Sexual Health
Volume 7 Number 3 2010
Human papillomavirus
SH10088Advancements in the control of genital human papillomavirus infections and related diseases: highlighting Australia's role
Suzanne M. Garland, Julia M. L. Brotherton, Christopher K. Fairley, Dorota M. Gertig and Marion Saville
pp. 227-229
SH09129For debate: that Australia should continue using the quadrivalent vaccine
Gerard Wain
pp. 235-237
SH09131For debate: that Australia should consider changing to the bivalent vaccine
Peter L. Stern
pp. 238-241
SH10026Commentary on opinion pieces re Australian human papillomavirus vaccine policy
Peter McIntyre
pp. 242-243
SH10020Cancers attributable to human papillomavirus infection
Andrew E. Grulich, Fengyi Jin, E. Lynne Conway, Alicia N. Stein and Jane Hocking
pp. 244-252
SH09142Estimating the prevalence of and treatment patterns for juvenile onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in Australia pre-vaccination: a pilot study
Daniel Novakovic, Alan T. L. Cheng, Daron H. Cope and Julia M. L. Brotherton
pp. 253-261
SH09123Human papillomavirus vaccine introduction in Vietnam: formative research findings
Nguyen Quy Nghi, D. Scott LaMontagne, Allison Bingham, Mirriam Rafiq, Le Thi Phuong Mai, Nguyen Thi Phuong Lien, Nguyen Cong Khanh, Duong Thi Hong, Dang Thi Thanh Huyen, Nguyen Thi Thi Tho and Nguyen Tran Hien
pp. 262-270
SH09140'It's a logistical nightmare!' Recommendations for optimising human papillomavirus school-based vaccination experience
Spring Chenoa Cooper Robbins, Diana Bernard, Kirsten McCaffery and S. Rachel Skinner
pp. 271-278
SH09130Scaling up human papillomavirus vaccination: a conceptual framework of vaccine adherence
Ingrid T. Katz, Norma C. Ware, Glenda Gray, Jessica E. Haberer, Claude A. Mellins and David R. Bangsberg
pp. 279-286
SH09136Low rates of free human papillomavirus vaccine uptake among young women
Gregory R. Moore, Richard A. Crosby, April Young and Richard Charnigo
pp. 287-290
SH09135National survey of general practitioners' experience of delivering the National Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Program
Julia M. L. Brotherton, Julie Leask, Cath Jackson, Kirsten McCaffery and Lyndal J. Trevena
pp. 291-298
SH09150Knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) and the HPV vaccine in a national sample of Australian men and women
Marian K. Pitts, Wendy Heywood, Richard Ryall, Anthony M. Smith, Julia M. Shelley, Juliet Richters and Judy M. Simpson
pp. 299-303
SH09127Human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability among a national sample of adult women in the USA
Nathan W. Stupiansky, Susan L. Rosenthal, Sarah E. Wiehe and Gregory D. Zimet
pp. 304-309
SH09137Monitoring the control of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and related diseases in Australia: towards a national HPV surveillance strategy
Julia M. L. Brotherton, John M. Kaldor and Suzanne M. Garland
pp. 310-319
SH09153Human papillomavirus vaccine safety in Australia: experience to date and issues for surveillance
Michael S. Gold, Jim Buttery and Peter McIntyre
pp. 320-324
SH09145What can surveillance of genital warts tell us?
Christopher K. Fairley and Basil Donovan
pp. 325-327
SH09133Cytology and cervical cancer surveillance in an era of human papillomavirus vaccination
Alison C. Budd and Christine J. Sturrock
pp. 328-334
SH09115US physicians' intentions regarding impact of human papillomavirus vaccine on cervical cancer screening
Charlene Wong, Zahava Berkowitz, Mona Saraiya, Louise Wideroff and Vicki B. Benard
pp. 338-345
SH09118Audit of paired anal cytology and histopathology outcomes in patients referred to a public sexual health clinic
Vincent M. Williams, Cecily Metcalf, Martyn A. French and Jenny C. McCloskey
pp. 346-351
SH10018A brief history of economic evaluation for human papillomavirus vaccination policy
Philippe Beutels and Mark Jit
pp. 352-358
SH10016Models of cervical screening in the era of human papillomavirus vaccination
Karen Canfell
pp. 359-367
SH10006Unresolved questions concerning human papillomavirus infection and transmission: a modelling perspective
David G. Regan, David J. Philp and Edward K. Waters
pp. 368-375
SH10022Promising strategies for cervical cancer screening in the post-human papillomavirus vaccination era
Joseph Tota, Salaheddin M. Mahmud, Alex Ferenczy, François Coutlée and Eduardo L. Franco
pp. 376-382
SH09134Global reduction of cervical cancer with human papillomavirus vaccines: insights from the hepatitis B virus vaccine experience
Margaret E. Heffernan, Suzanne M. Garland and Mark A. Kane
pp. 383-390
SH09148Role of the nurse immuniser in implementing and maintaining the National Human Papillomavirus 'Cervical Cancer' Vaccine rollout through a school-based program in Victoria
Helen Kent, Margaret E. Heffernan, Julie Silvers, Elya Moore and Suzanne M. Garland
pp. 391-393
SH10005Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine acceptance and perceived effectiveness, and HPV infection concern among young New Zealand university students
Carol Chelimo, Trecia A. Wouldes and Linda D. Cameron
pp. 394-396
SH10075Closing editorial: processes, opportunities and challenges after introduction of human papillomavirus vaccine
Julia M. L. Brotherton, Christopher K. Fairley, Suzanne M. Garland, Dorota Gertig and Marion Saville
pp. 397-398
SH10075 Full Text | SH10075PDF (64 KB) Open Access Article