Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 60 Number 12 2009
CP09090Fruit thinning using NAA shows potential for reducing biennial bearing of 'Barnea' and 'Picual' oil olive trees
Arnon Dag, Amnon Bustan, Avishai Avni, Shimon Lavee and Joseph Riov
pp. 1124-1130
CP08396Application of abscisic acid promotes yield in field-cultured soybean by enhancing production of carbohydrates and their allocation in seed
Claudia Travaglia, Herminda Reinoso and Rubén Bottini
pp. 1131-1136
CP09122Improving estimates of water-limited yield of wheat by accounting for soil type and within-season rainfall
Y. M. Oliver, M. J. Robertson, P. J. Stone and A. Whitbread
pp. 1137-1146
CP09058A novel approach to planting grass–legume pastures in the mixed farming zone of southern inland Queensland, Australia
A. M. Whitbread, C. A. Hall and B. C. Pengelly
pp. 1147-1155
CP08446Potential of deficit irrigation to increase marginal irrigation response of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) on Tasmanian dairy farms
R. P. Rawnsley, B. R. Cullen, L. R. Turner, D. J. Donaghy, M. Freeman and K. M. Christie
pp. 1156-1164
CP09136Selection among genotypes in final stage sugarcane trials: effects of time of year
A. R. Rattey, P. A. Jackson, D. M. Hogarth and T. A. McRae
pp. 1165-1174
CP09172Selecting for drought tolerance among Australian green couch grasses (Cynodon spp.)
Yi Zhou, Chris Lambrides, Ryan Kearns, Changrong Ye, Ninh Cao and Shu Fukai
pp. 1175-1183
CP09095Persistence, productivity, nutrient composition, and aphid tolerance of Cullen spp.
R. C. Hayes, G. D. Li, B. S. Dear, A. W. Humphries and J. R. Tidd
pp. 1184-1192
CP09165Assessment of genetic diversity in Australian canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars using SSR markers
J. Wang, S. Kaur, N. O. I. Cogan, M. P. Dobrowolski, P. A. Salisbury, W. A. Burton, R. Baillie, M. Hand, C. Hopkins, J. W. Forster, K. F. Smith and G. Spangenberg
pp. 1193-1201
CP09124Improving the accuracy of selection for late maturity α-amylase in wheat using multi-phase designs
D. G. Butler, M. K. Tan and B. R. Cullis
pp. 1202-1208
CP09159Resistance to the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei in wheat landraces and cultivars from the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region
J. P. Thompson, M. M. O'Reilly and T. G. Clewett
pp. 1209-1217