The APPEA Journal has been documenting the pulse of the Australian upstream petroleum industry since its first publication in 1961. It is recognised in the upstream oil and gas industry as Australia’s leading peer-reviewed publication for information on geoscience, engineering and business management.

The APPEA Journal
Volume 62 2022
AJ21216Key lessons in planning for proactive decommissioning – a review of the Thevenard Island decommissioning project
Christopher M. Jones, Michael B. Boisvert, Shannon L. Dolbel, Richard P. Langsford, George N. Farag, Kellie A. Rinaldi, Jennifer D. Brauhart, Paul Y. Hoffman and Grant A. Brunsdon
pp. 1-13
AJ21115Naturally derived carbon material for hydrogen storage
Bashirul Haq, Dhafer Al-Shehri, Amir Al-Ahmed, Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Mahmoud M. Abdelnaby, Nasiru Salahu Muhammed, Ehsan Zaman, Md Abdul Aziz, Stefan Iglauer and Mohammed Sofian Ali Khalid
pp. 24-32
AJ21116Intelligent monitoring of fugitive emissions – comparison of continuous monitoring with intelligent analytics to other emissions monitoring technologies
Michelle J. Liu, Karren N. Izquierdo and Dennis S. Prince
pp. 56-65
AJ21023Application of heel intersect horizontal well concept in coal bed methane play: a case study
Han Lu, Mariano Ospina Guevara, Chunlin Zhao and Lijun Zhu
pp. 66-76
AJ21048Co-application of micro-proppant with horizontal well, multi-stage hydraulic fracturing treatments to improve productivity in the Permian coal measures, Bowen Basin, Australia
Honja Miharisoa Ramanandraibe, Mohammad Sedaghat, Raymond Johnson and Vanessa Santiago
pp. 77-91
AJ21120Dynamic Risk Advisor – real time bowtie risk assessment monitoring system
Gustavo F. O. Silva, Augusto Borella, Rodrigo Chamusca Machado, Carlos Aberto Almeida, Luiz Penido, Renan Carvalho, Andre Mengatti and Luciana J. Alcantara
pp. 92-105
AJ21135Modelling of High Point Vents in water gathering systems – a new approach using Simcenter Flomaster
Jurgen Sprengel, Pedro Milano, Ryan Sfand and Doug Kolak
pp. 106-115
AJ21186Environmentally assisted fatigue failure of drill pipe connections
Judy Turnbull, Roger G. Metcalfe and Roger Costanzi
pp. 116-124
AJ21095Lessons Learned – incorporation of action management for inherent learning and prioritisation through opportunity matrix
Mark Williams and Andy Sutherland
pp. 125-140
AJ21113A quantitative method for evaluating ecological risks associated with long-term degradation of deep-sea plastic-containing infrastructure
Alexander N. Testoff, Nicholas A. Nelson and Joseph P. Nicolette
pp. 141-158
AJ21202Enhancing the management of decommissioning activities in joint development areas
Aaron Tung
pp. 172-184
AJ21146Hydrogen storage potential of depleted oil and gas fields in Western Australia
Adam Craig, Stephen Newman, Peter Stephenson, Chris Evans, Shaun Yancazos and Simon Barber
pp. 185-195
AJ21172Seismic, petrophysical and petrological constraints on the alteration of igneous rocks in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: implications for petroleum exploration and drilling operations
Michael S. Curtis, Simon P. Holford, Mark A. Bunch and Nick J. Schofield
pp. 196-222
AJ21171Natural hydrogen exploration in Australia – state of knowledge and presentation of a case study
Emanuelle Frery, Laurent Langhi and Jelena Markov
pp. 223-234
AJ21090The transformation of Australia’s first commercial CSG field into a major gas project: how innovation and subsurface understanding has driven its success
Justin Gorton and Mike Martin
pp. 235-244
AJ21018Petroleum supersystems in the greater McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia: prospectivity of the world’s oldest stacked systems with emphasis on the McArthur Supersystem
Amber J. M. Jarrett, Tim J. Munson, Ben Williams, Adam H. E. Bailey and Tehani Palu
pp. 245-262
AJ21018 Abstract | AJ21018 Full Text | AJ21018PDF (8.2 MB) Open Access Article
AJ21092The Petrel Sub-basin: a world-class CO2 store – mapping and modelling of a scalable and commercially viable CCS development
Rosie Johnstone and Linda Stalker
pp. 263-280
AJ21077The search for new oil and CO2 storage resources: residual oil zones in Australia
pp. 281-293
AJ21077 Abstract | AJ21077 Full Text | AJ21077PDF (11 MB) Open Access Article
AJ21071Uncertainty analysis on environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing
Abbas Movassagh, Elaheh Arjomand, Dane Kasperczyk, James Kear and Tess Dance
pp. 310-318
AJ21189Seamless in seam – new geosteering technology delivered challenging coal seam gas project with success
Arman Nick Kholgh, Martin Mackinlay, Sophie Garrard, Mohammad Zaman, Haifeng Wang, Chris Hibberson, Nicholas Challands, Hoan Van Luu, Rohit Tekale, Francis Advent Kalukal, Yang Liu and Nadia Ardikani
pp. 319-333
AJ21038The Reids Dome beds and its coal seam gas characteristics – Queensland’s latest coal seam gas target
Steven G. Scott and Brent Glassborow
pp. 342-360
AJ21130Gold (hydrogen) rush: risks and uncertainties in exploring for naturally occurring hydrogen
Linda Stalker, Asrar Talukder, Julian Strand, Matthew Josh and Mohinudeen Faiz
pp. 361-380
AJ21076Petrophysical characterisation of the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian successions in the Officer Basin
Liuqi Wang, Adam H. E. Bailey, Lidena K. Carr, Dianne S. Edwards, Kamal Khider, Jade Anderson, Christopher J. Boreham, Chris Southby, David N. Dewhurst, Lionel Esteban, Stuart Munday and Paul A. Henson
pp. 381-399
AJ21076 Abstract | AJ21076 Full Text | AJ21076PDF (16.3 MB) Open Access Article