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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats
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Wildlife Research

Wildlife Research

Volume 52 Number 1 2025

WR24050Adaptive management of a remote threatened-species population on Aboriginal lands

J. L. Read 0000-0003-0605-5259, R. West 0000-0001-8577-3317, Grant Nyaningu and Warru Rangers , Oska Mills and B. L. Phillips


We reviewed how the trajectories of a warru population (black-flanked rock wallaby) in the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands of remote northern South Australia responded to rainfall and to different predator-control strategies. Repeated scat counts provided a robust index of population changes while requiring less overall logistical and financial costs than did correlated mark–recapture estimates. The 22-year dataset showed positive response of warru to rainfall and to management of invasive predators by shooting, but not by baiting. Photograph by John Read.

This article belongs to the collection: Indigenous and cross-cultural wildlife research in Australia.

Map of Country. Source Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation.

Aboriginal conversations usually occur around a fire so that we can sit on Country and immerse ourselves through talk and connect with our Country (natural world). The act of Yarning serves as a medium to establish and build respectful relationships, exchange stories and traditions and preserve and pass on cultural knowledge. This interview with Doc Reynolds began like all other initial Yarning conversations on who we are and where we belong. Image by Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation. Source:

This article belongs to the collection: Indigenous and cross-cultural wildlife research in Australia.

WR24022Exploring a new Biocultural Credit Assessment Framework: case study for Indigenous-led fauna management from the Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area, Australia

Daniel G. Smuskowitz 0009-0004-0297-3815, Emilie J. Ens, Bridget Campbell 0000-0001-6032-9471, Bobby M. Wunuŋmurra, Bandipandi Wunuŋmurra, Luḻparr George Waṉambi, Brendan Banygada Wunuŋmurra, Butjiaŋanybuy Thomas Marrkula, Darren G. Waṉambi and The Yirralka Rangers

Field work with Elders, youth, and researchers during fauna survey.

Warning: this article contains names and images of deceased Aboriginal people.

Even though Indigenous Peoples manage significant proportions of Earth’s biodiversity, conservation finance mechanisms often fail to incorporate Indigenous cultural values. This study presents a proof of concept for a new Biocultural Credit Assessment Framework that prioritises Indigenous concerns, indicators, targets and actions to inform an Indigenous-led biocultural conservation project. Following a fauna survey, nine Elders identified six concerns, ten indicators, six targets and six actions that could potentially feed into a biocultural credit market to diversify income and enhance Indigenous-led conservation. Photograph by Daniel Smuskowitz.

This article belongs to the collection: Indigenous and cross-cultural wildlife research in Australia.

WR24122No evidence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus 2 infection in scavengers of wild rabbits in Australia

Ina L. Smith 0000-0001-5807-3737, Nina Huang, Megan Pavy, Alexander Gofton, Omid Fahri, Egi Kardia, Roslyn Mourant, Sammi Chong, Maria Jenckel, Robyn N. Hall and Tanja Strive

A photograph of a rabbit killed by rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus.

Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) 2 causes an often fatal infection in rabbits and hares; however, there are concerns about the host specificity of this virus. We investigated scavengers of rabbits for infection with RHDV2 and found no evidence of productive infections. This study has provided insights into the safety of RHDV2, addressing potential routes of spread and possible reservoir hosts. Photograph by Roslyn Mourant.

WR24170An improved method of capture and immobilisation for medium to large-size macropods

Miguel A. Bedoya-Pérez 0000-0003-2081-4485, Michael J. Lawes, Brett Ottley, Stuart Barker, Esther Tarszisz and Clive R. McMahon

A photograph of agile wallaby.

Macropods are prone to stress during capture, making the development of capture methods challenging. Currently, the most common methods used are trapping, suited for small macropods, and darting for the larger ones. A modified ‘nylon drop-net’ technique, typically used for African ungulates, was successfully employed to capture 40 agile wallabies with no fatalities during or after the procedure. Photograph by Miguel A. Bedoya-Perez.

WR24149Subfossils suggest worse-than-realised losses of small-bodied mammals in northern Australia

Vikram Vakil 0000-0003-3684-4996, Jonathan Cramb, Gilbert Price, Julien Louys, John Stanisic and Gregory E. Webb 0000-0002-9206-978X

A photograph of small-mammal fossils from cave sites in north-eastern Australia.

Examining Australia’s subfossil record can be valuable in assessing whether the current diversity of small-bodied mammals seen across northern Australia is ‘normal’. In this study, we aimed to analyse fossils from cave sites in north-eastern Queensland and showed that local pre-European small-mammal communities were much more diverse than are the region’s extant faunas recorded by modern surveys. We demonstrated that recent losses of small-bodied mammals maybe greater than previously realised, prior to the fauna being documented in the region. Photograph by Vikram Vakil.

WR24116How the goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) adapts to isolated island: from the perspective of habitat and food

Yuan Wang 0009-0002-8510-8602, Peng Yuan, Chao Liu, Ying Yang, Wenbin Yang, Dazhi Zhang and Guijun Yang

A photograph of a goitered gazelle in its natural habitat in Ningxia, China.

With the interference of human activities, the population of the goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) has greatly declined. This study elucidated the adaptability of the goitered gazelle in small-scale isolated habitats from the perspectives of suitable habitat and diet. We identified the key environmental factors that affect the distribution of goitered gazelle and utilized DNA metabarcoding technology for the first time in the study of their diet. Photograph by Yuan Wang.

WR24117Assessing target and non-target species interactions with buried non-toxic meat baits across fire mosaics

Rachel T. Mason 0000-0003-2692-9902, Anthony R. Rendall 0000-0002-7286-9288, Robin D. Sinclair 0000-0001-8772-3559 and Euan G. Ritchie

An infra-red image showing a native Mitchell’s hopping-mouse digging into a sand mound within which a bait is buried.

1080 baiting is commonly used to manage invasive species and reduce livestock predation, but the potential for some non-target species to be harmed by baiting is not well-understood. We monitored non-toxic baits and found that non-target species, particularly native mice, located and interacted with baits more often and quicker than target predators did. Current baiting practices have the potential to harm non-target species. Optimising baiting methods should be prioritised to minimise undesirable impacts and ensure effective management outcomes are achieved. Image by Rachel Mason.

WR24175Invasive wild pig carcass availability does not affect coyote abundance in South Carolina, USA

Heather E. Gaya 0000-0003-3573-6694, Gino J. D’Angelo 0000-0001-7440-4794, Mark Vukovich, Jordan L. Youngmann, Stacey L. Lance and John C. Kilgo

A photograph showing coyotes scavenging for food in South Carolina, USA.

In the United States, control programs often leave wild pig carcasses on the landscape where they are freely available for consumption by scavengers such as coyotes. This study tested whether coyote abundance is affected by wild pig carcasses created by control programs, and found that coyote abundance did not change in response to wild pig carcass availability. We conclude that wild pig carcass removal will not be an effective coyote management strategy. Photograph by M. Vukovich.

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