The APPEA Journal
Volume 61 Conference Proceedings 2021
AJ20113Geological overview of the 2021 offshore acreage release areas
AJ20116Distribution and estimates of Australia's identified energy commodity resources
AJ20143A new engagement approach for regulatory submissions
AJ20161Impact of hydrogen solubility on depleted gas field's caprock: an application for underground hydrogen storage
AJ20119Policy roadmap to net zero: the role of gas in decarbonising the National Energy Market
AJ20024Assessing the impacts of scale residues from offshore oil and gas decommissioning on marine organisms
AJ20182Using a satellite-aircraft hybrid system based on the same sensor to monitor oil and gas facilities for methane emissions
AJ20022Potential impacts of shale and tight gas developments on unconfined aquifers – a chemical screening framework
AJ20145Disruption and damages: climate-related risks to the Australian oil and gas sector
AJ20136Moomba carbon capture and storage case study: material emissions reduction at Moomba plant
AJ20156International standardisation driving global competitiveness and sustainability of the oil and gas and future energy industries
AJ20150How the upstream oil and gas industry can leverage interdisciplinary research to more effectively engage with Indigenous communities
AJ20148Mobile autonomous methane monitoring stations for emission measurement
AJ20106Importance of Australia's offshore oil and gas infrastructure for fish
AJ20144The CSIRO In-Situ Laboratory: a field laboratory for derisking underground gas storage
AJ20050Tracking industry responsiveness to COVID-19 – what has happened and what lies ahead
AJ20118Australia offshore well inventory characterisation and decommissioning cost saving opportunities through cap rock restoration and rigless/riserless techniques
AJ20042Real time emissions monitoring: the foundation of a blockchain enabled carbon economy
AJ20190Development of the clean hydrogen industry in Australia – a regulatory and fiscal roadmap for the fuel of the future
AJ20204The Australian CCS roadmap – a reflection on lessons learned and considerations for future success
AJ20049Deferred maintenance – a major industry challenge?
AJ20120Green pivot: can Australia master the hydrogen trade?
AJ20032Geological and Bioregional Assessments: a program to encourage industry development and improve regulatory efficiency while maintaining the highest possible environmental standards
AJ20035Geological and Bioregional Assessments: assessing the prospectivity for tight, shale and deep-coal resources in the Cooper Basin, Beetaloo Subbasin and Isa Superbasin
AJ20035 Abstract | AJ20035 Full Text | AJ20035PDF (2.6 MB) | AJ20035Presentation (PDF 3.8 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
AJ20037Geological and Bioregional Assessments: assessing direct and indirect impacts using causal networks
AJ20036Geological and Bioregional Assessments: a tale of two basins
AJ20074Transforming Australia's approach to decommissioning research
AJ20202Understanding pygmy blue whale movement and distribution off north Western Australia
AJ20117Finding net zero: how green LNG can improve the competitiveness of Australian LNG
AJ20176Keys to successful negotiation of indigenous land use agreements and building consent for the development of natural resources, The Great Sandy Desert Project, a case study
AJ20188Innovation and instrumentation in CO2 monitoring wells for reservoir surveillance and advanced diagnostics
AJ20096Novel collaborative P&A campaign using inflatable packers and bismuth alloy plugs
AJ20048Effective engagement on process safety fundamentals in challenging times
AJ20047Using digital twins and data analytics to make informed operational decisions – a centrifugal compressor case study
AJ20115Case study for CO2 removal using Fluor Solvent for offshore natural gas treatment
AJ20067Establishing principles in digital transformation through comparative analysis of frameworks and development strategies in platform/coding development for consulting
AJ20071Application of battery energy storage systems in industrial facilities
AJ20079Low-salinity carbonated water injection in sandstone reservoirs: interplay between oil recovery improvement, salinity and fines migration
AJ20039Exploring for the Future geomechanics: breaking down barriers to exploration
AJ20039 Abstract | AJ20039 Full Text | AJ20039PDF (1.4 MB) | AJ20039Presentation (PDF 724 KB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
AJ20114Resolving lithostratigraphic complexities in the Crayfish Group, Otway Basin using chemostratigraphy
AJ20034The West Erregulla gas discovery. Implications for an extensive Permian play fairway across the onshore northern Perth Basin, Western Australia
AJ20137Controls on the preservation of Jurassic volcanism in the Northern Carnarvon Basin
AJ20177Measurement of gas contents in shale reservoirs – impact of gas density and implications for gas resource estimates
AJ20134Integration of new interpretation, attribute analysis and inversion results for the Dampier Sub-basin, North West Shelf of Australia
AJ20027Geochemical evidence for a new Triassic petroleum system on the western margin of Australia
AJ20027 Abstract | AJ20027 Full Text | AJ20027PDF (1.9 MB) Open Access Article (Non peer reviewed)
AJ20056Storing CO2 in buried volcanoes
AJ20056 Abstract | AJ20056 Full Text | AJ20056PDF (1.9 MB) | AJ20056Presentation (PDF 2.9 MB) (Non peer reviewed)