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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Susceptibility of Chromium?Based Alloys of Transition Elements

WM Lomer

Australian Journal of Physics 13(2) 451 - 459
Published: 1960


The magnetic properties of chromium·based alloys with the transition metals are very varied. Below room temperature it is believed that chromium is antiferrcmagnetic and in this paper we investigate briefly the nature of the influence of this antiferrcmagnetic matrix on the properties of dilute solutions of atoms carrying weIl·defined local moments of their own. It is shown that various anomalies in the susceptibility-temperature relations can be rationalized in terms of a model involving small spin orientation forces arising from the antiferromagnetism. Alloying with vanadium appears to reduce the spin moment on the chromium atoms, but to introduce no localized spins itself. The temperature.independent contribution of cobalt in solution is interpreted in terms of local spins locked by the antiferromagnetism of the matrix. The :results so far obtained suggest that careful specific heat measurements in the range 0--100 OK may disclose very significant anomalies in many of. these alloys.

© CSIRO 1960

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