An improved method of capture and immobilisation for medium to large-size macropods
Miguel A. Bedoya-Pérez
Macropods are very susceptible to stress during capture. Capture methods for macropods fall into two categories: trapping and darting. Trapping by nets or a triggered trap mechanism is commonly used for small macropods. Darting is most often used for large macropods that are more prone to stress and capture myopathy when caught in traps.
To describe a modified ‘nylon drop-net’ technique for safely capturing medium to large macropods; and post-capture treatments that reduce stress and the potential for myopathy.
We used a drop-net to capture 40 agile wallabies (Notamacropus agilis) (24 females and 16 males), ranging in weight from 6 to 24 kg. For immobilisation, a single dose of intramuscular Diazepam (1 mg/kg) and Richtasol, a multivitamin, was administered to reduce the risk of capture myopathy. The longer-term effects of capture on animal condition were monitored in 34 radio-collared individuals for 2 months.
No deaths occurred during or as a result of capture or in the 8 weeks following capture.
Our modified drop-net and handling/treatment regime provides a cost-effective method for capturing medium and small-sized macropod species with very low risk of mortality or morbidity.
Our methods improve the welfare and safety of captured medium-sized macropods.
Keywords: agile wallaby, capture stress, drop-net capture method, live-capture, macropods, medium-sized macropod, muscle relaxant, myopathy.
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