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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Band Structure of Monovalent Metals and Their Alloys

PG Klemens

Australian Journal of Physics 13(2) 238 - 246
Published: 1960


The consequences of the Bloch theory of the conduction properties of metals can be evaluated only for a band of spherical Fermi surface, isotropic in all respects. Quantitative comparison with observations is thus possible only for the monovalent metals. It appears that even the monovalent metals do not satisfy this requirement, but that their Fermi surface departs significantly from sphericity. The information derived from the various conduction properties and the electronic specific heat is discussed, paying attention to Umklapp processes and phonon drag effects. The thermoelectric power is difficult to interpret. Systematic measurements of the changes of various physical properties on alloying may provide useful information.

© CSIRO 1960

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