Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 13 Number 2 1960
JA McDonell, DG Sargood, JR Moroney and JR Prescott
pp. 99-115
PH600223aThermoelectric Power of Dilute Copper and Silver Alloys
FJ Blatt, M Garber, RH Kropschot and B Scott
pp. 223-237
PH600120 Measurements of Changes in the Phase Path of Radio Waves Reflected from the Ionosphere at Normal Incidence
RWE McNicol and JA Thomas
pp. 120-131
PH600132Experimental Relations Between Ionospheric True Height, Group Height, and Phase Height
JA Thomas and RWE McNicol
pp. 132-138
PH600139The Lifetime and Cell Size of the Granulation in Sunspot Umbrae
RE Loughhead and RJ Bray
pp. 139-144
PH600299aThe Influence of Temperature and Strain Rate on the Flow Stress of Annealed and Decarburized Iron at Subatmospheric Temperatures
ZS Basinski and JW Christian
pp. 299-308
PH600316aThe Orientation Dependence of Work?Hardening in Crystals of Face-centred Cubic Metals
LM Clarebrough and ME Hargreaves
pp. 316-326
PH600347aAnnealing Kinetics of Neutron?Irradiated Aluminium and Copper
TH Blewitt, RR Coltman and CE Klabunde
pp. 347-353
PH600354aThe Instability of Plastic Flow of Metals at Very Low Temperatures. II.
ZS Basinski
pp. 354-358