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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire
International Journal of Wildland Fire

International Journal of Wildland Fire

Volume 32 Number 8 2023

WF22166Vegetation-derived pyrogenic carbon degradation and stabilisation in UK peatlands

Oscar J. Kennedy-Blundell, Emma L. Shuttleworth, James J. Rothwell and Gareth D. Clay
pp. 1187-1199

This research assesses changes to the characteristics of common UK peatland PyC (charcoal) types when exposed at the peat surface over a year. The experiment was set up to simulate a post-wildfire degradation scenario. Early degradation phases and latter stabilisation were observed.

WF22173Fire on a tropical floodplain: a fine-scale fire history of coastal floodplains in the Northern Territory, Australia

Robin Leppitt, Jay Evans, Luke Einoder, Peter M. Kyne, John C. Z. Woinarski and Stephen T. Garnett
pp. 1200-1211

Fire plays a critical role in shaping ecosystems in northern Australia, but little is known about how fire impacts local floodplains. Our study examines the similarities and differences between floodplain burning and the much more well researched savanna burning in the region, to better inform floodplain fire management.

The Grassland Fire Index monitoring system developed by the German Meteorological Service for application to Central European climates is described. It focuses on the calculation of fuel moisture as the key element of the characteristics of fire behaviour rate of spread and fire intensity.

WF22165Evaluating the Drought Code for lowland taiga of Interior Alaska using eddy covariance measurements

Eric A. Miller 0000-0002-2021-2612, Hiroki Iwata 0000-0002-8962-8982, Masahito Ueyama 0000-0002-4000-4888, Yoshinobu Harazono, Hideki Kobayashi 0000-0001-9319-0621, Hiroki Ikawa, Robert Busey 0000-0001-9538-1122, Go Iwahana 0000-0003-4628-1074 and Eugénie S. Euskirchen
pp. 1226-1243
Graphical Abstract Image

We benchmarked the performance of a commonly used wildfire danger rating model against the balance of cumulative seasonal precipitation and evaporation obtained by eddy covariance measurements in boreal taiga forests on permafrost soil. The index was found to overpredict drought by a factor greater than six.

WF22010Heading and backing fire behaviours mediate the influence of fuels on wildfire energy

Joseph D. Birch 0000-0001-8644-7345, Matthew B. Dickinson 0000-0003-3635-1219, Alicia Reiner 0000-0001-8068-4219, Eric E. Knapp 0000-0002-6991-8157, Scott N. Dailey, Carol Ewell, James A. Lutz 0000-0002-2560-0710 and Jessica R. Miesel 0000-0001-7446-464X
pp. 1244-1261

We used a unique pre-, current-, and post-wildfire dataset to investigate which fuels and topography influence wildfire behaviour. We found that forest floor biomass was the primary driver of wildfire energy and had greater consumption under heading fires, relative to backing fires.

WF22076Assessment of wildland firefighter opinions and experiences related to incident medical providers

Mark Hoffman 0000-0001-8503-1700, Valerie Moody, Viktor E. Bovbjerg, Isabella Callis and Zachary Snauer
pp. 1262-1268

The issues of trust, respect and access to care in wildland fire medical units has not been previously investigated. The results of this paper indicate wildland firefighters respect and trust medical personnel but there are perceived differences in access to care for some firefighters.

WF22218Exploring the impact of airtanker drops on in-stand temperature and relative humidity

Melanie Wheatley, Anne Cotton-Gagnon, Jonathan Boucher, B. Mike Wotton, Colin B. McFayden, Natasha Jurko and Jason Robinson
pp. 1269-1276

We explored the effects of airtanker drops on understorey conditions characterised by an increase in relative humidity and decrease in temperature. This micrometeorological environment had a limited effect on fine fuel moisture, but when combined with wetting from an airtanker might prevent surface fires.

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