Exploration Geophysics
Volume 18 Numbers 1 & 2 1987
EG987004The Australian geomagnetic reference field ? its basis and applications
C.E. Barton, P.L. McFadden and A.J. McEwin
pp. 4-6
EG987006Seismic aspects of recent oil discoveries in the Bodalla Block, Cooper/Eromanga Basins, Queensland
J.A. Bauer and P.L. Harrison
pp. 6-10
EG987012Near surface modelling by interactive refraction analysis
R. Beattie and J. Wardell
pp. 12-13
EG987041The discovery and definition of a sulphide deposit using geophysical methods
G.J. Elliott and D. Richards
pp. 41-42
EG987047Olympic Dam deposit ? geophysical case history
D.J. Esdale, D.F. Pridmore, J.H. Coggon, P.M. Muir, P.K. Williams and F.P. Fritz
pp. 47-49
EG9870493-Dimensional image of the lower crust under an intra-continental basin in Eastern Australia
D.M. Finlayson and J.H. Leven
pp. 49-52
EG987065Pitfalls in seismic amplitude versus offset analysis case histories
G.S. Gassaway, R.A. Brown and L.E. Bennett
pp. 65-70
EG987070Statistically improved refraction statics ? criteria for success
S.N. Glazer and M.A. Hall
pp. 70-73
EG987073A new velocity filter for the attenuation of coherent seismic noise
V. Goebel and B.J. Evans
pp. 73-75
EG987080Cross-hole seismic survey for mineral exploration in the west Kimberley area, Western Australia
P. Harman, L. Leung and M. Downey
pp. 80-83
EG987085The development and application of a down-hole triaxial tool, for the analysis of seismic waves
D.H. Heath and B.J. Evans
pp. 85-88
EG987089Implementation and testing of a new 3-D seismic processing package
M.W. Hill, H.C. Huang, G.A.D. Paterson, G.M. Sastri and N.F. Uren
pp. 89-92
EG987099A shallow water Telseis seismic survey, offshore W.A.
E.A. Howell and C.R.T. Ramsden
pp. 99-103
EG987103Interpretation of airborne geophysical data over the OK Tedi porphyry copper?gold ore body using image processing techniques
R.J. Irvine and I. Robertson
pp. 103-107
EG987108Geophysical experience from the Blendevale deposit W.A.
D. Isles, M. Watt, P. Harman and A. Lebel
pp. 108-110
EG987110Some experiments in the suppression of coherent noise on land 3-D seismic shot records
M. Jervis, N.F. Uren and K. Borisov
pp. 110-115
EG987120Map migration and 3D modelling in a complex velocity medium
D.J. Kirkham and D.J. Muscatello
pp. 120-122
EG987122Drillhole time?domain electromagnetic results
R. Kneebone, R. Parums, A. Smelic and L. Thomas
pp. 122-124
EG987124The Perth Basin: a possible framework for its formation and evolution
K. Lambeck
pp. 124-128
EG987128Shorter group intervals improve seismic data quality on the Roma Shelf, Queensland
G.R. Leamon and R.J.E. Parrott
pp. 128-130
EG987130Underground and down-hole transient electromagnetic modelling
S.K. Lee and G. Buselli
pp. 130-134
EG987135The Nth-root stack: a cheap and effective processing technique
P.L. McFadden, B.J. Drummond and S. Kravis
pp. 135-137
EG987137A case study of the Snapper gas field offshore Gippsland
M.N. Megallaa and J.M. Ashworth
pp. 137-141
EG987148 The geophysical discovery of the Abra base metal deposit, Bangemall Basin, Western Australia
A.J. Mutton and P.M. McInerney
pp. 148-151
EG987151 A model for the calculation of effective thermal conductivities of multiphase-fluid-saturated porous rocks
S.W.E. Nachtsheim and E. Oberaigner
pp. 151-153
EG987160The Radio Hill Ni?Cu massive sulphide deposit: a geophysical case history
W.S. Peters and M. de Angelis
pp. 160-166
EG987166The use of 'Automatic Gain Control' to display vertical magnetic gradient data
S. Rajagopalan
pp. 166-169
EG987169Some aspects of practical marine seismic survey quality control
C.R.T. Ramsden and J.E. Law
pp. 169-174
EG987174Post stack wavelet extraction utilizing well log data
C.R.T. Ramsden and M.R. Hobson
pp. 174-179
EG987179Case history ? vertical seismic profiles at the Harriet Oilfield
C.R.T. Ramsden, A.R. James and E.A. Howell
pp. 179-182
EG987189Three-dimensional mapping of horizons picked on two-dimensionally migrated seismic sections
J.W. Sattlegger and H. Egbers
pp. 189-192
EG987199Transient E.M. in exploration for massive sulphides ? a new discovery
M.J. Shalley
pp. 199-201
EG987202An exploration case study for Olympic Dam style mineralization on the Stuart Shelf, S.A.
S.N. Sheard and P.J. Binks
pp. 202-204
EG987207The use of geophysics in defining the causes of dryland salinity in south-western Australia
G.J. Street and R. Engel
pp. 207-210
EG987212 A systematic visual approach to interpretation of aeromagnetic total intensity anomaly pixel maps at 1:1 000 000 scale
D.H. Tucker and G.W. D'Addario
pp. 212-215
EG987215Combined application of reflection seismic and EM data to stratigraphic mapping
K. Vozoff, K. LeBrocq, D. Moss, D. Pridmore and K. McAllister
pp. 215-218
EG987218Deep seismic profiling across the Nebine Ridge, Surat Basin, Kumbarilla Ridge and Clarence Moreton Basin in Southern Queensland
K.D. Wake-Dyster, M.J. Sexton, D.W. Johnstone, C. Wright and D.M. Finlayson
pp. 218-222
EG987223Application of the Tau-P transform to processing of Australasian data
R.G. Williams, M. Hobson, A. Arnold and R. Cooper
pp. 223-227
EG987227Some preliminary results from regional seismic profiling in Central Australia
C. Wright, B.R. Goleby, C.D.N. Collins, B.L.N. Kennett, S. Sugiharto and S. Greenhalgh
pp. 227-231
EG987232Entropy-monitored deconvolution and its applications in downhole seismic signal processing
X. Xu and W.H. Holmes
pp. 232-235
EG987235A 3D seismic interpretation?Flounder field, Gippsland Basin
A.J. Young and R.R. Coenraads
pp. 235-238