Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 44 Number 1 1991
CH9910037Electrochemical Synthesis of 2',3'-Dideoxy-2',3'-didehydrocytidine and 2',3'-Dideoxycytidine
O Johansen, G Holan, SM Marcuccio and AWH Mau
pp. 37-41
CH9910043Reactions of 1,4-Dimethyl-4-nitro-cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-yl Acetates With Nitrogen Dioxide; the Formation of Polynitro Cyclohexenyl Esters
AD Abell, MP Hartshorn, ME Maclennan, WT Robinson and GJ Wright
pp. 43-51
CH9910053Candida cylindracea Lipase-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Methyl Palmitate in Detergentless Microemulsion and Paraffin/Water Biphasic Media
J Oconnor, A Aggett, DR Williams and RA Stanley
pp. 53-60
CH9910061A Formal Total Synthesis of 3-O-Demethylfortamine
RC Cambie, ND Renner, PS Rutledge and PD Woodgate
pp. 61-75
CH9910077Norterpene Dienes From an Australian Marine Sponge Latrunculia brevis
MS Butler and RJ Capon
pp. 77-85
CH9910087Synthesis of Dimethylbutatrienone, (CH3)2C=C=C=C=O, by a Rearrangement-Fragmentation Process and by Direct Elimination
RFC Brown, KJ Coulston, FW Eastwood and MJ Irvine
pp. 87-101
CH9910113Quinquedentate Coordination of 6-Methyl-1,11-dithia-4,8-diazacyclotetradecan-6-amine to Cobalt(III). X-Ray Crystal Structure of the [Co(N3S2)(OOCCH3)] (ClO4)2.H2O Complex
GA Lawrance, M Martinez, BW Skelton and AH White
pp. 113-121
CH9910123Structural Study of (-)-8-Epi-11-nordriman-9-one
KA Dastlik, EL Ghisalberti, BW Skelton and AH White
pp. 123-127
CH9910129The Synthesis of Some Thiazolo- and Oxazolo[5,4-d]pyrimidines and Pyrimidinylureas. II.
DT Hurst, S Atcha and KL Marshall
pp. 129-134
CH9910135Synthesis of the 3-Aza[9]metacyclophane System by Oxidative Cleavage of a 3-Aza[6](1,7)naphthalenophane Derivative
JB Bremner and W Jaturonrusmee
pp. 135-141
CH9910143Preferred Equatorial Linkages of Hexahydropyrimidine Rings in Dodecahydro-2,2'-bipyrimidines
DS Black, DC Craig, M Kassiou and RW Read
pp. 143-149
CH99101574-O-Methylhiascic Acid and 5-O-Acetyl-4-O-methylhiascic Acid, Two New Lichen Tridepsides
JA Elix, J Yu and T Tonsberg
pp. 157-163
CH9910165Perforatin: a Novel Tetranortriterpenoid From Harrisonia perforata
LT Byrne, M Vantri, NM Phuong, MV Sargent, BW Skelton and AH White
pp. 165-169