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Your search on Wool returned 1092 results

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Australian Agriculture

Australian Agriculture

Ted Henzell

Agriculture in Australia has had a lively history. The first European settlers in 1788 brought agricultural technologies with them from their homelands, influencing early practices in Australia. Wool production dominated the 19th century, …

[ Books ] Science in Society — Science in Society / Heritage and History

Running a Small Flock of Sheep

Running a Small Flock of Sheep

David G Hinton

Running a Small Flock of Sheep uses a step-by-step approach and has been written for small-scale sheep farmers and inexperienced people considering a rural life-style change. It will prepare the reader for each procedure and event …

[ Books ] Food & Agriculture — Food & Agriculture / Livestock Management

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research

Variation in goat fibre protein

DJ Tucker, AHF Hudson, A Laudani, RC Marshall and DE Rivett

Published: 01/06/1989

[ Journals ] Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 40 (3)