstract | An assessment of global ruminant methane-emission measurements shows bias relative to contributions of farmed species, populations and among continents Full Text | An assessment of global ruminant methane-emission measurements shows bias relative to contributions of farmed species, populations and among continentsPDF (756 KB) | Supplementary MaterialSupplementary Material (299 KB)
Microbiome engineering to combat antimicrobial resistance and upsurge productivity of food animals: a systematic review
Microbiome engineering to combat antimicrobial resistance and upsurge productivity of food animals: a systematic reviewAbstract | Microbiome engineering to combat antimicrobial resistance and upsurge productivity of food animals: a systematic review Full Text | Microbiome engineering to combat antimicrobial resistance and upsurge productivity of food animals: a systematic reviewPDF (674 KB) |
Organic side streams (bioproducts) as substrate for black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) intended as animal feed: chemical safety issues

Organic side streams (bioproducts) as substrate for black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) intended as animal feed: chemical safety issuesAbstract | Organic side streams (bioproducts) as substrate for black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) intended as animal feed: chemical safety issues Full Text | Organic side streams (bioproducts) as substrate for black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) intended as animal feed: chemical safety issuesPDF (492 KB) |
Cattle welfare aspects of production systems in the tropics
Probiotics and gut health: linking gut homeostasis and poultry productivity
Human food waste to animal feed: opportunities and challenges
Recent advances in the use of phytochemicals to manage gastrointestinal oxidative stress in poultry and pigs
Gut sensing of dietary amino acids, peptides and proteins, and feed-intake regulation in pigs
Harnessing plant bioactivity for enteric methane mitigation in Australia
Does the relationship between sow body composition change in lactation and re-breeding success still exist?

The role of microbiota in animal health and productivity: misinterpretations and limitations

Disentangling the behavioural and fibre influences of nesting enrichment for sows on piglet survival
Parameters influencing the maturation of bovine oocyte: a review

Cassava wastewater can be safely used in the diet of feedlot lambs

Maternal influence on the skewing of offspring sex ratio: a review

An industry survey on litter management and re-use practices of Australian meat chicken growers
An industry survey on litter management and re-use practices of Australian meat chicken growersAbstract | An industry survey on litter management and re-use practices of Australian meat chicken growers Full Text | An industry survey on litter management and re-use practices of Australian meat chicken growersPDF (1.2 MB) |
Fleece rot in sheep: a review of pathogenesis, aetiology, resistance and vaccines
Dermatophilosis (lumpy wool) in sheep: a review of pathogenesis, aetiology, resistance and vaccines

Dermatophilosis (lumpy wool) in sheep: a review of pathogenesis, aetiology, resistance and vaccinesAbstract | Dermatophilosis (lumpy wool) in sheep: a review of pathogenesis, aetiology, resistance and vaccines Full Text | Dermatophilosis (lumpy wool) in sheep: a review of pathogenesis, aetiology, resistance and vaccinesPDF (1001 KB) |
Leg health of meat chickens: impact on welfare, consumer behaviour, and the role of environmental enrichment
Leg health of meat chickens: impact on welfare, consumer behaviour, and the role of environmental enrichmentAbstract | Leg health of meat chickens: impact on welfare, consumer behaviour, and the role of environmental enrichment Full Text | Leg health of meat chickens: impact on welfare, consumer behaviour, and the role of environmental enrichmentPDF (885 KB) |
Utilising dual-purpose crops effectively to increase profit and manage risk in meat production systems
Welfare issues associated with moulting of laying hens
Non-infectious diseases and laying hen welfare
Welfare implications of bacterial and viral infectious diseases for laying hens
Impact of parasites on Australian laying hen welfare
Impact of antibiotic use and disease risks on Australian laying hen welfare
Euthanasia of laying hens: an overview
Cage production and laying hen welfare
Welfare implications for barn (and aviary) egg production systems
Free-range egg production: its implications for hen welfare
Advances in genetic selection and breeder practice improve commercial layer hen welfare
Incubation, hatchery practice and the welfare of layer hens
Rearing conditions of laying hens and welfare during the laying phase
Skeletal health of layers across all housing systems and future research directions for Australia
Skeletal health of layers across all housing systems and future research directions for AustraliaAbstract | Skeletal health of layers across all housing systems and future research directions for Australia Full Text | Skeletal health of layers across all housing systems and future research directions for AustraliaPDF (243 KB) |
Nutrition, feeding and laying hen welfare
Natural behaviours, their drivers and their implications for laying hen welfare
Stress, health and the welfare of laying hens
The impact of management, husbandry and stockperson decisions on the welfare of laying hens in Australia
Current methods and techniques of beak trimming laying hens, welfare issues and alternative approaches
Causes of feather pecking and subsequent welfare issues for the laying hen: a review
Dynamics and influence of environmental components on greenhouse gas emissions in sub-Saharan African rangelands: a review
Zinc supplementation improves growth performance in small ruminants: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis

Effect of selenium supplementation on productive performance and antioxidant status of broilers under heat stress: a meta-analysis and a meta-regression
Prenatal establishment of the foal gut microbiota: a critique of the in utero colonisation hypothesis
Prenatal establishment of the foal gut microbiota: a critique of the in utero colonisation hypothesisAbstract | Prenatal establishment of the foal gut microbiota: a critique of the in utero colonisation hypothesis Full Text | Prenatal establishment of the foal gut microbiota: a critique of the in utero colonisation hypothesisPDF (1.3 MB) |
Growth and development of thoroughbred horses
A review of recent developments in the pharmacological prevention and treatment of endocrinopathic laminitis
A review of recent developments in the pharmacological prevention and treatment of endocrinopathic laminitisAbstract | A review of recent developments in the pharmacological prevention and treatment of endocrinopathic laminitis Full Text | A review of recent developments in the pharmacological prevention and treatment of endocrinopathic laminitisPDF (270 KB) |
Commercial equine production in New Zealand. 1. Reproduction and breeding
Commercial equine production in New Zealand. 2. Growth and development of the equine athlete
Commercial equine production in New Zealand. 3. The racing and sport industries
Reproductive performance in goats and causes of perinatal mortality: a review
Welfare of beef cattle in Australian feedlots: a review of the risks and measures
Suitability of litter amendments for the Australian chicken meat industry
Suitability of litter amendments for the Australian chicken meat industryAbstract | Suitability of litter amendments for the Australian chicken meat industry Full Text | Suitability of litter amendments for the Australian chicken meat industryPDF (480 KB) | Supplementary MaterialSupplementary Material (1.4 MB)
Water footprint of livestock products and production systems: a review
Integrating fertility preservation and cryo-banking into the conservation of rare and endangered deer species
Deer antlers: traditional Chinese medicine use and recent pharmaceuticals
Impacts of nutrition on reproduction in female red deer: phenotypic flexibility within a photoperiod-mediated seasonal cycle
Animal responses to environmental variation: physiological mechanisms in ecological models of performance in deer (Cervidae)
Meat quality traits and feeding distillers grains to cattle: a review
Management of phosphorus nutrition of beef cattle grazing seasonally dry rangelands: a review
Do calcium and magnesium deficiencies in reproducing ewes contribute to high lamb mortality?
Prospects for the utilisation of cocoyam corm meal in poultry feeding
Potential solutions to the major greenhouse-gas issues facing Australasian dairy farming
Defining the key attributes of resilience in mixed ration dairy systems
The role of forage management in addressing challenges facing Australasian dairy farming
Manipulating the rumen microbiome to address challenges facing Australasian dairy farming
White clover or nitrogen fertiliser for dairying under nitrate leaching limits?
Integration of energy and protein transactions in the body to build new tools for predicting performance and body composition of ruminants
Dietary protein reduction improves the energetic and amino acid efficiency in lactating sows
Do more mechanistic models increase accuracy of prediction of metabolisable protein supply in ruminants?
Feeding whole grain and phytase to meat chickens: recent Australian experience
Associations between gastrointestinal-tract function and the stress response after weaning in pigs
Maximising the benefits of pelleting diets for modern broilers
Insect protein in animal nutrition
Insects: a novel animal-feed protein source for the Australian market
Free-range laying hens: using technology to show the dynamics and impact of hen movement
Dietary nitrogen utilisation and prediction of amino acid requirements in equids
Nutritional implications of feeding reduced-protein diets to meat chickens
Recent advances to improve nitrogen efficiency of grain-finishing cattle in North American and Australian feedlots
Recent advances to improve nitrogen efficiency of grain-finishing cattle in North American and Australian feedlotsAbstract | Recent advances to improve nitrogen efficiency of grain-finishing cattle in North American and Australian feedlots Full Text | Recent advances to improve nitrogen efficiency of grain-finishing cattle in North American and Australian feedlotsPDF (233 KB) |
Nitrogen recycling and feed efficiency of cattle fed protein-restricted diets
Creating a low enteric methane emission ruminant: what is the evidence of success to the present and prospects for developing economies?
Creating a low enteric methane emission ruminant: what is the evidence of success to the present and prospects for developing economies?Abstract | Creating a low enteric methane emission ruminant: what is the evidence of success to the present and prospects for developing economies? Full Text | Creating a low enteric methane emission ruminant: what is the evidence of success to the present and prospects for developing economies?PDF (166 KB) |
A review of the financial impact of production diseases in poultry production systems
Dehorning and welfare indicators in beef cattle: a meta-analysis
A review on biogenic amines in food and feed: toxicological aspects, impact on health and control measures
The role of molecular genetics in livestock production
A new perspective on managing the onset of puberty and early reproductive performance in ewe lambs: a review
Progress in comprehending the phytate–phytase axis in chicken-meat production
The sex ratio of a gilt’s birth litter can affect her fitness as a breeding female
Heat stress: impact on livestock well-being and productivity and mitigation strategies to alleviate the negative effects
Agroforestry for ruminants: a review of trees and shrubs as fodder in silvopastoral temperate and tropical production systems
Nutritional principles, integration, modelling and research management to practical applications: an overview of John Langtree Black’s contribution to animal science
Physiological and metabolic control of diet selection
Role of the gut, melanocortin system and malonyl-CoA in control of feed intake in non-ruminant animals
Essential role of methyl donors in animal productivity
Manipulating the immune system for pigs to optimise performance
A review of factors influencing key biological components of maternal productivity in temperate beef cattle
Neurophysiological assessment of animal welfare
Novel marine polysaccharides and maternal nutrition to stimulate gut health and performance in post-weaned pigs
Guaranteeing consistently high quality Australian pork: are we any closer?
Current and future antimicrobial resistance issues for the Australian pig industry
Signalling from the gut lumen
Biofilm compartmentalisation of the rumen microbiome: modification of fermentation and degradation of dietary toxins
Mitochondrial metabolism: a driver of energy utilisation and product quality?
Artificial meat and the future of the meat industry
Effects of common dietary fatty acids on milk yield and concentrations of fat and fatty acids in dairy cattle
Starch and protein digestive dynamics in low-protein diets supplemented with crystalline amino acids
ASKBILL as a web-based program to enhance sheep well-being and productivity
Managing gut health without reliance on antimicrobials in poultry
Utilising mobilisation of body reserves to improve the management of phosphorus nutrition of breeder cows
New candidate markers of phosphorus status in beef breeder cows
Calcium and phosphorus metabolism and nutrition of poultry: are current diets formulated in excess?
Recent findings regarding calcium and phytase in poultry nutrition
Procedures for determining digestibility of amino acids, lipids, starch, fibre, phosphorus, and calcium in feed ingredients fed to pigs
Public concerns about dairy-cow welfare: how should the industry respond?
Grazing management: setting the table, designing the menu and influencing the diner
Perennial ryegrass breeding and the scaling issue: a review of system experiments investigating milk production and profit differences among cultivars
Is systems research addressing the current and future needs of dairy farms?
Challenges of feeding dairy cows in Australia and New Zealand
Balancing water-quality threats from nutrients and production in Australian and New Zealand dairy farms under low profit margins
Lactational challenges in transition dairy cows
Improvements in diagnosis of disease caused by Mycoplasma bovis in cattle
Smallholder large ruminant health and production in Lao PDR: challenges and opportunities for improving domestic and regional beef supply
Electro-analgesia for sheep husbandry practices: a review
Utilisation of loss and waste during the food-production cycle as livestock feed
Hair cortisol and its potential value as a physiological measure of stress response in human and non-human animals
New biomarkers for intestinal permeability induced by lipopolysaccharide in chickens
Ergovaline, an endophytic alkaloid. 1. Animal physiology and metabolism
Ergovaline, an endophytic alkaloid. 2. Intake and impact on animal production, with reference to New Zealand
Ergovaline, an endophytic alkaloid. 2. Intake and impact on animal production, with reference to New ZealandAbstract | Ergovaline, an endophytic alkaloid. 2. Intake and impact on animal production, with reference to New Zealand Full Text | Ergovaline, an endophytic alkaloid. 2. Intake and impact on animal production, with reference to New ZealandPDF (441 KB) |
The contribution of qualitative behavioural assessment to appraisal of livestock welfare
The contribution of qualitative behavioural assessment to appraisal of livestock welfareAbstract | The contribution of qualitative behavioural assessment to appraisal of livestock welfare Full Text | The contribution of qualitative behavioural assessment to appraisal of livestock welfarePDF (338 KB) |
Prenatal origins of postnatal variation in growth, development and productivity of ruminants
Composition of more specialised pre-starter and starter diets for young broiler chickens: a review
Reducing variation in pork production systems through maternal and pre- and post-weaning nutrition strategies
Can feeding the broiler breeder improve chick quality and offspring performance?
The case for pre-parturient selenium and iodine supplementation of ewes for improving lamb survival
Accelerated pre-weaning growth rates in dairy calves: do antioxidants have a place?
Functionality and genomics of selenium and vitamin E supplementation in ruminants
Development and application of a livestock phenomics platform to enhance productivity and efficiency at pasture
Managing the rumen to limit the incidence and severity of nitrite poisoning in nitrate-supplemented ruminants
Cysteamine: a human health dietary additive with potential to improve livestock growth rate and efficiency
Digestibility of calcium in feed ingredients and requirements of digestible calcium for growing pigs
New perspectives on the mineral nutrition of livestock grazing cereal and canola crops
Reducing the carbon footprint of Australian milk production by mitigation of enteric methane emissions
Reducing the carbon footprint of Australian milk production by mitigation of enteric methane emissionsAbstract | Reducing the carbon footprint of Australian milk production by mitigation of enteric methane emissions Full Text | Reducing the carbon footprint of Australian milk production by mitigation of enteric methane emissionsPDF (709 KB) |
Deer antler: a unique model for studying mammalian organ morphogenesis
The tale of two deer: management of Père David’s deer and sika deer in anthropogenic landscape of eastern Asia
Nutrition of antler growth in deer
Starch utilisation in chicken-meat production: the foremost influential factors
Grazing crops: implications for reproducing sheep
The GreenFeed system for measurement of enteric methane emission from cattle
Smart livestock feeding strategies for harvesting triple gain – the desired outcomes in planet, people and profit dimensions: a developing country perspective
Fabric and greasy wool handle, their importance to the Australian wool industry: a review
An opportunity to revolutionise sow management
Under what conditions is it possible to produce pigs without using antimicrobials?
Antimicrobial stewardship: what is it, and how does it work?
Selection for productivity and robustness traits in pigs
The role and potential advantages of vitamin D metabolites in maintaining calcium status in high-producing dairy herds
A review of the genetic and non-genetic factors affecting extended lactation in pasture-based dairy systems
The economic, environmental and welfare implications of alternative systems of accommodating dairy cows during the winter months
Valuing forages for genetic selection: what traits should we focus on?
Breaking through the feed barrier: options for improving forage genetics
Simple versus diverse pastures: opportunities and challenges in dairy systems
Growth targets and rearing strategies for replacement heifers in pasture-based systems: a review
Parasite control in pasture-grazed dairy cattle: are we at the edge of a precipice?
Limitations and potential for individualised feeding of concentrate supplements to grazing dairy cows
Managing the grazing dairy cow through the transition period: a review
Immune system, inflammation and nutrition in dairy cattle
Whole-grain feeding for chicken-meat production: possible mechanisms driving enhanced energy utilisation and feed conversion
Monitoring liveweight in sheep is a valuable management strategy: a review of available technologies
Feeding behaviour in ruminants: a consequence of interactions between a reward system and the regulation of metabolic homeostasis
Understanding and manipulating diet choice in grazing animals
Translating physiological signals to changes in feeding behaviour in mammals and the future effects of global climate change
Behavioural adaptation of grazing dairy cows to changes in feeding management: do they follow a predictable pattern?
Continuous bite monitoring: a method to assess the foraging dynamics of herbivores in natural grazing conditions
The catastrophe of meal eating
Managing the herbage utilisation and intake by cattle grazing rangelands
Potential of the application of epigenetics in animal production
The challenges and opportunities when integrating animal models into grazing system models for evaluating productivity and environmental impact
Potential integration of multi-fitting, inverse problem and mechanistic modelling approaches to applied research in animal science: a review
Drives and limits to feed intake in ruminants
Antioxidant dynamics in the live animal and implications for ruminant health and product (meat/milk) quality: role of vitamin E and selenium
Win–win strategies for high beef quality, consumer satisfaction, and farm efficiency, low environmental impacts and improved animal welfare
Recent developments in lipid metabolism in ruminants – the role of fat in maintaining animal health and performance
Stress, acute phase proteins and immune modulation in calves
A need for generating sound quantitative data at national levels for feed-efficient animal production
Ruminant glycogen metabolism
Livestock water productivity: feed resourcing, feeding and coupled feed-water resource data bases
NutriPhysioGenomics applications to identify adaptations of cattle to consumption of ergot alkaloids and inorganic versus organic forms of selenium: altered nutritional, physiological and health states?
Consequences of nutrition during gestation, and the challenge to better understand and enhance livestock productivity and efficiency in pastoral ecosystems
Animal welfare: towards transdisciplinarity – the European experience
Challenges in ration formulation in pasture-based milk production systems
Decreasing methane emissions from ruminants grazing forages: a fit with productive and financial realities?
A review on the effects of mycotoxins in dairy ruminants
Nutritional programming and the reproductive function of the offspring
Influencing the future: interactions of skeleton, energy, protein and calcium during late gestation and early lactation
Influencing the future: interactions of skeleton, energy, protein and calcium during late gestation and early lactationAbstract | Influencing the future: interactions of skeleton, energy, protein and calcium during late gestation and early lactation Full Text | Influencing the future: interactions of skeleton, energy, protein and calcium during late gestation and early lactationPDF (615 KB) |
Pathogen-induced anorexia: a herbivore strategy or an unavoidable consequence of infection?
Expanding the contribution of dairy goats in efficient and sustainable production systems
The nexus between nutrient metabolism, oxidative stress and inflammation in transition cows
Lamb survival in Australian flocks: a review
A review of the genetic and epigenetic factors affecting lamb survival
Vitamin E status and reproduction in sheep: potential implications for Australian sheep production
Influence of high pre-rigor temperature and fast pH fall on muscle proteins and meat quality: a review
Influence of high pre-rigor temperature and fast pH fall on muscle proteins and meat quality: a reviewAbstract | Influence of high pre-rigor temperature and fast pH fall on muscle proteins and meat quality: a review Full Text | Influence of high pre-rigor temperature and fast pH fall on muscle proteins and meat quality: a reviewPDF (525 KB) |
Potential nutritional strategies for the amelioration or prevention of high rigor temperature in cattle – a review
Potential nutritional strategies for the amelioration or prevention of high rigor temperature in cattle – a reviewAbstract | Potential nutritional strategies for the amelioration or prevention of high rigor temperature in cattle – a review Full Text | Potential nutritional strategies for the amelioration or prevention of high rigor temperature in cattle – a reviewPDF (311 KB) |
Regulation of post-mortem glycolysis in ruminant muscle
Techniques to reduce the temperature of beef muscle early in the post mortem period – a review
Techniques to reduce the temperature of beef muscle early in the post mortem period – a reviewAbstract | Techniques to reduce the temperature of beef muscle early in the post mortem period – a review Full Text | Techniques to reduce the temperature of beef muscle early in the post mortem period – a reviewPDF (235 KB) |
Human evolution and diet: a modern conundrum of health versus meat consumption, or is it?
Enhancing the productivity of dairy cows using amino acids
Influence of processing on the digestibility of amino acids and starch in cereals and legumes in non-ruminants
Metabolic responses of horses and ponies to high and low glycaemic feeds: implications for laminitis
Range use and pasture consumption in free-range poultry production
The potential for pharmacological supply of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to increase phosphorus utilisation in cattle
Nutritional management of the transition cow in the 21st century – a paradigm shift in thinking
Use of molecular technologies for the advancement of animal breeding: genomic selection in dairy cattle populations in Australia, Ireland and New Zealand
The symbiotic rumen microbiome and cattle performance: a brief review
Precision dairy farming in Australasia: adoption, risks and opportunities
Dairy cow welfare: the role of research and development in addressing increasing scrutiny
Functional welfare – using biochemical and molecular technologies to understand better the welfare state of peripartal dairy cattle
Reproductive technologies for the future: a role for epigenetics
Amelioration of thermal stress impacts in dairy cows
Complementary forages – integration at a whole-farm level
Behaviour, illness and management during the periparturient period in dairy cows
A review of potential contaminants in Australian livestock feeds and proposed guidance levels for feed
A review of introduced cervids in Chile
The importance of pre-laying behaviour and nest boxes for laying hen welfare: a review
Livestock in no-till cropping systems – a story of trade-offs
Designing dairy cattle breeding schemes under genomic selection: a review of international research
Designing dairy cattle breeding schemes under genomic selection: a review of international researchAbstract | Designing dairy cattle breeding schemes under genomic selection: a review of international research Full Text | Designing dairy cattle breeding schemes under genomic selection: a review of international researchPDF (150 KB) |