Animals: Invasive

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Cover of 'Hydroides of the World' featuring a stunning blue and yellow hyd

Hydroides of the World

Elena Kupriyanova, Yanan Sun, Eunice Wong, Harry ten Hove
Paperback - July 2023 - AU $240.00
Cover of Cats in Australia featuring a crouching green-eyed cat glaring di

Cats in Australia

John Woinarski, Sarah Legge, Chris Dickman
Paperback - June 2019 - AU $59.99
Overlapping cover images of Australian Bryozoa Volume 1 and Volume 2.

Australian Bryozoa Set

Patricia Cook, Philip Bock, Dennis Gordon, Haylee Weaver
Set - July 2018 - AU $350.00
The cover has four photographs of animals captured by camera trapping: a b

Camera Trapping

Paul Meek, Peter Fleming, Guy Ballard, Peter Banks, Andrew Claridge, Jim Sanderson, Don Swann

ebook - eRetailers

cover of Carnivores of Australia

Carnivores of Australia

Alistair Glen, Christopher Dickman
Hardback - November 2014 - AU $50.00 (AU $89.95)
On sale until 15-Sep
