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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Thermal conductivity and heat flow in the Southern Cooper Basin

K. Gallagher

Exploration Geophysics 18(2) 62 - 65
Published: 1987


Exploration drilling in the Eromanga/Cooper basins (Fig. 1) has revealed downhole temperatures often considerably higher than those expected from the commonly assumed average geothermal gradient of up to 40°C/km (Fyfe et al. 1978). To quantify these observations in terms of the crustal heat flow, reliable estimates of the thermal conductivity for the lithologies present are required. As part of a project examining the evolution of the Eromanga Basin in central eastern Australia, thermal conductivity measurements have been made on a selection of sedimentary and basement rocks from northern South Australia. All measurements were made on samples in the dry and wet (water saturated) states using a divided bar apparatus. A complete description of the method and results is in preparation.

© ASEG 1987

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