Microbiology Australia
Volume 25 Number 2 2004
MA04217Streptomyces viewed from the inside: the application of proteomics to a model streptomycete
Andy Hesketh and Keith Chater
pp. 17-18
MA04219Contributions of methylenomycin to the genetics of antibiotic production
Sean O?Rourke and Keith Chater
pp. 19-20
MA04222Streptomyces coelicolor in an oxygen-limited liquid environment: adapt and escape
Dennis Claessen, Han A B Wösten, Lubbert Dijkhuizen and Geertje van Keulen
pp. 22-23
MA04226Streptomycetes and anaerobic stress survival
R Gary Sawers, Jesse Alderson and Janet White
pp. 26-27
MA04227Alkaliphilic streptomycetes as a source of novel secondary metabolites
Hans-Peter Fiedler and Michael Goodfellow
pp. 27-29
MA04232Exploiting and expanding actinomycete diversity for antibiotic discovery
Margherita Sosio and Stefano Donadio
pp. 32-33
MA04234Horizontal gene transfer within streptomycetes
Sahar Tolba and Elizabeth M H Wellington
pp. 34-35