Environmental Chemistry
Volume 5 Number 2 2008
RESEARCH FRONT: Environmental Mercury – An Arctic focus
EN08002 A mass balance inventory of mercury in the Arctic Ocean
P. M. Outridge, R. W. Macdonald, F. Wang, G. A. Stern and A. P. Dastoor
pp. 89-111
EN08014Methylmercury exposure and health effects in humans
Anna L. Choi and Philippe Grandjean
pp. 112-120
EN08010Sources, fate and transport of atmospheric mercury from Asia
Dan Jaffe and Sarah Strode
pp. 121-126
EN08003Methylmercury in arctic Alaskan mosquitoes: implications for impact of atmospheric mercury depletion events
Chad R. Hammerschmidt and William F. Fitzgerald
pp. 127-130
EN08001 Chasing quicksilver northward: mercury chemistry in the Arctic troposphere
Ian M. Hedgecock, Nicola Pirrone and Francesca Sprovieri
pp. 131-134
EN07081Macro and micro nutrient limitation of microbial productivity in oligotrophic subtropical Atlantic waters
Joanna L. Dixon
pp. 135-142
EN07096High-resolution two-dimensional quantitative analysis of phosphorus, vanadium and arsenic, and qualitative analysis of sulfide, in a freshwater sediment
Anthony Stockdale, William Davison and Hao Zhang
pp. 143-149
EN07093Evaluation of affinity constants of Cu, Cd, Ca and H for active soil surfaces for a solid phase-controlled soil ligand model
Julien Rachou and Sébastien Sauvé
pp. 150-160
EN08005 Adsorption and desorption of phosphate on Fe2O3: effect of fulvic acid and pH
Tsanangurayi Tongesayi, Eric J. Byam, Sarah B. Keysper and Michael J. Crounce
pp. 161-168
EN07088_COCorrigendum to: Trace metal dynamic speciation studied by scanned stripping chronopotentiometry (SSCP)
Rute F. Domingos, Rócio Lopez and José P. Pinheiro
pp. 169-170