Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 17 Number 1 1964
BI9640036Induction of Mitosis By Sucrose in Excised and Attached Dormant Buds of Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.)
LAT Ballard and SG Wildman
pp. 36-43
BI9640044Root Nodules on Podocarpus Lawrencei and Their Ecological Significance
FJ Bergersen and AB Costin
pp. 44-48
BI9640049Studies on the, Comparative Physiology of Chara Australis 1. Growth Pattern and Gross Cytology of the Internodal Oell
Marie J Peebles FV Mercer and TC Chambers
pp. 49-61
BI9640078Organization Resistance and The Respiration Climacteric
Joan M Bain and FV Mercer
pp. 78-85
BI9640086Studies on The Greening of Dark-Grown Bean Plants I. Formation of Chloroplasts From Proplastids
NK Boardman and Jan M Anderson
pp. 86-92
BI9640093Studies on The Greening of Dark-Grown Bean Plants II. Development of Photochemical Activity
Jan M Anderson and NK Boardman
pp. 93-101
BI9640102The In Vivo Uptake and Incorporation of Radioisotopes into Proteins of Wheat Endosperm
Janet SD Graham, RK Morton and JK Raison
pp. 102-114
BI9640131The Influence of Several Transpiration Suppressants on Transpiration, Photosynthesis, and Water-Use Efficiency of Cotton Leaves
RO Slatyer and JF Bierhuizen
pp. 131-146
BI9640245The Effects on Rats of Chronic Exposure To 34°C IV. Reproduction
Pamela R Pennycuik
pp. 245-260
BI9640271Studies on Reduced Wool II. The Identification of Terminal N -Acetylalanine in Wool and Extracted Wool Proteins
IJ O'donnell and EOP Thompson
pp. 271-276
BI9640277Studies on Reduced Wool III. Starch-Gel Electrophoresis of Extracted Wool Proteins
EOP Thompson and IJ O'donnell
pp. 277-281