Current Issue
Volume 17 Number 1 2025
What is already known: General practitioners find examining the retina with direct ophthalmoscopy challenging and have low confidence in interpreting findings. What this study adds: General practitioners using smart-phone non-mydriatic fundus photography achieved more adequate views and positive findings of the optic nerve and fundus compared to direct ophthalmoscopy and had close agreement for management referral with the reviewing ophthalmologist.
HC24040 Abstract | HC24040 Full Text | HC24040PDF (802 KB) | HC24040Supplementary Material (290 KB) Open Access Article
What is already known: Primary healthcare teams are well positioned to promote and protect patients’ oral health, and it is likely that more people at risk of oral disease or needing oral health care will present at primary healthcare practices. Primary healthcare teams need to have sufficient knowledge and confidence to address patients’ oral health complaints. What this study adds: Doctors and nurses appear open to incorporating oral health in their day-to-day practice. Integrating oral health in primary health care in Aotearoa New Zealand will require changes at the individual, professional and systems levels.
HC23153 Abstract | HC23153 Full Text | HC23153PDF (727 KB) | HC23153Supplementary Material (2.5 MB) Open Access Article
What is already known: There is increasing concern about the health and wellbeing of tertiary students internationally and comparatively little is known about the context in New Zealand, especially the support being provided for minority students. What this study adds: This research provides information on support services for Pacific students at a university in New Zealand including students’ response to support provided during the COVID-19 pandemic.
HC24039 Abstract | HC24039 Full Text | HC24039PDF (731 KB) | HC24039Supplementary Material (275 KB) Open Access Article
What is already known: Dealing with uncertainty in medicine is troublesome. General practitioners are vulnerable to uncertainty due to their exposure to undifferentiated illness. Patient encounters, especially with those suffering from ambiguous conditions, can foster introspection within clinicians. What this study adds: This qualitative study suggests that conceptualising uncertainty as a holistic challenge, and implementing a bio-psycho-social problem orientation may help clinicians manage uncertainty in a manner that leaves the patient feeling positively supported and the clinician feeling positively inquisitive.
HC24055 Abstract | HC24055 Full Text | HC24055PDF (704 KB) Open Access Article
What is already known: This study explores the communication challenges between general dental practitioners and general medical practitioners, especially when managing patients with complex medical conditions and multiple medications. It highlights key barriers such as time limitations, lack of knowledge, and the absence of integrated health records. What this study adds: The research offers practical solutions, including interprofessional education, shared health record systems, regular meetings, and clearer referral guidelines to improve collaboration between these healthcare providers.
HC24071 Abstract | HC24071 Full Text | HC24071PDF (713 KB) | HC24071Supplementary Material (86 KB) Open Access Article
HC24082Envisaging better care for patients with complex multimorbidity in Aotearoa New Zealand
What is already known: Long-term conditions programmes in New Zealand have traditionally been modelled on the Chronic Care Model from the United States (Wagner) and the Australian (Flinders) Partners in Health programme. In a changing health landscape, there is an increasingly diverse population with multimorbidity who need individualised and culturally competent care. The effectiveness of traditional programmes have been questioned, particularly for the most vulnerable people in our communities. What this study adds: The Client-Led Integrated Care model did not uniformly address the needs of all patients, nor did it target those with the most ability to benefit. Implementing programmes for multimorbidity in primary care should take account of the need to prioritise equity and the social determinants of health.
HC24082 Abstract | HC24082 Full Text | HC24082PDF (776 KB) Open Access Article
What is already known: There is emerging evidence that task-shifting to alternate workforces may overcome some of the demands on ORL outpatient services. However, although follow-up care after grommet insertion is important, and may be appropriate to shift to other healthcare providers, there are limited data on both the family/whānau and GP perspectives and preferences within the New Zealand context. What this study adds: This study provides insight into the perspectives and experiences of families/whānau of children who have previously undergone grommet insertion, as well as the perspectives of GPs working within a large urban setting in Auckland, New Zealand, regarding the roles and responsibilities for providing follow-up care after the insertion of grommets.
HC24083 Abstract | HC24083 Full Text | HC24083PDF (764 KB) | HC24083Supplementary Material (201 KB) Open Access Article
HC24111Rural Māori experiences of accessing heart health care: a Kaupapa Māori qualitative analysis
What is already known: Rural Māori experience inequities in access to cardiovascular care compared to non-Māori and urban Māori. Despite this, little is known about the barriers and facilitators that drive access to quality cardiovascular care along the disease continuum for rural Māori. What this study adds: This study contributes new knowledge by prioritising the voices and experiences of rural Māori accessing heart health care, which have been largely absent from the literature to date.
HC24111 Abstract | HC24111 Full Text | HC24111PDF (978 KB) | HC24111Supplementary Material (259 KB) Open Access Article
HC23066Respiratory research with Māori and Pacific children living in Aotearoa, New Zealand: a systematic review and narrative synthesis

What is already known: Respiratory conditions are a major public health concern in Aotearoa New Zealand, and are responsible for a large proportion of the morbidity and mortality experienced by Māori and Pacific children. What this study adds: This paper provides an important overview of respiratory research that involve Māori and Pacific children living in Aotearoa New Zealand. It emphasises that more studies focusing on the needs of Māori and Pacific whānau and communities, and the use of culturally responsive approaches, are essential, ensuring that aspirations are whānau centred and tailored to their needs.
HC23066 Abstract | HC23066 Full Text | HC23066PDF (916 KB) Open Access Article
HC24056Technology-enhanced, culturally-informed primary care results in sustained improvements in biomarkers for Indigenous patients with type 2 diabetes – a pilot study

What we already know: Type 2 diabetes disproportionately affects New Zealand Māori; however, current primary health care service delivery does not meet the needs of many. Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) can support management of type 2 diabetes, although studies suggest that glycaemic improvements resulting from CGM use alone are often not sustained longer term. What this study adds: A model of health care delivery that uses CGMs within a culturally-informed program of education and optimised health care delivery improves glycemia in the short term, with improvements maintained by most for at least 12 months. This model demonstrates the value of using culturally-informed health care delivery to support improvements in health equity.
HC24056 Abstract | HC24056 Full Text | HC24056PDF (720 KB) Open Access Article
HC24108Evaluating the impact of the Piki te Ora extended primary care team on clinical outcomes in type 2 diabetes patients: a retrospective study

What is already known: The existing literature acknowledges the challenge of managing type 2 diabetes (T2D) on a systemic level, especially within Indigenous communities like the Māori population in New Zealand. Effective management of T2D is crucial to prevent complications and improve quality of life. What this study adds: This study contributes to the body of evidence on multidisciplinary, culturally sensitive primary care models for managing T2D. It highlights the benefits of utilising an extended primary care team (including a nurse, dietician, kaiāwhina, social worker, admin support and occupational therapist) to improve clinical outcomes and address health disparities.
HC24108 Abstract | HC24108 Full Text | HC24108 Full Text | HC24108PDF (1.2 MB) | HC24108Corrigendum (690 KB) Open Access Article
HC24108_COCorrigendum to: Evaluating the impact of the Piki te Ora extended primary care team on clinical outcomes in type 2 diabetes patients: a retrospective study
HC24108_CO Full Text | HC24108_COPDF (620 KB) Open Access Article
HC25046 Full Text | HC25046PDF (628 KB) Open Access Article
HC24183 Full Text | HC24183PDF (718 KB) Open Access Article
Online Early
The peer-reviewed and edited version of record published online before inclusion in an issue
HC24155Protecting primary healthcare funding in Aotearoa New Zealand: a cross-sectional analysis of funding data 2009–2023
What is known about the topic: For over two decades, New Zealand has aimed to make primary health care more accessible, equitable and efficient, shifting more services into communities. While early efforts lowered patient fees and improved access, ongoing challenges—such as staff shortages and persistent inequities—suggest the system remains underfunded. What this study adds: This study provides the first in-depth look at how New Zealand’s government has funded primary health care in relation to health funding over the past 15 years. Despite increases in dollar terms, funding has not kept pace with population growth, inflation, or overall health spending, raising questions about whether primary care is truly a priority. Our findings call for a stronger financial commitment, recommending routine funding monitoring, a minimum funding benchmark, and a greater share of PHC funding to ensure a fair and resilient system.
HC24155 Abstract | HC24155 Full Text | HC24155PDF (781 KB) Open Access Article
HC24180Understanding gaps in the diagnosis of degenerative cervical myelopathy in Aotearoa New Zealand’s primary healthcare – a nationwide cross-sectional survey
What is already known: Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is the leading cause of adult spinal cord dysfunction, with average diagnostic delays of 2.5 years often resulting in irreversible neurological impairment. Primary care clinicians are well positioned to identify DCM early, yet international research suggests that condition awareness is lacking. What this study adds: This study is the first to assess DCM awareness and diagnostic confidence among primary care clinicians in Aotearoa New Zealand, revealing critical knowledge gaps. The findings highlight the need for targeted education and standardised referral criteria to facilitate timely detection and surgical consultation.
HC24180 Abstract | HC24180 Full Text | HC24180PDF (848 KB) Open Access Article
HC23141_COCorrigendum to: Are patients with type 2 diabetes in the Waikato District provided with adequate education and support in primary care to self-manage their condition? A qualitative study
HC23141_CO Full Text | HC23141_COPDF (618 KB) Open Access Article
HC24160 Full Text | HC24160PDF (688 KB) Open Access Article
HC24164An update on Closed Books in general practice in Aotearoa New Zealand
What is already known: Closed Books are a barrier to accessing primary health care enrolment. In June 2022, there were 347 (33%) general practices that had Closed Books with the lower North Island being particularly affected. What this study adds: This study looks at how Closed Books are distributed across Aotearoa New Zealand in 2024 and how this has changed at the general practice level since 2022.
HC24164 Abstract | HC24164 Full Text | HC24164PDF (987 KB) Open Access Article
HC24142Nutrition care provided to patients discharged from hospital post alcohol withdrawal: a mixed methods study
What is known about the topic: Individuals who hazardously consume alcohol may also present with nutritional problems such as weight loss, underweight, malnutrition, micronutrient deficiency and/or low food security. Previous research has shown limited input from the dietitian during admission to hospital for alcohol withdrawal. What this study adds: Healthcare professionals working within Primary Health Networks have variable confidence providing nutrition-related care to patients discharged from hospital post alcohol withdrawal, indicating a gap in nutrition-related service provision. These insights support the need for best practice guidelines for nutritional management in this population to enhance the role of dietitians within the multidisciplinary team.
HC24142 Abstract | HC24142 Full Text | HC24142PDF (695 KB) Open Access Article
HC24128Vaping and smoking in adolescents 14 and under in Aotearoa New Zealand: cross-sectional study of e-screening data
What is already known: Evidence suggests that e-cigarettes can increase smoking quit rates. However vaping rates are exceeding smoking in adolescents with active marketing of e-cigarettes to young people leading to some who have never smoked cigarettes taking up vaping. What this study adds: Vaping is more frequent than smoking in young adolescents (aged 14 years and under), with increased rates among girls and Māori, with few indicating that vaping was taken up to help quit smoking. Many young adolescents respond positively when asked if they want help with their vaping. Tight controls of vaping products are needed to prevent e-cigarette marketing from attracting non-smoking adolescents, while ensuring access for those who wish to use vaping to help quit smoking.
HC24128 Abstract | HC24128 Full Text | HC24128PDF (726 KB) | HC24128Supplementary Material (420 KB) Open Access Article
HC24061A mixed-methods evaluation of an intervention for enhancing alcohol screening in adults aged 50+ attending primary health care

What is already known: Hazardous alcohol use is increasing substantially in older adults, yet they are less likely than younger adults to be screened for alcohol use and related harms in primary health care. What this study adds: This research demonstrates the acceptability and value in an approach to identifying alcohol-related harm in those aged 50+ that combines the knowledge of primary health care professionals about alcohol-related harm in this cohort and the use of existing electronic health records to automate detection of risk factors.
HC24061 Abstract | HC24061 Full Text | HC24061PDF (1.2 MB) Open Access Article
HC24110Experience of HPV primary screening: a cross-sectional survey of ‘Let’s test for HPV’ study participants in Aotearoa New Zealand

What is already known: HPV is the major cause of cervical cancer and can be detected from a self-collected vaginal or clinician-collected cervical sample with comparable sensitivity and specificity. HPV self-testing has been shown to be an effective tool to improve participation in cervical screening among never and under-screened people. What this study adds: HPV primary screening incorporating self-testing was widely accepted among screening-eligible primary care participants, but key messages about this new approach were not well understood. Education, information provision and clear communication at all stages of the screening pathway will be critical to support patient understanding of and confidence in HPV primary screening.
HC24110 Abstract | HC24110 Full Text | HC24110PDF (1.1 MB) | HC24110Supplementary Material (438 KB) Open Access Article
HC24103He mana tō te mātauranga – knowledge is power: a qualitative study of sexual and reproductive healthcare experiences of wāhine Māori

What is already known: Māori experience sexual and reproductive health (SRH) inequities. Healthcare providers (HCPs) and health services have critical roles in facilitating the health literacy of our population, which impacts on SRH. What this study adds: Wāhine Māori (Māori women) want to be well-informed when accessing SRH care and find this empowering, however, their experiences of this are variable and accurate SRH knowledge can be inaccessible. Improved dissemination of SRH knowledge, in the community and by HCPs, is needed.
HC24103 Abstract | HC24103 Full Text | HC24103PDF (838 KB) | HC24103Supplementary Material (205 KB) Open Access Article
HC24134Use of silver diamine fluoride in New Zealand public dental services: a scoping review on caries prevention and management in children
What is already known: Despite being largely preventable, dental caries remains as the leading cause of children’s hospitalisations in New Zealand, particularly affecting Māori and Pasifika populations. What this study adds: This scoping review offers a systematic analysis highlighting its effectiveness in arresting caries with minimal invasiveness, cost-effectiveness, and the potential to promote oral health equity. Silver diamine can play a critical role in New Zealand’s public dental services in achieving better and more equitable outcomes.
HC24134 Abstract | HC24134 Full Text | HC24134PDF (856 KB) | HC24134Supplementary Material (269 KB) Open Access Article
HC24096Knee pain dilemma and the initial step to predicting diagnoses in general practice: a cross-sectional study

What is already known: Knee pain is a common reason to consult a general practitioner (GP), but accurate diagnosis poses a challenge for GPs. To support GPs with this diagnostic dilemma in patients with knee pain, a prediction model could be a useful diagnostic decision support tool, however, this has not yet been developed. What this study adds: In patients with knee pain, for whom GPs experience diagnostic challenges, osteoarthritis is by far the most prevalent diagnosis, followed by patellofemoral pain and meniscal lesions. An age threshold of roughly 50 years is a strong predictor for knee osteoarthritis, patellofemoral pain, and meniscal lesions.
HC24096 Abstract | HC24096 Full Text | HC24096PDF (771 KB) Open Access Article
HC24112Light in the darkness – accessibility to palliative care for cancer patients of Chinese background and their families
What is known about the topic: Palliative care significantly enhances the quality of life for advanced-stage cancer patients by addressing their comprehensive needs. The Chinese ethnic population faces substantial barriers in Australia to accessing palliative care services due to cultural and linguistic differences. There is generally a low awareness and many misconceptions about palliative care within ethnic communities, including Chinese Australians. What this study adds: The study highlights the specific challenges faced by Chinese Australian cancer patients and their caregivers in accessing palliative care services. It identifies language as the primary barrier, despite a strong interest in palliative care services among the Chinese ethnic community. The study highlights the need for local health authorities, medical associations, and community groups to develop and disseminate culturally and linguistically appropriate information to improve palliative care service uptake among the culturally and linguistically diverse community.
HC24112 Abstract | HC24112 Full Text | HC24112PDF (1.4 MB) Open Access Article
HC24118‘I felt so empowered, respected and shame free.’ Let’s test for HPV participants’ experience of HPV primary screening

What is already known: Access to human papillomavirus (HPV) self-testing improves participation in cervical screening among people who are un- or under-screened. Primary care clinicians involved in the early implementation of HPV primary screening in Aotearoa New Zealand support the change in primary screening modality. What this study adds: The ability to self-test, clear clinician communication and support were important contributors to a good screening experience, while inadequately communicated information impacted negatively on multiple aspects of screening. Participants identified a range of practical suggestions for primary care providers to support access and acceptability among future screening participants.
HC24118 Abstract | HC24118 Full Text | HC24118PDF (970 KB) | HC24118Supplementary Material (281 KB) Open Access Article
HC24057Student-run falls prevention programmes for older adult community members: a pilot study
What is known about the topic: Falls among community-dwelling older adults are a significant public health concern. Previous research has highlighted the importance of strength and balance exercises and falls prevention education in reducing fall incidence among older adults. What this study adds: This study shows the potential for student-run interventions in contributing to falls prevention efforts and improving the wellbeing of aging populations.
HC24057 Abstract | HC24057 Full Text | HC24057PDF (700 KB) | HC24057Supplementary Material (454 KB) Open Access Article
HC24051Towards new forms of communication and surveillance: a mixed methods study of rapid respiratory virus assessment in general practice during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

What is already known: The introduction of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been seen as a rapid and sensitive method for respiratory virus surveillance, and the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the critical need for rapid diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 and the importance of using PCR testing for an accurate assessment. What this study adds: This study demonstrated the feasibility and clinical utility of using point-of-care test (POCT) swabbing for immediate rapid antigen test (RAT) and subsequent PCR testing for respiratory viruses in general practices in the middle of managing a viral pandemic.
HC24051 Abstract | HC24051 Full Text | HC24051PDF (818 KB) Open Access Article
HC24046Establishing the research priorities of a national primary care research network in New Zealand: a Delphi exercise
What is known about the topic: Routinely collected administrative and health data have potential to be used for research that provides real-world health insights that can inform policy and improve clinical practice and population health. Engaging stakeholders to establish priorities can help ensure research is fit for purpose, provides important health benefits, and has the greatest potential to improve health equity. What this study adds: Primary care clinicians and academics identified the top research areas to improve health equity in primary care as the health workforce, health services, mental health, and models of primary health care. The top research questions include evaluating the impacts of annual health checks for people with intellectual disability, the role of allied health as front-line primary health care providers, and the role of an embedded social worker in a general practice clinic setting.
HC24046 Abstract | HC24046 Full Text | HC24046PDF (753 KB) | HC24046Supplementary Material (760 KB) Open Access Article
HC24005Impact of emergency simulation training in primary care: a rapid review
What is known about this topic: There is a current paucity of research in emergency simulation training in primary care. Although there is literature on the use that emergency simulation education has in secondary care services such as emergency medicine (EM) or for intensive care unit (ICU) staff, it is not well established or validated in primary care. What this study adds: To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first literature review of studies that evaluate the use of emergency care simulations for primary care clinicians. The findings from this review can help inform and guide the appropriate education and training of primary care clinicians.
HC24005 Abstract | HC24005 Full Text | HC24005PDF (797 KB) Open Access Article
Just Accepted
These articles have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. They are still in production and have not been edited, so may differ from the final published form.
Telerehabilitation for mTBI patients: Patients’ Preferences in Aotearoa

Most Read
The Most Read ranking is based on the number of downloads in the last 60 days from papers published on the CSIRO PUBLISHING website within the last 12 months. Usage statistics are updated daily.
Respiratory research with Māori and Pacific children living in Aotearoa, New Zealand: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Journal of Primary Health Care 17 (1) -
Rural Māori experiences of accessing heart health care: a Kaupapa Māori qualitative analysis
Journal of Primary Health Care 17 (1) -
Conventional medication adherence and self-treatment practices among South Asian immigrants: a qualitative study
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (4) -
Interprofessional communication between general dental practitioners and general medical practitioners: a qualitative study
Journal of Primary Health Care 17 (1) -
Practice pharmacists in the primary healthcare team in Aotearoa New Zealand: a national survey
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (4) -
Community pharmacy service provision to adults with palliative care needs in their last year of life: a scoping review
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (4) -
Advanced practice physiotherapists in primary health care: stakeholders’ views of a new scope of practice
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (2) -
Ethical assessment of virtual consultation services: scoping review and development of a practical ethical checklist
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (3) -
An update on Closed Books in general practice in Aotearoa New Zealand
Journal of Primary Health Care (Online Early) -
Struggling to afford medicines: a qualitative exploration of the experiences of participants in the FreeMeds study
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (4) -
Managing medicines-related continuity of care: the views of a range of prescribers in New Zealand general practice
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (4) -
Patient perceptions of barriers to effective migraine management in Aotearoa New Zealand
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (4) -
Rural hospital contributions to community health: community perspectives from a New Zealand rural hospital
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (3) -
Registered nurses’ antimicrobial stewardship roles: a qualitative descriptive exploratory study
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (4) -
Nurses’ and general practitioners’ perspectives on oral health in primary care: a qualitative study
Journal of Primary Health Care 17 (1) -
Medicines use and polypharmacy in retirement village residents in Aotearoa New Zealand: a point prevalence observational study
Journal of Primary Health Care 16 (4)