Rocky landform specialists of the Mount Isa Inlier: camera trapping reveals seasonal occupancy and habitat associations of a unique faunal assemblage in an ancient landscape
Jarrad C. Barnes

Rocky landforms offer a complex and persistent habitat for a diverse range of fauna. The Mount Isa Inlier bioregion of north-west Queensland is dominated by such landforms, but the faunal assemblage inhabiting them has received scant attention. We conducted a 13-month camera trap study at 60 camera stations, totalling 21,965 camera days, aimed at detecting the faunal assemblage present on these landforms. We categorised each identified taxon as either a rocky landform specialist or non-specialist. We identified 15 specialists and implemented a multiseason community occupancy model for 12 of these to assess how they utilised rocky landforms over the course of a year, and according to a suite of environmental characteristics. Rates of use of rocky landforms increased in November and decreased in April. At the community level we found higher rates of use of south and west slopes than north slopes, higher rates of use of rocky hills than jumpups, and higher rates of use of metamorphic and igneous geologies than sedimentary ones. We provide the first evidence of this unique community’s use of the landscape through both space and time and highlight broad site characteristics of candidate areas in which to focus future management and conservation initiatives.
Keywords: camera trap, community ecology, community occupancy model, fauna communities, habitat associations, Mount Isa Inlier, north-west Queensland, rocky landforms, saxicoline fauna.
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