Microbiology Australia
Volume 34 Number 3 2013
Microbes and Chronic Disease
MA13041Epstein–Barr virus-associated malignancies: pathobiology and emerging therapeutic options
Corey Smith and Rajiv Khanna
pp. 120-124
MA13042Sneezing leads to wheezing: microorganisms important in asthma
Christiana Willenborg and Sacha Stelzer-Braid
pp. 125-129
MA13043Chronic viral hepatitis and hepatitis B virus infection: stop the cancer
D Scott Bowden
pp. 130-131
MA13046Subversion of immunity by schistosomes – RETRACTED
Bernd Kalinna and Anna Walduck
pp. 137-141
MA13049Peptic ulcer disease: current notions
Natalia Castaño-Rodríguez and Hazel M Mitchell
pp. 147-150
MA13051Enterovirus infection, β-cell apoptosis and type 1 diabetes
Sandhya Nair, Ammira Akil and Maria E Craig
pp. 153-156
MA13052Cytomegalovirus and ageing of the immune system: a controversial cause of ageing
Wendy van Zuijlen
pp. 157-159