Effect of live/dead condition, moisture content and particle size on flammability of gorse (Ulex europaeus) measured with a cone calorimeter
Katharine O. Melnik

Live fuel comprises a significant portion of the fuel consumed in forest and scrub crown fires. However, its flammability remains poorly understood. Although live fuel differs from dead fuel in moisture content, chemical composition, cellular structure and physiological characteristics, its higher moisture content masks the effect of other characteristics on its flammability.
The aim of the study was to delineate and assess the effects of live/dead condition, moisture content and particle size on flammability of gorse (Ulex europaeus L.).
Live and dead gorse material of three size classes (0–3, 3–6, and 6–10 mm in diameter) at six moisture contents (0, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) was tested in a cone calorimeter to evaluate its flammability using new sample preparation and moisture conditioning techniques.
On average, live fuel ignited 21% slower, reached 11% higher peak heat release rate, and had a 12% shorter burn duration than dead fuel of the same moisture content. These differences were most pronounced in coarser material.
For gorse, fine dead fuels increase the likelihood of ignition, fine live fuels contribute to high burning intensities, and coarser live and dead fuels prolong combustion.
These findings highlight the need to account for flammability differences between live and dead fuels in fire behaviour models beyond those driven by variations in moisture content.
Keywords: burning behaviour, calorimetry, dead fuel, foliage, heat release rate, HRR, live fuel, New Zealand, oxygen consumption, scrub, shrub, surface area, time to ignition, twigs, water content.
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