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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Measurements of n?g Coincidences in the Reaction 10B (d, n?)11C

JA McDonell, DG Sargood, JR Moroney and JR Prescott

Australian Journal of Physics 13(2) 99 - 115
Published: 1960


The energies of some neutron groups leading to low excited states of "C in the reaction lOB(d,ny)"C have been measured. These lead to values of 4·3±0·3 MeV and 6·53 ± O' 02 MeV for the energies of the second and fourth excited states respectively. y-Ray spectra have also been studied in coincidence with different neutron groups. Ground state transitions were observed from the second, third, and fourth excited states, together with cascade decays of the fourth excited state through each of the second and third. Deductions from these y-ray spectra considerably reduce the number of spin possibilities which have been found for these levels by other workers.

© CSIRO 1960

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