Sub-hourly forecasting of fire potential using machine learning on time series of surface weather variables
Alberto Ardid A * , Andres Valencia A , Anthony Power B , Matthias M. Boer C , Marwan Katurji D , Shana Gross E and David Dempsey AA
Rapidly developing pre-fire weather conditions contributing to sudden fire outbreaks can have devastating consequences. Accurate short-term forecasting is important for timely evacuations and effective fire suppression measures.
This study aims to introduce a novel machine learning-based approach for forecasting fire potential and to test its performance in the Sunshine Coast region of Queensland, Australia, over a period of 15 years from 2002 to 2017.
By analysing real-time data from local weather stations at a sub-hourly temporal resolution, we aimed to identify distinct weather patterns occurring hours to days before fires. We trained random forest machine learning models to classify pre-fire conditions.
The models achieved high out-of-sample accuracy, with a 47% higher accuracy than the standard fire danger index for the region. When simulating real forecasting conditions, the model anticipated 75% of the fires (11 out of 15).
This method provides objective, quantifiable information, enhancing the precision and effectiveness of fire warning systems.
The proposed forecasting approach supports decision-makers in implementing timely evacuations and effective fire suppression measures, ultimately reducing the impact of fires.
Keywords: early warning, fire danger, fire potential, fire potential forecasting, fire potential probability, machine learning, surface weather variables, time series feature engineering, weather station data.
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