The APPEA Journal
Volume 57 Conference Proceedings 2017
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16029The 2017 offshore acreage release areas: petroleum geological overview
Thomas Bernecker, Steve Abbott, George Bernardel, Megan Lech, Ryan Owens, Tegan Smith and Jennifer Totterdell
pp. 304-344
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16157Stakeholder response to abandonment challenges in Australia
Philip Askew and Andrew Lea-Cox
pp. 377-381
AJ16251Monitoring demersal scalefish populations in the Browse Basin region: accounting for spatial variability and detecting change in key fish populations
Russ Babcock, Emma Lawrence, Tonya van der Velde, C. Roland Pitcher, Mark Tonks, Cindy Bessey, Euan Harvey and Stephen J. Newman
pp. 382-387
AJ16144Findings from the Great Australian Bight Research Program – an integrated study of environmental, economic and social values
Ben Baghurst, Rod Lukatelich, David Smith, Gavin Begg, Rob Lewis and Rochelle Smith
pp. 388-392
AJ16149Creating a resilient management system delivering a flexible foundation for growth in an energy organisation
Sunny Barlow
pp. 393-396
AJ16004Decommissioning of Australia's oil and gas facilities in the 21st century
Stuart Barrymore
pp. 397-404
AJ16252Our focus needs more focus: aligning project risks and expenditure for better environmental outcomes
Graeme Bartrim and Laura Hahn
pp. 405-409
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16259Carbon capture and storage in the oil and gas industry: 40 years on
Christopher Consoli, Alex Zapantis, Peter Grubnic and Lawrence Irlam
pp. 413-417
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16203Decommissioning – the next Australian oil and gas boom?
Bernadette Cullinane and Susan Gourvenec
pp. 421-425
AJ16207It's not easy to collaborate, but it's essential!
Bernadette Cullinane and Paul Harrison
pp. 426-429
AJ16188Process safety management at Woodside – creating a sustainable global approach
Rachelle A. Doyle
pp. 430-433
AJ16083Uncharted waters: LNG as a marine fuel in Australasia
Rob Duncanson and Walter P. Purio
pp. 434-436
AJ16213Demonstrating good practice in the safe operation of gas assets with predictive analytics
Hennie Engelbrecht and Nesa Abbaspour
pp. 437-439
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16071Galvanising the opposition: social media campaigns and the new risks for the oil and gas industry
Robyn Glindemann
pp. 448-451
AJ16224Learnings and best practices for operator and supplier social engagement in regional areas
Sam Goldsmith
pp. 452-454
AJ16146Using the ALARP principle to significantly reduce offshore decommissioning costs
Max J. Goodwin, Lucy D. Muir and Francesco Piasentin
pp. 455-458
AJ17017The future is not what it used to be: oil and gas strategies for a carbon-conscious world
Chris Graham
pp. 459-461
AJ16090Jemena's perspective on Australian gas market dynamics: a vision of a fiercely competitive market facilitated by an interconnected supply chain
David Green and Thomas Allen
pp. 462-464
AJ16242The impact of competition law on destination restrictions in Asia-Pacific LNG contracts
Mark Grime, Dave Poddar and Nadia Kalic
pp. 465-468
AJ16087The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the oil and gas industry – reducing cost, improving operational efficiency, increasing safety and helping tap into new markets
Piers Hogarth-Scott
pp. 469-472
AJ16100Natural catastrophe risk modelling for northwest Australia offshore installations
Tomohiko Inamura, Francis Lobo, Rie Hirose and Hajime Sano
pp. 473-476
AJ16148Curiosity, creativity and collaboration – creating a digitally integrated supply chain
Christopher Jordan
pp. 477-480
AJ16150The digital workforce – disruptive technologies changing the way work gets done
Christopher Jordan
pp. 481-485
AJ16140What happens when quantum computing re-defines the assessment of investment risk?
Mark Laybourn and John Pascoe
pp. 486-488
AJ16135Project overruns: why are we still getting it wrong?
Gareth D. Lee, Simon P. Whitaker and Martin Wilkes
pp. 489-492
AJ16189Open-access midstream infrastructure and its effects on the Australian gas market
Steve Lewis, Jon Serfaty, Michael Brooks and Ben Smith
pp. 493-497
AJ16155Ready to collaborate? Operator and supply chain under the spotlight
Mike Lynn and Alan Samuel
pp. 498-501
AJ16125Enhancing environmental performance during Wheatstone dredging through science and innovation
Michael Marnane, Travis Elsdon, Tony Rouphael, Claus Pedersen, Kiri Peat and Ceri Morgan
pp. 502-505
AJ16048Not all barrels are created equal: understanding the difference between standards of regulatory disclosure can impact your investment decisions
Arthur L. McMullen and Warren Chung
pp. 506-510
AJ16201Maximising ROI through risk based inspection in the CSG industry
Andrew Mills, Kelly Reilly, Timothy Lim and Glen Strike
pp. 511-513
AJ16005Challenges and lessons learned from environmental approvals for drilling in frontier offshore basins, using the Great Australian Bight as an example
Giulio B. Pinzone
pp. 514-518
AJ16194Determining the impacts of coal seam gas extraction on water resources and water-dependent assets
D. A. Post and P. A. Baker
pp. 519-522
AJ16142Woodside Energy Ltd: pioneer in cognitive computing, artificial intelligence and robotics
Russell Potapinski
pp. 523-525
AJ16217A reserves driven view of the eastern Australian gas supply and demand balance through the 2020's
Will Pulsford
pp. 526-531
AJ16220Quantifying host nation benefit from LNG developments
Will Pulsford and Puneet Goel
pp. 532-535
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16192A step change in safety performance through critical control management
Roberta Selleck
pp. 539-542
AJ16192 Abstract | AJ16192 Full Text | AJ16192PDF (388 KB) | AJ16192Presentation (Zip 250.8 MB) (Non peer reviewed)
AJ16234Improving success rates for Indigenous business engagement
Murray Saylor and Deb Archbold
pp. 543-545
AJ16228Decommissioning and remediation challenges for the petroleum industry
Paul F. Shaw
pp. 546-548
AJ16088Can a social licence to operate be regained once lost? A case study of the New South Wales coal seam gas industry
David Snashall and Sabrina Genter
pp. 549-551
AJ17014Our energy future: the power of collaboration to transform Australia's energy resources sector
Miranda Taylor
pp. 552-555
AJ16241Will Australian liquefied natural gas demand soar under the 21st Annual Conference of the Parties (COP21) targets?
Francois Tibi, Nicolas Reid, Whitney Skinner, Rob Grosvenor and Anthony Smith
pp. 556-560
AJ16098New system for detecting, mapping, monitoring, quantifying and reporting fugitive gas emissions
Tracy R. Tsai, Kendrick Du and Bill Stavropoulos
pp. 561-566
AJ17021Postcard from Pennsylvania: lessons learned during successful fight over Marcellus Shale operations that may have applicability to Australian discussion
Chris Tucker
pp. 567-571
AJ16095Portfolio analysis of petroleum fields and prospects: a robust statistical method
Aleksandar Vujovic, Ritu Gupta and Gregory C. Smith
pp. 572-576
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16046FLNG innovation: discover development hotspots with patent landscaping
Richard H. Baddeley
pp. 585-588
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16092How to effectively manage production facility low-temperature exposure risk
Jim Bonini
pp. 591-594
AJ16145Turn your workover costs into an investment: a case study in an east coast CSG project
Elizeu Boto, Nicholas Heyes, Don Merritt and Nima Saremi
pp. 595-598
AJ16012Innovative inspection techniques for ultra deepwater drillships and other floating O&G production assets saving costs, enhancing safety, while assuring operational availability and asset integrity
Peter Davies and Danny Constantinis
pp. 599-602
AJ16049Casino pipeline: novel pipeline integrity inspection
Steve Henzell and Fiona Read
pp. 603-606
AJ16030A case study for cost-effective design of relocatable deep dewpoint control gas plant
Brian Jung, Niel Kritzinger, Steven van Wagensveld and John Mak
pp. 607-611
AJ16047A practical workflow for performance prediction of low permeability reservoirs
Arthur L. McMullen and Steven J. Golko
pp. 612-616
AJ16246Application of dynamic simulation to assess the effectiveness of well clean-up in a horizontal gas well
Hsiao Wun Moh, Erni Dharma Putra and Rahel Yusuf
pp. 617-622
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16199Case study of the effects on coal seam gas well production with installation of well head compression (oil-flooded rotary screw type): early outcomes of an Australian trial of four wells in the Bowen Basin
Terrance Presley, Evilia Kurnia and Basia Wronski
pp. 629-634
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16117Recirculation to improve progressive cavity pumps (PCPs) run life
Jonathan Martin
pp. 639-642
(Non peer reviewed)
(Non peer reviewed)
AJ16216Reservoir to market: generating project value by coupling surface facilities with reservoir data in integrated asset modelling
Stephen Stokes
pp. 652-655
AJ16181Gas permeability measurement of shales using the quasi steady-state technique
M. Nadia Testamanti, Reza Rezaee and Christopher Wong
pp. 656-659
AJ16182Porosity and pore size distribution of shales: a case study of the Carynginia Formation, Perth Basin, Western Australia
M. Nadia Testamanti, Reza Rezaee and Jie Zou
pp. 660-663
AJ16184Determination of T2 cut-off for shale reservoirs: a case study from the Carynginia formation, Perth Basin, Western Australia
M. Nadia Testamanti, Reza Rezaee, Yujie Yuan and Dawei Pan
pp. 664-668
AJ16024South West Hub Project, Western Australia: appraising ‘migration-assisted' containment for carbon storage in sandstone strata
Dominique Van Gent, Martin Burke and Sandeep Sharma
pp. 669-675
AJ16084Advanced directional CwD system pushes integration envelope to elevate efficiencies and reduce costs
Geertjan van Og and Jeroen Burgerhout
pp. 676-679
AJ16164Efficient and cost effective power and temperature control is critical to oil and gas operations
Christopher John Wheeler
pp. 680-682
AJ16039Learning and development from the world's first operating subsea compression system
S. Yeaw, A. Storstenvik and R. Vesterkjaer
pp. 683-686
AJ16124Interpretative filtering
Leïla Ajjabou, Maëlle Bourdais, Natalia Gritsajuk, Sébastien Lacaze and Jean-Philippe Adam
pp. 687-691
AJ16045Sweet-spot mapping of the Goldwyer Formation through formation evaluation and property modelling in the Canning Basin, Barbwire Terrace case study
Munther Alshakhs and Reza Rezaee
pp. 692-697
AJ16245Integrated pre-drill and real-time geomechanical modelling brings significant benefits to deepwater wildcat exploration drilling campaign – a case study
M. Sadegh Asadi, Amitava Ghosh, Sanjeev Bordoloi and Michael Reese
pp. 698-703
AJ16072Marine seismic acquisition: efficiency and environment, new technologies applied in Australia
Martin Bayly, Michelle Tham, Peter Watterson, Binghui Li and Kevin Moran
pp. 704-708
AJ16027Geology and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the northern Houtman Sub-basin
Irina Borissova, Chris Southby, Lisa Hall, Emma Grosjean, George Bernardel, Ryan Owens and Cameron Mitchell
pp. 709-715
AJ16054Exploring the Beetaloo: will Australia's first viable shale play be sourced by billion year old gas?
David Close, Alexander Côté, Elizabeth Baruch, Carl Altmann, Faiz Mohinudeen, Brenton Richards, Rachael Ilett, Ross Evans and Stephanie Stonier
pp. 716-721
AJ16196Evolution of the outer basin high, Ceduna Sub-basin, southern Australia
Jane Cunneen, Candice Grigg and Eoin Keating
pp. 722-725
AJ16065Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) seismic survey at Gorgon Gas Field
Ronald Cupich and Birgit Cropp
pp. 726-727
AJ16062Imaging below seafloor canyons and other rugose features
Dominic Fell, Kiran Dyal, Tony Hallam and Sebastian Nixon
pp. 728-732
AJ16133Integrated 3D basin and petroleum systems modelling of the Great Australian Bight
E. Frery, M. Ducros, L. Langhi, J. Strand and A. Ross
pp. 733-737
AJ16138Australian national ocean bottom seismograph fleet advances conventional exploration
Alexey Goncharov, Michal Malinowski, Dejan Sekulic, Ashby Cooper, Peter Chia, Alexander Gavrilov and Garrick Paskos
pp. 738-743
AJ16156Triassic paleogeography and petroleum systems of the North West Shelf, Australia: key insights from a new regional study
Jarrad Grahame, Emma Cairns and Stephanie Roy
pp. 744-748
AJ16202Lithofacies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of the Roseneath-Epsilon-Murteree gas plays in the Cooper Basin, South Australia
Fengtao Guo and Peter McCabe
pp. 749-754
AJ16026Petroleum systems analysis of the northern Houtman Sub-basin
Lisa Hall, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Irina Borissova, Chris Southby, Ryan Owens, George Bernardel and Cameron Mitchell
pp. 755-761
AJ16222Petroleum migration in the Bight Basin: a fluid inclusion approach to constraining source, composition and timing
Richard Kempton, Julien Bourdet, Se Gong, Andrew Ross and Jacques Pironon
pp. 762-766
AJ16180Getting it right the first time in the Ceduna Sub-basin: regional and target depth imaging in a frontier setting
Weidi Koh
pp. 767-771
AJ16244Anisotropy parameter inversion from sonic and density logs in horizontally transverse isotropic media
Joseph Kremor and Khalid Amrouch
pp. 772-775
AJ16239Polynomial amplitude versus azimuth inversion in horizontally transverse isotropic media, as tested on fractured coal seams in the Surat Basin
Joseph Kremor, Randall Taylor and Khalid Amrouch
pp. 776-780
AJ16239 Abstract | AJ16239 Full Text | AJ16239PDF (382 KB) | AJ16239Presentation (PDF 2.2 MB) (Non peer reviewed)
AJ16191Integrated petroleum systems analysis to understand the source of fluids in the Browse Basin, Australia
Tehani Palu, Lisa Hall, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Dianne Edwards, Nadege Rollet, Karen Higgins, Christopher Boreham, Andrew Murray, Duy Nguyen, Kamal Khider and Tamara Buckler
pp. 781-788
AJ16191 Abstract | AJ16191 Full Text | AJ16191PDF (1.3 MB) | AJ16191Presentation (Zip 96.2 MB) (Non peer reviewed)
AJ16237Impact of faults and compartmentalisation on geological carbon storage estimates in highly faulted basins
Jorik W. Poesse, Ludovic P. Ricard and Allison Hortle
pp. 789-792
AJ16187The Great Australian Bight – from AVO prospectivity screening to potentially drillable targets in one of the world's remaining untapped basins
Dushyan Rajeswaran and Marcin Przywara
pp. 793-797
AJ16212Building the regional understanding of the deep-water geology and benthic ecology of the Great Australian Bight
Andrew Ross, Alan Williams, Asrar Talukder, Joanna Parr, Christine Trefry, Richard Kempton, Charlotte Stalvies, Franziska Althaus, Andrew Kulpecz, Carole Schaefer and Phil Rarey
pp. 798-805
AJ16170Analysis and characterisation of petroleum source rocks in Queensland
Alison Troup and Justin Gorton
pp. 806-809
AJ16061Using precise CA-TIMS ages of volcanic air-fall tuff beds in correlating the Walloon Coal Measures of the Surat Basin, Australia
Carmine Wainman and Peter McCabe
pp. 810-813
AJ16211Where, when and how a field-scale 4D geomechanical model should be built
Ahmadreza Younessi
pp. 814-817
AJ17019Enhancing SAR seep interpretation with broadband seismic: a case study from the Timor Trough
Rowan Edwards, Marcus Sanderson, Pedro Martinez Duran, Gregor Duval and Mike King
pp. 818-821