Exploration Geophysics
Volume 16 Numbers 2 & 3 1985
EG985169The analysis and correlation of some geophysical and geochemical properties derived from computer analysis of the Lachlan Fold Belt Geoscience Database
E.J. Best, B.W. Wyatt, D.H. Tucker and A.N. Yeates
pp. 169-171
EG985172Depth conversion techniques in the Gippsland Basin
P.J. Birmingham, K.R.A. Grieves and D.E. Spring
pp. 172-174
EG985175Time domain spectral IP measurements from the Rosebery mine
J.R. Bishop and R.J.G. Lewis
pp. 175-176
EG985183Suppression of backscattered coherent noise by pre-stack partial migration
R. Chambers, S. Cole, K. Larner, H. Jakubowicz and W. Wiggins
pp. 183-185
EG985190A geophysical review of the Polda Basin, South Australia
T.N. Crabb, R.A. Gerdes and R.G. Nelson
pp. 190-193
EG985194A comparison of electromagnetic prospecting results at the Scuddles Cu?Zn massive sulphide deposit, Golden Grove area, Western Australia
B.L. Craven, W.B. Hayden and M.J. Smith
pp. 194-197
EG985198Results from an experimental survey using the GEOCOR IV seismic acquisition system
G. Cucuzza, J. Akerman and G. Gatti
pp. 198-203
EG985204Integrated geophysical methods used for groundwater studies in the Polda and Murray Basins
S. Dodds and D. Ivic
pp. 204-206
EG985207 The application of geophysics to the discovery of the Hellyer ore deposit, Tasmania
E.T. Eadie, J. Silic and D.J. Jack
pp. 207-209
EG985210The Mt Keith South nickel sulphide deposit ? a TEM case study
P.J. Elliott and G. Staltari
pp. 210-216
EG985216Evolution and internal structure of intracratonic sedimentary basins as seen by geophysics
M.A. Etheridge, B.J. Drummond and D.H. Tucker
pp. 216-220
EG985221The Tasman project of seafloor magnetotelluric exploration
J.H. Filloux, F.E.M. Lilley, I.J. Ferguson, N.L. Bindoff and P.J. Mulhearn
pp. 221-224
EG985224Geophysical investigations of dolines* in lateritic terrain
J.E. Haigh and R.G. Nelson
pp. 224-226
EG985231The geophysical characteristics of the Thalanga volcanogenic sulphide deposit, Queensland
R.J. Irvine, J.S. Hartley and A. Mourot
pp. 231-234
EG985237The integration of seismic and well log data: a new concept in reservoir description
A. James and L. Nutt
pp. 237-238
EG985241A geophysical transect across the Clarence?Moreton Basin
D.W. Johnstone, M.J. Sexton and K.D. Wake-Dyster
pp. 241-244
EG985249Magnetic/radiometric paralithology of some New England (Australia) granitoids
M. Leys and R. Spencer
pp. 249-251
EG985256Use of geophysics for the location of saline groundwater inflow to the Murray River east of Mildura
J.A. Odins, R.M. Williams and D.J. O'Neill
pp. 256-258
EG985266Automatic power-line interference canceller for geophysical instruments
B. Qian and Z. Qian
pp. 266-268
EG985268Inherent limitations in the determination of basalt flow thickness using magnetic spectral techniques
G.A. Quirk and R. Green
pp. 268-270
EG985271The use of Cole?Cole impedances to interpret the TEM response of layered earths
A.P. Raiche, L.A. Bennett, P.J. Clark and R.J. Smith
pp. 271-273
EG985284A specialized application for a helicopter-borne magnetometer system
J. Sumpton and F. Arnott
pp. 284-287
EG985287 Velocity modelling using a generalized linear inversion technique
G.R. Sutton and B.J. Moore
pp. 287-288
EG985289Application of suspension P-S Logging System to high velocity ground
K. Tanaka, K. Ogura and H. Miura
pp. 289-291
EG985294New large area standard format magnetic pixel maps of Australia
D.H. Tucker, V. Anfiloff and A. Luyendyk
pp. 294-299
EG985300Review of airborne magnetic surveys over oil and gas fields in Australia
D.H. Tucker, R. Franklin, N. Sampath and S. Ozimic
pp. 300-302
EG985303A major advance in borehole IP logging technology
E.D. Tyne, M.J. Thorburn and D.H. Daggar
pp. 303-309
EG985309LOTEM electric field measurements for mapping resistive horizons in petroleum exploration
K. Vozoff, D. Moss, K.L. LeBrocq and K. McAllister
pp. 309-312
EG985312Lithospheric transect study of southeastern Queensland
K.D. Wake-Dyster, M.J. Sexton and D.W. Johnstone
pp. 312-317
EG985323Analysis and removal of spatial noise in 3D seismic surveys
G. Williams and A. Arnold
pp. 323-325
EG985325Geophysical signature of gold and porphyry copper mineral deposits in the Lachlan Fold Belt, NSW
K.T. Woods and S.S. Webster
pp. 325-331