Microbiology Australia
Volume 35 Number 1 2014
Hospital-acquired Infections, Susceptibility Testing and Infection Control
MA14002Healthcare infection prevention and control really is everyone’s business
Lyn Gilbert, Jon Iredell and John Merlino
pp. 3-4
MA14005Active screening for multiresistant Enterobacteriaceae
Paul R Ingram and Jon Iredell
pp. 13-16
MA14006Epidemiology of healthcare-associated infections: uses, pitfalls and the future
Mary-Louise McLaws
pp. 17-23
MA14010The CDS Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Method: fulfilling a need
Sydney Bell, Jeanette Pham, Peter Newton and Thanh Nguyen
pp. 35-37
MA14012Early warning systems augmented by bacterial genomics
Vitali Sintchenko and Nadine Holmes
pp. 44-48
MA14014Microbial strain typing in surveillance and outbreak investigation: past, present and future
Matthew VN O'Sullivan
pp. 52-53
MA14016Hospital-acquired Pneumocystis pneumonia: a renewed concern?
Sharon Chen, Brian Nankivell, Carolina Firacative, Kathy Kable, Debbie Marriott, Peter MacDonald, Wieland Meyer and Jeremy Chapman
pp. 57-59
MA14018Management of antibiotic resistance in the intensive care unit setting from an international perspective
Stefano Di Bella and Nicola Petrosillo
pp. 63-65