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Your search on plants field guides returned 254 results

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Kosciuszko Alpine Flora: Field Edition

Kosciuszko Alpine Flora: Field Edition

AB AB Costin , M M Gray , CJ CJ Totterdell , DJ DJ Wimbush

Around Australia’s highest mountain lies a rare ecosystem, an alpine area of outstanding beauty and diversity, strikingly different from other alpine ecosystems of the world but with common features. Kosciuszko Alpine Flora describes …

[ Books ] Plants & Fungi — Plants & Fungi / Field and Regional Guides

A Field Guide to Spiders of Australia

A Field Guide to Spiders of Australia

Robert Whyte , Greg Anderson

Australians have a love–hate relationship with spiders. Some spiders, such as the Redback and the Sydney Funnelweb, inspire fear. Yet Peacock Spiders, with their colourful fan-spreading courtship dances, have won rapturous appreciation worldwide. A …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Invertebrates

Pilbara Seed Atlas and Field Guide

Pilbara Seed Atlas and Field Guide

Todd E Erickson , Russell L Barrett , David J Merritt , Kingsley W Dixon

The Pilbara region in Australia’s arid northwest is rich in flora that is suited to extreme temperatures and boom and bust cycles of moisture availability. It is also a region important for its natural resources. In places where mining activities …

[ Books ] Plants & Fungi — Plants & Fungi / Identification and Systematics

Pests of Field Crops and Pastures

Pests of Field Crops and Pastures

PT Bailey

This comprehensive handbook on economic entomology for Australian field crops and pastures is the first of its kind. It encompasses pests and beneficial insects as well as allied forms of importance in Australian agriculture. Organised …

[ Books ] Food & Agriculture — Food & Agriculture / Crops and Pastures

Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook

Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook

National Committee on Soil and Terrain

The Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook specifies methods and terminology for soil and land surveys. It is widely used throughout Australia, providing the official source of definitions and codes for the characterisation …

[ Books ] Natural Environment — Natural Environment / Soils

The Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia

The Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia

Günther Theischinger , John Hawking , Albert Orr

Dragonflies and damselflies are conspicuous insects: many are large and brightly coloured. They are also valuable indicators of environmental wellbeing. A detailed knowledge of the dragonfly fauna is therefore an important basis for decisions …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Invertebrates

Field Guide to the Frogs of Australia

Field Guide to the Frogs of Australia

Michael J Tyler , Frank Knight

Throughout much of the world, frog populations are declining, with the survival of many species under threat. In Australia, several species have become extinct in the past 35 years. This second edition of Field Guide to the Frogs …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Reptiles and Amphibians

Field Guide to the Frogs of Queensland

Field Guide to the Frogs of Queensland

Eric Vanderduys

Frogs are remarkably variable creatures. Many species adopt different colours or patterns by day or night. In some cases, males are different from females, and many species can change their appearance remarkably when breeding. Field …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Reptiles and Amphibians

Field Guide: Fire in Dry Eucalypt Forest

Field Guide: Fire in Dry Eucalypt Forest

JS Gould , WL McCaw , NP Cheney , PF Ellis , S Matthews

An effective response to bushfires relies on accurate predictions of fire behaviour, particularly the rate of spread, intensity and ‘spotting’. This field guide has been developed to provide a systematic method for assessing fuel hazard …

[ Books ] Natural Environment — Natural Environment / Fire

The Australian Bird Guide

The Australian Bird Guide

Peter Menkhorst , Danny Rogers , Rohan Clarke , Jeff Davies , Peter Marsack , Kim Franklin

Australia's avifauna is large, diverse and spectacular, reflecting the continent's impressive range of habitats and evolutionary history. With specially commissioned paintings of over 900 species, The Australian Bird Guide is the …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Birds

Bird Guide Pack

Bird Guide Pack

Peter Menkhorst , Danny Rogers , Rohan Clarke , Jeff Davies , Peter Marsack , Kim Franklin

Bundle and save! When you buy this set you will receive one copy of each of the following books at 20% off the RRP*: The Australian Bird Guide, Revised Edition The …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Birds

Birds of Prey of Australia

Birds of Prey of Australia

Stephen Debus

Raptors are popular and iconic birds, and are important ecologically, with some species listed as threatened. Yet they are among the most difficult birds to identify. This fully updated third edition of the popular and award-winning field …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Birds

Guide to Introduced Pest Animals of Australia

Guide to Introduced Pest Animals of Australia

Peter West

Australia’s introduced vertebrate pest species cost at least $1 billion annually in economic, environmental and social impacts. The Guide to Introduced Pest Animals of Australia is a comprehensive, practical guide to 60 introduced …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Invasive

The Compact Australian Bird Guide

The Compact Australian Bird Guide

Jeff Davies , Peter Menkhorst , Danny Rogers , Rohan Clarke , Peter Marsack , Kim Franklin

The Compact Australian Bird Guide is an easy-to-use and beautifully illustrated quick identification guide to all bird species regularly occurring in Australia. The content has been carefully designed to provide the reader with key …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Birds

Insects of South-Eastern Australia

Insects of South-Eastern Australia

Roger Farrow

A walk in the bush reveals insects visiting flowers, patrolling the air, burrowing under bark and even biting your skin. Every insect has characteristic feeding preferences and behaviours. Insects of South-Eastern Australia is a unique …

[ Books ] Animals — Animals / Invertebrates