Marine & Freshwater: Coastal Science

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Cover of 'Ending Plastic Waste' featuring a footprint in sand filled with

Ending Plastic Waste

Britta Denise Hardesty, Kathryn Willis, Justine Barrett, Chris Wilcox
Paperback - July 2023 - AU $59.99
Cover of 'Beachcombing' featuring a photo of a washed up cluster of cream-


Ceridwen Fraser
Paperback - July 2021 - AU $27.99
Cover of Underwater Sydney, featuring a Port Jackson shark resting on the

Underwater Sydney

Inke Falkner, John Turnbull
Paperback - September 2019 - AU $39.99
Cover of The Great Barrier Reef Second Edition featuring an orange coral r

The Great Barrier Reef

Pat Hutchings, Michael Kingsford, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Paperback - February 2019 - AU $125.00
Cover of Oceans, featuring a main image of a wave above thumbnail images o


Bruce Mapstone
Paperback - December 2017 - AU $24.95
Cover image of Shark Attacks featuring a photo of the silhouette of a shar

Shark Attacks

Blake Chapman
Paperback - November 2017 - AU $39.95
Cover of 'Big Pacific' featuring an underwater image of whale shark swimmi

Big Pacific

Rebecca Tansley
Hardback - October 2017 - AU $49.95
Cover with abstract image of green shapes on black background

Enhancing Science Impact

Peat Leith, Kevin O'Toole, Marcus Haward, Brian Coffey
Paperback - September 2017 - AU $59.95


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