Australian Energy Producers Journal
Volume 64 2024
EP23130Advocating for a behavioural science approach to inclusion and diversity
EP23193Securing the Australian CCS project rollout by improving aspects of the GHG storage legislation: a discussion paper
EP23152Alternative application of availability and deliverability studies to reduce the energy sectors’ carbon emissions
EP23217Optimising CO2 storage resource utilisation: insights from the Otway Stage 4 field program

EP23127Stochastic model for migration and breakage of detrital and authigenic fines
EP23124Case study using APDMS and RPEMS for SAWL pipes and benefits for offshore pipelay
EP23113Deep bed filtration and formation damage by particles with distributed properties
EP23110Transforming offshore field developments with Pivotree™: an innovative technology solution for fast, cost effective, and low footprint projects
EP23110 Abstract | EP23110 Full Text | EP23110PDF (4.4 MB) | EP23110Supplementary Material (3.4 MB) Open Access Article
EP23240Static contact angle, interfacial tension, and column height measurements for underground hydrogen storage
EP23029Exploring for the Future: new geomechanical data in frontier Australian basins
EP23029 Abstract | EP23029 Full Text | EP23029PDF (3.6 MB) Open Access Article
EP23192Challenges and opportunities in Australian greenhouse gas storage legislation: insights from the CarbonNet project
EP23134Real-time chemostratigraphy at wellsite; removing drilling uncertainties
EP23186New insights into the Kingia Sandstone facies distribution, and implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity, north Perth Basin, Western Australia
EP23112A speculative ridge within the Kidson Sub-basin – integrated interpretation from geophysical data
EP23112 Abstract | EP23112 Full Text | EP23112PDF (12.5 MB) Open Access Article
EP23206Comparing hybrid method simulations to hydrogen dispersion and explosion tests
S1: Proceedings
Australian Energy Producers Journal
Volume 64 2024
S1: Proceedings
EP232742023 PESA business environment review
EP23038Exploring innovation in operations – the Multi-user Remote Operations Centre (MROC) concept
EP23253 Abstract | EP23253 Full Text (Non peer reviewed)
EP23236The rising significance of the Perth Basin
EP23239Beetaloo’s gas bounty: potential for LNG exports and domestic supply
EP23252The ongoing transformational journey of Australia’s oldest and largest oil and gas operation
EP23122Transitioning a hydrogen facility from project to operations
EP23155Critical supply chains and Australian maritime training requirements
EP23116Safeguard Mechanism reforms – how big and how much will it cost?
EP23065Leadership and talent attraction and retention – an existential risk to our industry
EP23259Leading transformations – a holistic approach to leadership development
EP23269Planning for complex decommissioning projects in Australia – Gippsland Basin case study
EP23136Steps to accelerate net zero delivery
EP23261Geoscience skills supplement emissions reduction through carbon solutions
EP23223Building a carbon storage portfolio for the Barrow and Dampier sub-basins – a national resource
EP23277Enhancing maintenance efficiency in energy assets through AI: a case study of maintAI
EP23278Charting a path to low-carbon leadership: unlocking up to 90% emissions reductions in greenfield LNG
EP23218Monitor and reduce emissions to meet compliance and sustainability goals
EP23085Development of long-distance and large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chain using liquefied CO2 ship transportation
EP23085 Abstract | EP23085 Full Text | EP23085PDF (764 KB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23146Comparative analysis of hydrogen production pathways for emethanol synthesis to decarbonise industry
EP23066Megawatts to methane – a deep drop in emissions reduction transition for existing regional gas-based ammonia plants
EP23167From carrot to stick – the impact of a changing landscape of CCS policy and funding in Australia since 1999
EP23061Brownfield modifications to convert existing gas production facilities for CCS operations
EP23067Developing a ‘fit for purpose’ approach to measuring methane emissions
EP23104The potential for CO2 storage in residual oil zones in onshore Australian basins
EP23104 Abstract | EP23104 Full Text | EP23104PDF (2.6 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23150Emissions reduction in LNG production facilities through emerging post-combustion carbon capture and storage technologies
EP23073Hydrogen and carbon capture utilisation and storage policy for progress on climate change mitigation
EP23208Angel CCS project – decarbonising the hard-to-abate industries of WA
EP23266Accelerating industrial decarbonisation through common user infrastructure
EP23140Commercialising carbon capture and storage – how much does regulatory certainty truly matter?
EP23153A satellite constellation dedicated to frequently monitor methane emissions from oil and gas facilities around the world
EP23178Cost-effective and modular CO2 capture to support decarbonisation for oil and gas, industrial and hard-to-abate sectors
EP23216The Australian Hydrogen Centre – feasibility studies for achieving 10 and 100% renewable hydrogen in South Australia and Victoria
EP23091Operating in the context of evolving climate disclosure practices and frameworks
EP23095Emissions, carbon abatement and data integration: CCS projects
EP23212Modelling CO2 storage in oil and gas reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin
EP23171The Bayu-Undan liquid CO2 import facilities – finding an effective solution
EP23265Life of field emission forecast development and reduction option screening for a multi-train LNG hub
EP23097Are Australian carbon prices sufficient to support decarbonisation in gas production?
EP23162New dog old tricks – process safety for the energy transition
EP23078Sand fill cleanout on wireline enables access to additional perforation zones in gas well producer
EP23188The case for integrated IMR programs: increasing operational efficiency with a holistic approach that reduces risk and carbon emissions
EP23196Predicting ground surface deformation induced from CO2 plume movement using machine learning
EP23144Monitoring geomechanical pumped storage in horizontal fluid-filled lenses with surface tiltmeters
EP23087Empowering process safety hazard awareness and technical learning in energy operations
EP23257Analysis of an existing hydrocarbon gas pipeline for conversion to dense phase CO2 service
EP23257 Abstract | EP23257 Full Text | EP23257PDF (1.2 MB) (Non peer reviewed)
EP23111Requalification of pipelines for CO2 transport – giving new life to the Bayu-Undan and Reindeer pipelines
EP23123A novel approach for geomechanical modelling in the absence of stress magnitude data
EP23163Bayesian inversion of tilt data using a machine-learned surrogate model for pressurised fractures
EP23165Maximising opportunities from integration of decommissioning and offshore wind activities
EP23070Asset management and risk based process safety management approaches to the energy trilemma
EP23092The study on mechanism of water–rock reaction in shale oil formation rich in alkaline minerals in Mahu Sag by using supercritical CO2
EP23197Shipwreck and Sherbrook supersequence regional gross depositional environments, offshore Otway Basin
EP23197 Abstract | EP23197 Full Text | EP23197PDF (4.9 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23180Geomechanical risk assessment of injection test for a carbon storage site appraisal, offshore Northern Territory
EP23224Building a carbon dioxide storage portfolio for the Barrow-Dampier sub-basins through regional screening – an integrated geoscience approach
EP23210Early exploration modelling of natural hydrogen systems through the use of existing open source data
EP23059Australia’s Future Energy Resources project: the untapped potential of onshore low carbon energy resources
EP23059 Abstract | EP23059 Full Text | EP23059PDF (4.5 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23048Source rocks of the Birrindudu Basin: perspectives from a new sampling program
EP23048 Abstract | EP23048 Full Text | EP23048PDF (2.7 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23170The Rafael gas-condensate discovery – a potential game-changer in the Canning Basin
EP23173Exploration potential of Papua New Guinea – latest multiclient 3D provides new insight into the underexplored Papuan Basin over the Papuan and Eastern Plateaus
EP23173 Abstract | EP23173 Full Text | EP23173PDF (12 MB) (Non peer reviewed)
EP23083Gross depositional environment mapping in the onshore South Australian Otway Basin: an example of data integration
EP23090Petroleum systems analysis of the onshore Otway Basin, South Australia
EP23279A preliminary assessment of regional CO2 storage potential in the onshore northern Perth Basin
EP23279 Abstract | EP23279 Full Text | EP23279PDF (2.1 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23032Beetaloo gas, hydrogen and geothermal resources – insights from 3D basin modelling
EP23263Insights into the depositional setting for the Gippsland Basin from modern basin-wide 3D datasets
EP23204Chemostratigraphy of the Sherbrook Supersequence – 13 wells from the offshore Otway Basin
EP23204 Abstract | EP23204 Full Text | EP23204PDF (2.7 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23189Post-stack 3D merging to fast-track regional interpretation – offshore Otway Basin case study
EP23189 Abstract | EP23189 Full Text | EP23189PDF (5.3 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23103A feasibility study of Boree Salt body mapping in the Adavale Basin using passive seismic data
EP23213The role of salt basins in the race to net zero: a focus on Australian basins and key research topics
EP23213 Abstract | EP23213 Full Text | EP23213PDF (2.3 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23094Development of a novel seismic acquisition system based on fully autonomous ocean bottom nodes
EP23203Sediment provenance analysis of the early Permian reservoirs of the Perth Basin
EP23201A new perspective on regional structural architecture across the offshore Otway Basin
EP23201 Abstract | EP23201 Full Text | EP23201PDF (6.2 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23198The central and southeast offshore Otway Basin well folio
EP23198 Abstract | EP23198 Full Text | EP23198PDF (2.9 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23145Evergreening of seismic data to enable carbon storage screening at scale – a case study from the Barrow-Dampier sub-basins
EP23089Revisiting the rocks discovers turbidites and a new exploration play in the Penola Trough, Otway Basin, South Australia
EP23211Structural framework of the Caswell Sub-basin, North West Shelf, Australia
EP23053Unconventional hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Paleoproterozoic Fraynes Formation in Manbulloo S1, Northern Territory
EP23053 Abstract | EP23053 Full Text | EP23053PDF (2.8 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
EP23119Ramsay 1 and Ramsay 2, learnings from the first natural hydrogen exploration wells in Australia
EP23137The impact of exploration/appraisal activities on the recovery per well in North Perth Basin
EP23202Toward less carbon-intensive, faster gas-to-market offshore development schemes a case study of using discovered resources in the Bedout Sub-basin
EP23100Global focus on ESG in the supply chain – insights into supply chain management of Environmental, Social and Governance requirements and trends both locally and globally
EP23118A path to make well-informed decisions when considering the decommissioning of subsea pipelines
EP23068Decommissioning and restoration: early planning is critical to an efficient and risk-minimised process
EP23268Whale detection and microseismic monitoring via DAS using submarine telecommunications cables – a case study from the NWS, Western Australia

EP23154Prioritising mental health: a focus on energy sector fabrication workforce
EP23222Passive well monitoring systems and carbon, capture and storage (CCS) application
EP23077The bystander approach to prevention
EP23184Satellite based oil spill emergency response and recovery support
EP23049Rehabilitation challenges for the onshore coal seam gas sector in Australia
EP23141Ammonia – an assessment of potential environmental impacts including prevention and mitigation measures
EP23114Repurposing oil and gas infrastructure as artificial reefs – a global perspective
EP23101Energy efficiency as an accelerator to environmental and operational performance
EP23244Changes in well control training to meet the challenge of reducing well control incidents
EP23105From port to disposal: a strategic view to Australia’s O&G decommissioning success across the value chain
EP23235Implications of Western Australia’s updated domestic gas policy
EP23242Unpacking the decline: Australian E&P capital trends in a global context
EP23055Beetaloo or bust: the route to commercial success for an Australian shale play
EP23055 Abstract | EP23055 Full Text | EP23055PDF (748 KB) (Non peer reviewed)