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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology
Table of Contents

Volume 73 Number 2 2025

Map comparing home-ranges of a male and female grey goshawk during the breeding and non-breeding season in Tasmania.

The grey goshawk (Tachyspiza novaehollandiae) is an endangered raptor whose spatial ecology is poorly known. We estimated home range size of 15 GPS tracked goshawks in Tasmania to assist with conservation management of the species. Home range size of male goshawks (160.50 km2) was eight times larger than that of females (19.03 km2). Image by David A. Young.

Output from program Structure showing population genetic structure of 264 white-fronted chats grouped into 15 locations.

Fragmentation of populations is a major concern for many threatened species. Population genetics can be used to identify barriers to dispersal and, in this study, revealed that small extents of ocean and urbanised land resulted in isolation of populations of the white-fronted chat. Conservation efforts for this species, listed as Vulnerable in NSW, must recognise that despite the powers of flight and a tendency towards nomadism, this species is not as dispersive as was previously believed. Image by R.E. Major.

Photograph of a camera trap deployed on a typical rocky landform in the Mount Isa Inlier.

We conducted a 13-month camera trap study investigating when and how a diverse fauna utilises the ancient and complex rocky landforms of the Mount Isa Inlier. We found a unique rocky landform specialist community that utilised the landscape at different rates throughout the year, and favoured certain slope aspects, landform types, and lithologies. Our results highlight the best times of year and the environmental characteristics of sites in which to focus future management and conservation initiatives for this unique community. Photograph by Jarrad Barnes.

Committee on Publication Ethics

AJZ Award winner

Tyler Lepan has been awarded the AJZ Best Student Paper Award for 2022.

Expressions of Interest

Australian Journal of Zoology is seeking Associate Editors to join the Editorial Board. Read more information here
