Inflorescence Initiation In Lolium Temulentum L. VI. Effects of Some Inhibitors of Nucleic Acid, Protein, and Steroid Biosynthesis
LT Evans
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
17(1) 24 - 35
Published: 1964
Smgle applications of 5-fluorouracil (5FU), 5-ftuorodeoxyuridine (5FDU). actinomycin D, chloramphenicol, ethionme, and tris-(2-diethylammoethyl) phosphate trihydrochloride (SK & F 7997 -A3) were made, at various times and sites, to plants of L. temulentum exposed to one long day, to determine when and where each had its greatest effect.
© CSIRO 1964