International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 19 Number 3 2010
WF09002Forest fire occurrence and climate change in Canada
B. M. Wotton, C. A. Nock and M. D. Flannigan
pp. 253-271
WF09055Spatial variation of trends in wildfire and summer drought in British Columbia, Canada, 1920–2000
Andrea Meyn, Sebastian Schmidtlein, Stephen W. Taylor, Martin P. Girardin, Kirsten Thonicke and Wolfgang Cramer
pp. 272-283
WF09021Convective heat transfer in fire spread through fine fuel beds
W. R. Anderson, E. A. Catchpole and B. W. Butler
pp. 284-298
WF09071Assessing the exposure of the built environment to potential ignition sources generated from vegetative fuel
J. L. Beverly, P. Bothwell, J. C. R. Conner and E. P. K. Herd
pp. 299-313
WF08123Flammability descriptors of fine dead fuels resulting from two mechanical treatments in shrubland: a comparative laboratory study
Eva Marino, Javier Madrigal, Mercedes Guijarro, Carmen Hernando, Carmen Díez and Cristina Fernández
pp. 314-324
WF09030A model for predicting human-caused wildfire occurrence in the region of Madrid, Spain
Lara Vilar, Douglas. G. Woolford, David L. Martell and M. Pilar Martín
pp. 325-337
WF09023Australian grassland fire danger using inputs from the GRAZPLAN grassland simulation model
A. Malcolm Gill, Karen J. King and Andrew D. Moore
pp. 338-345
WF08076Turbulent kinetic energy during wildfires in the north central and north-eastern US
Warren E. Heilman and Xindi Bian
pp. 346-363
WF08111Beyond wildfire: perspectives of climate, managed fire and policy in the USA
Crystal A. Kolden and Timothy J. Brown
pp. 364-373
WF09084Critique of Sikkink and Keane's comparison of surface fuel sampling techniques
Clinton S. Wright, Roger D. Ottmar and Robert E. Vihnanek
pp. 374-376