Mapping Canadian wildland fire interface areas
Lynn M. Johnston and Mike D. Flannigan
Published: 22/12/2017
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 27 (1)Lynn M. Johnston and Mike D. Flannigan
Published: 22/12/2017
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 27 (1)M. X. Gómez-Rey, S. García-Marco, C. Fernández, A. Couto-Vázquez and S. J. González-Prieto
Published: 10/09/2013
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 23 (1)Katie M. Sell and Bequi Livingston
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[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (6)Matthew L. Brooks
Published: 24/10/2011
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (1)Miguel G. Cruz and Martin E. Alexander
Published: 03/11/2011
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (2)David B. Lindenmayer, Chris MacGregor, Jeff T. Wood, Ross B. Cunningham, Mason Crane, Damian Michael, Rebecca Montague-Drake, Darren Brown, Martin Fortescue, Nick Dexter, Matt Hudson and A. Malcolm Gill
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[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 18 (1)Cordy Tymstra, Mike D. Flannigan, Owen B. Armitage and Kimberley Logan
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[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 16 (2)Chad T. Hanson and Malcolm P. North
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[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 3 (2)Xuezheng Zong and Xiaorui Tian
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[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 31 (9)Jeremy Russell-Smith and Cameron Yates
Published: 28/11/2003
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 12 (4)Thomas A. Heinlein, W. Wallace Covington, Peter Z. Fulé and Margaret M. Moore
Published: 26/06/2003
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 12 (2)RJ Ansley, DL Jones, TR Tunnell, BA Kramp and PW Jacoby
Published: 01/12/1998
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 8 (4)Stuart Matthews
Published: 17/09/2010
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 19 (6)Robert E. Keane, Lisa M. Holsinger, Helen Y. Smith and Pamela G. Sikkink
Published: 26/11/2019
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 29 (1)Derek N. Pierson, Peter R. Robichaud, Charles C. Rhoades and Robert E. Brown
Published: 19/03/2019
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 28 (10)Nathaniel E. Seavy and John D. Alexander
Published: 09/01/2014
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 23 (2)Donna L. Peppin, Peter Z. Fulé, Carolyn Hull Sieg, Jan L. Beyers, Molly E. Hunter and Peter R. Robichaud
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[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 20 (5)Erin M. Goergen and Jeanne C. Chambers
Published: 22/09/2009
[ Journals ] International Journal of Wildland Fire 18 (6)