Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 48 Numbers 1 & 2 2008
Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture
EA07306Greenhouse gas emissions from New Zealand agriculture: issues, perspectives and industry response
M. Leslie, M. Aspin and H. Clark
pp. 1-5
EA07218Redirecting rumen fermentation to reduce methanogenesis
T. A. McAllister and C. J. Newbold
pp. 7-13
EA07217Targeted technologies for nitrous oxide abatement from animal agriculture
C. A. M. de Klein and R. J. Eckard
pp. 14-20
EA07199Nutritional management for enteric methane abatement: a review
K. A. Beauchemin, M. Kreuzer, F. O'Mara and T. A. McAllister
pp. 21-27
EA07203Methanogen genomics to discover targets for methane mitigation technologies and options for alternative H2 utilisation in the rumen
Graeme Attwood and Christopher McSweeney
pp. 28-37
EA07197Mitigation strategies for greenhouse gas emissions from animal production systems: synergy between measuring and modelling at different scales
J. W. van Groenigen, R. L. M. Schils, G. L. Velthof, P. J. Kuikman, D. A. Oudendag and O. Oenema
pp. 46-53
EA07200Opportunities and challenges of converting biogas from pig farms into renewable energy in developing countries in Asia – a Malaysian experience
J. B Liang, S. Suzuki, A. Kawamura, A. Habasaki and T. Kato
pp. 54-59
EA07210Managing livestock enterprises in Australia's extensive rangelands for greenhouse gas and environment outcomes: a pastoral company perspective
D. Bentley, R. S. Hegarty and A. R. Alford
pp. 60-64
EA07299Monensin controlled-release capsules for methane mitigation in pasture-fed dairy cows
G. C. Waghorn, H. Clark, V. Taufa and A. Cavanagh
pp. 65-68
EA07236Changes in methane emission and rumen fermentation parameters induced by refaunation in sheep
D. P. Morgavi, J. -P. Jouany and C. Martin
pp. 69-72
EA07224Supplementation with whole cottonseed reduces methane emissions and can profitably increase milk production of dairy cows offered a forage and cereal grain diet
C. Grainger, T. Clarke, K. A. Beauchemin, S. M. McGinn and R. J. Eckard
pp. 73-76
EA07219Absence of persistent methane emission differences in three breeds of dairy cows
A. Münger and M. Kreuzer
pp. 77-82
EA07269Analysis of the Methanobrevibacter ruminantium draft genome: understanding methanogen biology to inhibit their action in the rumen
G. T. Attwood, W. J. Kelly, E. H. Altermann and S. C. Leahy
pp. 83-88
EA07246Using a life cycle assessment method to determine the environmental impacts of manure utilisation: biogas plant and composting systems
T. Hishinuma, H. Kurishima, C. Yang and Y. Genchi
pp. 89-92
EA07239GHG emissions during the storage of rough pig slurry and the fractions obtained by mechanical separation
E. Dinuccio, P. Balsari and W. Berg
pp. 93-95
EA07226Gypsum reduces methane emission during the storage of pig slurry
W. Berg and A. Model
pp. 96-98
EA07250Using the OVERSEER nutrient budget model to estimate on-farm greenhouse gas emissions
D. M. Wheeler, S. F. Ledgard and C. A. M. DeKlein
pp. 99-103
EA07252Greenhouse gas and energy balance of dairy farms using unutilised pasture co-digested with effluent for biogas production
Mark Lieffering, Paul Newton and Jürgen H. Thiele
pp. 104-108
EA07264Predicting livestock productivity and methane emissions in northern Australia: development of a bio-economic modelling approach
E. Charmley, M. L. Stephens and P. M. Kennedy
pp. 109-113
EA07220Livestock methane emission and its perspective in the global methane cycle
Keith R. Lassey
pp. 114-118
EA07240The methanogenic potential and C-isotope fractionation of different diet types represented by either C3 or C4 plants as evaluated in vitro and in dairy cows
F. Klevenhusen, S. M. Bernasconi, M. Kreuzer and C. R. Soliva
pp. 119-123
EA07278Within- and between-animal variance in methane emissions in non-lactating dairy cows
J. B. Vlaming, N. Lopez-Villalobos, I. M. Brookes, S. O. Hoskin and H. Clark
pp. 124-127
EA07263Impact of manure management of different livestock on gaseous emissions: laboratory study
L. Loyon, F. Guiziou and P. Saint Cast
pp. 128-131
EA07256Methane emissions from beef cattle – a comparison of paddock- and animal-scale measurements
Johannes Laubach, Francis M. Kelliher, Terry W. Knight, Harry Clark, German Molano and Adrienne Cavanagh
pp. 132-137
EA07243Verification techniques for N2O emission at the paddock scale in New Zealand: FarmGas2006
Mike Harvey, Elizabeth Pattey, Surinder Saggar, Tony Bromley, Dave Dow, Michael Kotkamp, Ross Martin, Rowena Moss and Jagrati Singh
pp. 138-141
EA07255Methane emissions from anaerobic ponds on a piggery and a dairy farm in New Zealand
R. Craggs, J. Park and S. Heubeck
pp. 142-146
EA07238The effect of increasing rates of nitrogen fertiliser and a nitrification inhibitor on nitrous oxide emissions from urine patches on sheep grazed hill country pasture
Coby J. Hoogendoorn, Cecile A. M. de Klein, Alison J. Rutherford, Selai Letica and Brian P. Devantier
pp. 147-151
EA07298Persistence of defaunation effects on digestion and methane production in ewes
S. H. Bird, R. S. Hegarty and R. Woodgate
pp. 152-155
EA07251Impact of dicyandiamide application on nitrous oxide emissions from urine patches in northern Victoria, Australia
K. B. Kelly, F. A. Phillips and R. Baigent
pp. 156-159
EA07262The effectiveness of dicyandiamide in reducing nitrous oxide emissions from a cattle-grazed, winter forage crop in Southland, New Zealand
L. C. Smith, C. A. M. de Klein, R. M. Monaghan and W. D. Catto
pp. 160-164
EA07280Fumaric acid supplements have no effect on methane emissions per unit of feed intake in wether lambs
German Molano, T. W. Knight and H. Clark
pp. 165-168
EA07265Dicyandiamide application plus incorporation into soil reduces N2O and NH3 emissions from anaerobically digested cattle slurry
X. Tao, T. Matsunaka and T. Sawamoto
pp. 169-174
EA07268Effect of plant extracts on methanogenesis and microbial profile of the rumen of buffalo: a brief overview
D. N. Kamra, A. K. Patra, P. N. Chatterjee, Ravindra Kumar, Neeta Agarwal and L. C. Chaudhary
pp. 175-178
EA07242Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from a dairy farm stand-off pad
J. Luo and S. Saggar
pp. 179-182
EA07204Methane emissions from feedlot cattle in Australia and Canada
S. M. McGinn, D. Chen, Z. Loh, J. Hill, K. A. Beauchemin and O. T. Denmead
pp. 183-185
EA07237Diet composition at weaning affects the rumen microbial population and methane emissions by lambs
D. R. Yáñez-Ruiz, K. J. Hart, A. I. Martin-Garcia, S. Ramos and C. J. Newbold
pp. 186-188
EA07279The effect of oils fed to sheep on methane production and digestion of ryegrass pasture
G. P. Cosgrove, G. C. Waghorn, C. B. Anderson, J. S. Peters, A. Smith, G. Molano and M. Deighton
pp. 189-192
EA07248Isolation of sulfide oxidisers for desulfurising biogas produced from anaerobic piggery wastewater treatment in Taiwan
Jung-Jeng Su, Yen-Jung Chen, Yuan-Chih Chang and Szu-Ching Tang
pp. 193-197
EA07234Ammonia emissions from rough cattle slurry and from derived solid and liquid fractions applied to alfalfa pasture
P. Balsari, E. Dinuccio, E. Santoro and F. Gioelli
pp. 198-201
EA07267Covering dairy slurry stores with hydrophobic fertilisers reduces greenhouse gases and other polluting gas emissions
Naohisa Sakamoto, Masayuki Tani, Ian A. Navarrete, Masanori Koike and Kazutaka Umetsu
pp. 202-207
EA07254Nitrogen and energy balances of a combined anaerobic digestion and electrochemical oxidation process for dairy manure management
Ikko Ihara, Kiyohiko Toyoda, Tsuneo Watanabe and Kazutaka Umetsu
pp. 208-212
EA07276Emissions of the indirect greenhouse gases NH3 and NOx from Australian beef cattle feedlots
O. T. Denmead, D. Chen, D. W. T. Griffith, Z. M. Loh, M. Bai and T. Naylor
pp. 213-218
EA07253The effect of level of intake and forage quality on methane production by sheep
G. Molano and H. Clark
pp. 219-222
EA07297Reliability of the sulfur hexafluoride tracer technique for methane emission measurement from individual animals: an overview
C. S. Pinares-Patiño and H. Clark
pp. 223-229
EA07277Methane emissions from grazing Jersey × Friesian dairy cows in mid lactation
A. Cavanagh, L. McNaughton, H. Clark, C. Greaves, J. M. Gowan, C. Pinares-Patino, D. Dalley, B. Vlaming and G. Molano
pp. 230-233
EA07296Methane emissions from dairy cattle divergently selected for bloat susceptibility
C. S. Pinares-Patiño, G. Molano, A. Smith and H. Clark
pp. 234-239
EA07258Methane emissions from weaned lambs measured at 13, 17, 25 and 35 weeks of age compared with mature ewes consuming a fresh forage diet
T. W. Knight, G. Molano, H. Clark and A. Cavanagh
pp. 240-243
EA07244Measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from Australian feedlot beef production using open-path spectroscopy and atmospheric dispersion modelling
Zoë Loh, Deli Chen, Mei Bai, Travis Naylor, David Griffith, Julian Hill, Tom Denmead, Sean McGinn and Robert Edis
pp. 244-247
EA07241An overview of the international context for greenhouse gas reductions
Helen Plume, Roger Lincoln and Hayden Montgomery
pp. 251-254
EA07247Greenhouse gas emissions from enteric fermentation of livestock in Bolivia: values for 1990–2000 and future projections
E. Garcia-Apaza, O. Paz and I. Arana
pp. 255-259
EA07249Avian (IgY) anti-methanogen antibodies for reducing ruminal methane production: in vitro assessment of their effects
S. R. Cook, P. K. Maiti, A. V. Chaves, C. Benchaar, K. A. Beauchemin and T. A. McAllister
pp. 260-264
EAv48n2policyPolicy options to manage greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector: an Australian perspective
David Ugalde, Jane van Vliet, Anthony McGregor and Bill Slattery
pp. vii-xii