International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 17 Number 3 2008
WF06162Wildland fire probabilities estimated from weather model-deduced monthly mean fire danger indices
Haiganoush K. Preisler, Shyh-Chin Chen, Francis Fujioka, John W. Benoit and Anthony L. Westerling
pp. 305-316
WF06110Fire ignitions related to radar reflectivity patterns in Arizona and New Mexico
Beth L. Hall
pp. 317-327
WF07014Fire activity in Portugal and its relationship to weather and the Canadian Fire Weather Index System
A. Carvalho, M. D. Flannigan, K. Logan, A. I. Miranda and C. Borrego
pp. 328-338
WF06159Fire and stand history in two limber pine (Pinus flexilis) and Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) stands in Colorado
Peter M. Brown and Anna W. Schoettle
pp. 339-347
WF07080Dendroclimatic inference of wildfire activity in Quebec over the 20th century and implications for natural disturbance-based forest management at the northern limit of the commercial forest
Héloïse Le Goff, Martin P. Girardin, Mike D. Flannigan and Yves Bergeron
pp. 348-362
WF07003A comparison of five sampling techniques to estimate surface fuel loading in montane forests
Pamela G. Sikkink and Robert E. Keane
pp. 363-379
WF07021Using visual obstruction to estimate heathland fuel load and structure
G. M. Davies, A. Hamilton, A. Smith and C. J. Legg
pp. 380-389
WF07066Implementation of mid-scale fire regime condition class mapping
Louis Provencher, Jeff Campbell and Jan Nachlinger
pp. 390-406
WF07095Post-dispersal seed predation in Pinus halepensis and consequences on seedling establishment after fire
Maria José Broncano, Anselm Rodrigo and Javier Retana
pp. 407-414
WF06067Assessing mitigation of wildfire severity by fuel treatments – an example from the Coastal Plain of Mississippi
Erik J. Martinson and Philip N. Omi
pp. 415-420
WF07052The relative importance of fine-scale fuel mosaics on reducing fire risk in south-west Tasmania, Australia
Karen J. King, Ross A. Bradstock, Geoffrey J. Cary, Joanne Chapman and Jon B. Marsden-Smedley
pp. 421-430
WF07103Mapping the severity of fire using object-based classification of IKONOS imagery
G. H. Mitri and I. Z. Gitas
pp. 431-442