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Animal Production Science Animal Production Science Society
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A comparison of the effects of feed supplements cobalt and selenium, and perennial and annual pastures on the production of medium Peppin Merino weaner sheep in south-western Australia

HL Davies, PP Mann and B Goddard

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 29(3) 361 - 367
Published: 1989


Two experiments on weaner production are reported. In experiment 1, the liveweight and wool production were measured in medium Peppin Merino sheep that grazed at 10.5 weanerstha 8 plots of a mixed Phalaris aquatica-subterranean clover pasture or 8 plots of annual pasture (Trifolium subterraneum cv. Woogenellup and volunteer annual grass species). This was repeated over 2 years using autumn-born sheep; 4 groups on each pasture type were offered no supplement, 2 groups a cereal supplement (340 goats), and 2 groups of supplement isoenergetic with the cereal group but having a high protein meal replace some of the cereal (250 g oats and 60 g protein). The feed supplement was offered over the summer (January-April). The sheep on 2 of the unsupplemented plots and 1 of the 2 plots receiving either a cereal or cereal + protein supplement were offered access to a composite mineral block formulated to meet the mineral requirements of sheep with the exception of cobalt and selenium. There were 16 sheep on each plot within each group of 16 weaners, 4 were given an intraruminal cobalt 'bullet', 4 were given 5 mg of selenium orally, 4 given cobalt plus selenium and 4 were untreated controls. Experiment 2 was in year 3 with spring-born weaners on the same plots. The mineral block treatment was discarded on the plots receiving supplement and the effect of supplementary feeding at the beginning of March was compared with feeding in early January; barley was also compared with oats and protein. The stocking rate was raised to 13.5 sheep/ha. There were no statistically significant differences in sheep liveweight due to pasture type in either of the years of experiment 1 or experiment 2. Supplementation with cereals or protein-fortified cereals resulted in a significantly ( P < 0.05) increased liveweight at the end of March (5.6 kg in year 1,2.4 kg in year 2 of experiment 1, and 2.5 kg in experiment 2), and wool production (0.49 kg clean wool in year 1 and 0.3 1 kg in year 2 in experiment 1, and 0.49 in experiment 2). There was a significant liveweight response on the perennial plots to selenium + cobalt in year 1 of experiment 1. All cobalt-treated sheep were heavier ( P < 0.001) in year 2. Neither selenium nor cobalt significantly affected liveweight in experiment 2. The proportion of Phalaris aquatica on the perennial pasture diminished from 18% to less than 9% by the end of year 2 in experiment 1. These results suggest that, if perennial pastures cannot be maintained, then their establishment in the south-west of Western Australia would not result in greater animal production than on annual pasture. Decisions on using supplements would be dependent upon feed and wool prices.

© CSIRO 1989

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