Animals: Birds

New and Forthcoming

Cover of 'Capturing the Essence', featuring artwork of three Raggiana bird New
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Cover of 'Life in a Hollow', featuring an illustration of two possums peer

Life in a Hollow

David Gullan, Suzanne Houghton
Hardback - April 2023 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Prehistoric Australasia', featuring a painting of two predatory

Prehistoric Australasia

Michael Archer, Suzanne Hand, John Long, Trevor Worthy, Peter Schouten
Hardback - April 2023 - AU $99.99
Cover of 'Australia's Megafires' featuring photos of a hill backlit by fir

Australia's Megafires

Libby Rumpff, Sarah Legge, Stephen van Leeuwen, Brendan Wintle, John Woinarski
Paperback - February 2023 - AU $69.99
Cover of 'Pollination', featuring an illustration of a child holding a pos


Christopher Cheng, Danny Snell
Hardback - February 2023 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'Swifty', featuring an illustration of a swift parrot flying, enc


Stephanie Owen Reeder, Astred Hicks
Hardback - October 2022 - AU $24.99
Two book covers side-by-side: the burnt orange cover of 'The Compact Austr

Bird Guide Pack

Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers, Rohan Clarke, Jeff Davies, Peter Marsack, Kim Franklin
Set - October 2022 - AU $68.00
Cover of 'Swoop', featuring an illustrated magpie happily flying towards t


Nicole Godwin, Susannah Crispe
Hardback - September 2022 - AU $24.99
Image of three sample gift vouchers, in values of $25, $50 and $100.

Gift Vouchers

Voucher - January 2022 - AU $25.00
Voucher - January 2022 - AU $50.00
Voucher - January 2022 - AU $100.00
Cover of 'Extinct', featuring a painting of the Eungella Gastric Brooding


Benjamin Gray
Hardback - October 2021 - AU $59.99
Cover of 'AmAZed!' featuring a mixture of photographs and illustrations su


Andrea Wild
Paperback - June 2021 - AU $29.99
The cover of the book 'Bird Talk' featuring two birds with cream-coloured

Bird Talk

Barbara Ballentine, Jeremy Hyman
Hardback - May 2021 - AU $44.99
Cover featuring an illustration of animals and plants in the ocean

Ocean Animals

Blake Chapman, Astred Hicks
Paperback - June 2020 - AU $29.99
Cover of Windcatcher featuring a watercolour illustration of a short-taile


Diane Jackson Hill, Craig Smith
Hardback - October 2019 - AU $24.99
Cover of 'The Australian Bird Guide' featuring a brolga flying over the wh

The Australian Bird Guide

Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers, Rohan Clarke, Jeff Davies, Peter Marsack, Kim Franklin
Paperback - August 2019 - AU $49.99
Cover of Cats in Australia featuring a crouching green-eyed cat glaring di

Cats in Australia

John Woinarski, Sarah Legge, Chris Dickman
Paperback - June 2019 - AU $59.99
Cover of Night Parrot featuring a painting of two parrots in the shadows

Night Parrot

Penny Olsen
Paperback - September 2018 - AU $49.99
Cover featuring a portrait of a mandrill, with its hand over its mouth and

Zoo Ethics

Jenny Gray
Paperback - July 2017 - AU $49.95
Close up image of two pink Major Mitchell cockatoos. The title is overlaid

Bird Minds

Gisela Kaplan
Paperback - August 2015 - AU $45.00
The cover has four photographs of animals captured by camera trapping: a b

Camera Trapping

Paul Meek, Peter Fleming, Guy Ballard, Peter Banks, Andrew Claridge, Jim Sanderson, Don Swann

ebook - eRetailers

cover of Carnivores of Australia

Carnivores of Australia

Alistair Glen, Christopher Dickman
Hardback - November 2014 - AU $50.00 (AU $89.95)
On sale until 15-Sep
Cover image of Woodhen, featuring the side view of a golden brown woodhen

The Woodhen

Clifford Frith
Hardback - June 2013 - AU $59.95
