Animal Production Science
Volume 52 Numbers 2 & 3 2012
Applied Genomics for Sustainable Livestock Breeding
ANv52n3_FOForeword: Applied Genomics for Sustainable Livestock Breeding
Genomics provides an opportunity to increase the efficiency of livestock production through faster gain in breeding value, exploitation of dominance and epistasis, minimisation of inbreeding and optimisation of management for individual animals. This increase in efficiency is needed for livestock agriculture to compete for researchers such as land, labour, grain, fertiliser and water in the future.
AN11180 Abstract | AN11180 Full Text | AN11180PDF (135 KB) Open Access Article
Poor signals along supply chains lead to suboptimal targeting of product outcomes and reduced production efficiency. Genetic and genomic information can be used to help form groups of animals and make management decisions that improve focus and profitability in the supply chain. This may be of notable use for some key traits affecting carcass quality and possibly disease resistance, but otherwise, given sufficiently low costs, genomic information will contribute through increased accuracy of management optimisation tools.
AN11092 Abstract | AN11092 Full Text | AN11092PDF (1.4 MB) Open Access Article
AN11120 Genomics and the global beef cattle industry
The development of DNA-based tools for use in the selection of livestock for economically relevant traits is advancing. An impediment to success in providing DNA predictions for traits that are not routinely collected by industry is the very large number of phenotypes required to develop tools with significant predictive power. Global collaborations aimed at combining information from existing datasets across populations are an attractive solution to cost-effectively develop more potent DNA-based selection tools.
AN11120 Abstract | AN11120 Full Text | AN11120PDF (135 KB) Open Access Article
AN11116 Beef cattle breeding in Australia with genomics: opportunities and needs
Genomics offers the opportunity to significantly increase rates of genetic gain in beef cattle breeding by increasing accuracy of selection in young bulls. The immediate challenge is to increase the accuracy of genomic predictions primarily by having greater numbers of animals available with genotypes and phenotypes. Further challenges exist to effectively combine genomic information with traditional sources, and structural changes are needed in the breeding sector for the benefits of genomic selection to be realised by the Australian beef industry.
AN11116 Abstract | AN11116 Full Text | AN11116PDF (188 KB) Open Access Article
AN11098 Designing dairy cattle breeding schemes under genomic selection: a review of international research
Genomic selection is the prediction of genetic merit using a large number of genetic markers. Here we review the implications of this technology on the design of dairy cattle breeding schemes. Rather than waiting until a bull has daughters with phenotypic records, a process that typically takes 5–6 years, young bulls with breeding values estimated using their genetic markers, that have no progeny, can be selected and used as sires of the next generation.
AN11098 Abstract | AN11098 Full Text | AN11098PDF (150 KB) Open Access Article
AN11119 Genomic selection in French dairy cattle
This paper presents how genomic selection is implemented and has rapidly developed in French dairy cattle since 2009. The approach is a generalised marker-assisted selection and relies on the preselection of several hundred genomic regions found to be important for the quality of the prediction. Young bulls evaluated on the basis of their genome are going to replace traditional progeny-tested bulls.
AN11119 Abstract | AN11119 Full Text | AN11119PDF (249 KB) Open Access Article
Feeding the world’s growing population with qualitative food is the core aim of agricultural production. The production of eggs in mainly developing countries will gain more significance as demands for the same soar. To safeguard the production of a high number of eggs, it is essential to conduct early selection of the most promising male within full sib families in poultry breeding. Genome-wide selection is presently in the initial stages but it is expected to increase significantly with the further development of single nucleotide polymorphism chips with greater capacity. This paper discusses the pros and cons and provides an elaborate insight into this subject.
AN11071 Abstract | AN11071 Full Text | AN11071PDF (504 KB) Open Access Article
AN11117 Integration of genomic information into beef cattle and sheep genetic evaluations in Australia
Genomic information has the potential to change the way Australian beef cattle and sheep are selected. Both industries have made considerable progress in developing the resources required to underpin this genomic selection, including large populations of animals with DNA genotypes matched to performance for many economically important traits. Information from these populations is now being used to increase the accuracy of selecting animals in industry herds and flocks, with the potential of substantially increasing genetic gains.
AN11117 Abstract | AN11117 Full Text | AN11117PDF (152 KB) Open Access Article
AN11095 Next generation sequencing of African and Indicine cattle to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms
Tropically adapted breeds of cattle have so far not been well characterised at the level of DNA variation. We sequenced the genomes of a Brahman, an Africander and a Tuli bull, using next generation sequencing. We discovered a total of 6.35 million single nucleotide polymorphisms in the three animals, as well as evidence of genetic selection and long stretches of homozygosity.
AN11095 Abstract | AN11095 Full Text | AN11095PDF (2.8 MB) Open Access Article
AN11165 Finding genes for economically important traits: Brahman cattle puberty
The age at which cattle achieve puberty affects the efficiency of beef production. As this trait is in part genetically determined, it is a worthwhile target for genetic selection. To assist with selective breeding, we performed a genome-wide association study and discovered genes associated with age at puberty on chromosomes 14 and X. Knowledge of genes with associations to cattle puberty contributes to our understanding of this important developmental process and will result in breeding a more reproductively efficient beef herd.
AN11165 Abstract | AN11165 Full Text | AN11165PDF (721 KB) | AN11165Supplementary Material (1.6 MB) Open Access Article
AN11099 Chicks and single-nucleotide polymorphisms: an entrée into identifying genes conferring disease resistance in chicken
Marek’s disease, a T-cell lymphoma caused by an infectious herpesvirus, is one of the most serious diseases for the poultry industry. We implemented a novel strategy that identifies potentially all the individual genes that respond to virus infection. This provides the genetic basis for Marek’s disease resistance, which can be used to select birds that are healthy and have improved agronomic traits.
AN11099 Abstract | AN11099 Full Text | AN11099PDF (216 KB) Open Access Article
AN11085 Design and phenotyping procedures for recording wool, skin, parasite resistance, growth, carcass yield and quality traits of the SheepGENOMICS mapping flock
The SheepGENOMICS program was designed to deliver DNA markers for commercial breeding programs. A resource flock of almost 5000 ewes joined over 2 years to 21 industry sires was established, and progeny were extensively phenotyped and genotyped with DNA markers. Here, we describe the experimental design and sample collection procedures, and provide a summary of the basic measurements taken.
AN11085 Abstract | AN11085 Full Text | AN11085PDF (342 KB) | AN11085Supplementary Material (96 KB) Open Access Article
AN11166 Industrial perspective: capturing the benefits of genomics to Irish cattle breeding
Ireland has implemented genomic selection in its dairy breeding program. A unique collaboration enabled genomic predictions to be developed and used widely to deliver a major increase in the rate of genetic gain. The Irish cattle breeding infrastructure needs to be modified to ensure the benefits of genomic selection for dairy and beef can be fully captured and risks associated with potential undesirable correlated responses are quickly identified and ameliorated.
AN11166 Abstract | AN11166 Full Text | AN11166PDF (183 KB) Open Access Article
AN11172 A review of how dairy farmers can use and profit from genomic technologies
In this paper we review some of the opportunities that dairy farmers have to use genetic marker technology to improve the profitability of their businesses. These include: optimal sire selection; improving difficult or expensive to measure traits; choosing the best heifers to become replacements; parentage verification; and avoiding genetic defects.
AN11172 Abstract | AN11172 Full Text | AN11172PDF (142 KB) Open Access Article
AN11060 Where in the beef-cattle supply chain might DNA tests generate value?
DNA technologies have the potential to generate information of value to beef cattle producers, meat processors and consumers. This information may be used to breed better cattle, optimise the management of cattle as they move from pasture to plate, and improve the quality of beef available to consumers. This field of genomics is likely to play an increasingly important role in beef cattle production, especially given the rapidly declining cost of genotyping and determining the DNA sequence of an animal.
AN11060 Abstract | AN11060 Full Text | AN11060PDF (298 KB) Open Access Article