Microbiology Australia
Volume 35 Number 2 2014
MA14023Challenges, progress and strategies in the search for a cure for HIV
Christina C Chang and Sharon R Lewin
pp. 72-78
MA14024Antiretroviral therapy: research, rollout and resistance
Angie N Pinto and David A Cooper
pp. 79-82
MA14026Moving towards HIV treatment as prevention
Mark A Stoové, Alisa E Pedrana and Margaret E Hellard
pp. 88-90
MA14027Protecting the heart after HAART; understanding the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in people living with HIV
Janine M Trevillyan and Jennifer F Hoy
pp. 91-93
MA14032Inflammation and innate immune activation in chronic HIV infection
Anthony Jaworowski and Anna C Hearps
pp. 101-102
MA14037Joan Forrest Gardner DPhil (Oxon), AO: 16-6-1918 – 19-11-2013
JRL Forsyth, Mary Maslen, Rosemary Davidson and Margaret M Peel
pp. 112-113