International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 14 Number 4 2005
Fire Effects on the Soil System
WF05094Fire effects on soil system functioning: new insights and future challenges
Stefan H. Doerr and Artemi Cerdá
pp. 339-342
WF05038Spatial distribution and properties of ash and thermally altered soils after high-severity forest fire, southern California
Brett R. Goforth, Robert C. Graham, Kenneth R. Hubbert, C. William Zanner and Richard A. Minnich
pp. 343-354
WF05032Functional diversity of the microbial community in Mediterranean maquis soils as affected by fires
Rosaria D'Ascoli, Flora A. Rutigliano, Raffaele A. De Pascale, Anna Gentile and Amalia Virzo De Santo
pp. 355-363
WF05030Organic matter, nutrient content and biological activity in burned and unburned soils of a Mediterranean maquis area of southern Italy
Anna De Marco, Anna Elisa Gentile, Carmen Arena and Amalia Virzo De Santo
pp. 365-377
WF05040Effects of prescribed fire on soil quality in Mediterranean grassland (Prades Mountains, north-east Spain)
Xavier Úbeda, Marc Lorca, Luís R. Outeiro, Sara Bernia and Marc Castellnou
pp. 379-384
WF05039Microbial recolonization and chemical changes in a soil heated at different temperatures
César Guerrero, Jorge Mataix-Solera, Ignacio Gómez, Fuensanta García-Orenes and Manuel M. Jordán
pp. 385-400
WF05043Temporal patterns of solute loss following wildfires in Central Portugal
A. J. D. Ferreira, C. O. A. Coelho, A. K. Boulet and F. P. Lopes
pp. 401-412
WF05037Fire and torrential rainfall: effects on seedling establishment in Mediterranean gorse shrublands
Martín de Luís, José Raventós and Josí C. González-Hidalgo
pp. 413-422
WF05044Influence of vegetation recovery on soil hydrology and erodibility following fire: an 11-year investigation
Artemi Cerdá and Stefan H. Doerr
pp. 423-437
WF05036Temporal fluctuations in soil water repellency following wildfire in chaparral steeplands, southern California
K. R. Hubbert and V. Oriol
pp. 439-447
WF05035Effect of oxygen deprivation on soil hydrophobicity during heating
R. Bryant, S. H. Doerr and M. Helbig
pp. 449-455
WF05042Measurement and prediction of post-fire erosion at the hillslope scale, Colorado Front Range
Juan de Dios Benavides-Solorio and Lee H. MacDonald
pp. 457-474
WF05031Measurement of post-fire hillslope erosion to evaluate and model rehabilitation treatment effectiveness and recovery
Peter R. Robichaud
pp. 475-485