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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire
Table of Contents

Volume 34 Number 3 2025

The role of fire in consuming herbivore dung and affecting nutrient dynamics in savannas, shown graphically.

Fire and herbivores are vital for savannas, affecting nutrient cycling. We examined wild large herbivore dung burned during African savanna fires. Burning reduced carbon in dung more than in grass fuels, with ash from dung being richer in nutrients and metals. Considering dung in fuel inventories improves carbon emission estimates.

This article belongs to the collection: Savanna burning.

WF24178Burning from the ground up: the structure and impact of Prescribed Burn Associations in the United States

Alison Deak 0000-0003-3750-730X, Jennifer E. Fawcett 0000-0002-6228-3937, Lenya Quinn-Davidson, Christopher Adlam, John R. Weir and Jeffery Stackhouse

Three photos showing examples of PBA-led prescribed burns in the western US, southeastern US, and Great Plains.

Innumerable barriers exist for private landowners wishing to manage their properties using beneficial fire in the United States. Results from our nationwide survey of Prescribed Burn Associations demonstrate how they are mobilizing thousands of volunteers to overcome these barriers and reclaim local fire stewardship.

WF24002Fire weather severity in southern Africa is increasing faster and more extensively in the late than in the early dry season

Sílvia Catarino 0000-0002-8915-6647, João M. N. Silva, Alana K. Neves, Duarte Oom and José M. C. Pereira 0000-0003-2583-3669

This study explores climate’s influence on fire occurrence in African savannas, revealing an increasing trend in fire danger, especially in the late dry season. Findings highlight the need for adaptive measures to mitigate wildfire impacts and highlight the importance of anticipating human-caused fires to reduce emissions and protect biodiversity.

This article belongs to the collection: Savanna Burning.

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