Environmental Chemistry
Volume 5 Number 3 2008
EN08025Arsenobetaine is a significant arsenical constituent of the red Antarctic alga Phyllophora antarctica
Marco Grotti, Francesco Soggia, Cristina Lagomarsino, Walter Goessler and Kevin A. Francesconi
pp. 171-175
EN07063Changes in proportions of arsenic species within an Ecklonia radiata food chain
Simon Foster, William Maher and Frank Krikowa
pp. 176-183
EN08008Occurrence of residues of the veterinary drug crystal (gentian) violet in wild eels caught downstream from municipal sewage treatment plants
Andrea Schuetze, Thomas Heberer and Susanne Juergensen
pp. 194-199
EN08017Assessment of caudal fin clip as a non-lethal technique for predicting muscle tissue mercury concentrations in largemouth bass
S. A. Ryba, J. L. Lake, J. R. Serbst, A. D. Libby and S. Ayvazian
pp. 200-203
EN07095FLUXY: a simple code for computing steady-state metal fluxes at consuming (bio)interfaces, in natural waters
Zeshi Zhang, Jacques Buffle, Konstantin Startchev and Davide Alemani
pp. 204-217
EN08006A three-dimensional reactive transport model for sediments, incorporating microniches
Łukasz Sochaczewski, Anthony Stockdale, William Davison, Wlodek Tych and Hao Zhang
pp. 218-225
EN08020N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine effectiveness in analysis of polysulfides and polythionates in water
Stephen Kariuki, Philippe Babady-Bila and Breanna Duquette
pp. 226-230
EN07094Fitzroy River Basin, Queensland, Australia. III. Identification of sediment sources in the coastal zone
J. Smith, G. B. Douglas, L. C. Radke, M. Palmer and B. P. Brooke
pp. 231-242
EN07091Fitzroy River Basin, Queensland, Australia. IV. Identification of flood sediment sources in the Fitzroy River
G. B. Douglas, P. W. Ford, M. R. Palmer, R. M. Noble, R. J. Packett and E. S. Krull
pp. 243-257
EN07032_COCorrigendum to: Ammonia/ammonium dissociation coefficient in seawater: A significant numerical correction
Thomas G. Bell, Martin T. Johnson, Timothy D. Jickells and Peter S. Liss
pp. 258-258