Microbiology Australia
Volume 39 Number 1 2018
Environmental Microbiomes
MA18003The importance of resolving biogeographic patterns of microbial microdiversity
Alexander B Chase and Jennifer BH Martiny
pp. 5-8
MA18004Viruses in corals: hidden drivers of coral bleaching and disease?
Patrick Buerger and Madeleine JH van Oppen
pp. 9-12
MA18005Swimming in the sea: chemotaxis by marine bacteria
Justin R Seymour and Jean-Baptiste Raina
pp. 12-16
MA18006Emerging microbiome technologies for sustainable increase in farm productivity and environmental security
Brajesh K Singh, Pankaj Trivedi, Saurabh Singh, Catriona A Macdonald and Jay Prakash Verma
pp. 17-23
MA18007Manipulating the soil microbiome for improved nitrogen management
Hang-Wei Hu and Ji-Zheng He
pp. 24-27
MA18008Life without water: how do bacteria generate biomass in desert ecosystems?
Sean Bay, Belinda Ferrari and Chris Greening
pp. 28-32
MA18009Rock-art microbiome: influences on long term preservation of historic and culturally important engravings
Deirdre B Gleeson, Matthias Leopold, Benjamin Smith and John L Black
pp. 33-36
MA18011Establishing microbial baselines to identify indicators of coral reef health
Bettina Glasl, David G Bourne, Pedro R Frade and Nicole S Webster
pp. 42-46
MA18012Engineering biological nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment via the control of nitrite oxidising bacteria using free nitrous acid
Andrew Elohim Laloo and Philip L Bond
pp. 47-49
MA18013Microbial cooperation improves bioleaching recovery rates
Melissa K Corbett and Elizabeth LJ Watkin
pp. 50-52
MA18014Understanding microbiomes through trait-based ecology
Jennifer L Wood and Ashley E Franks
pp. 53-56
MA18015Incorporating fungal community ecology into invasion biology: challenges and opportunities
Eleonora Egidi and Ashley E Franks
pp. 56-60