Running a Small Flock of Sheep

Paperback - September 2006 - AU $49.95

eBook - September 2006 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

Provides information on how to successfully manage a small flock of sheep.

Running a Small Flock of Sheep uses a step-by-step approach and has been written for small-scale sheep farmers and inexperienced people considering a rural life-style change. It will prepare the reader for each procedure and event on a sheep farm. + Full description

The book begins with an introduction to the basic principles and procedures of sheep farming and the economics and required farm infrastructure for different sheep enterprises. There are chapters on handling techniques, the obligations of owners, and laws and regulations covering the welfare of sheep. The remainder of the text deals with sheep husbandry including health and nutrition, condition scoring, breeding, lamb care and weaner management. There are separate chapters on wool production and prime lamb production. The final chapter covers the diagnosis, control and prevention of sheep diseases.

This reliable and understandable guide provides all the information anyone needs to make the right choices in successfully managing a small flock of sheep, whether you're running a single pet or several hundred sheep for prime lamb, wool or dual purpose.

- Short description


"This is a comprehensive and well-presented and illustrated manual that could answer queries and prevent costly mistakes by smallholders."
Grass Roots Magazine, February / March 2007


Paperback | September 2006 | $ 49.95
ISBN: 9780643092754 | 192 pages | 245 x 170 mm
Publisher: Landlinks Press
Illustrations, Photographs, Tables

ePDF | September 2006
ISBN: 9780643093874
Publisher: Landlinks Press
Available from eRetailers

ePUB | September 2006
ISBN: 9780643099531
Publisher: Landlinks Press
Available from eRetailers


  • Easy-to-read and assumes no prior farming knowledge
  • Practical information on all the sheep farm procedures
  • Well illustrated with explanatory photographs of breeds, tools and procedures


Sheep in Australia
Sheep enterprises
Choosing a sheep enterprise
Economics – costs and returns
Sheep farm resources and infrastructure
Responsibilities of sheep owners
Meet a sheep – facts, figures and features
Working with sheep
Fat scoring
Management operations
Grazing and pasture management
Feeding supplements
Breeding sheep
Lamb care
Weaner management
Wool sheep production
Prime lamb production
Harvesting and marketing wool
Buying and selling sheep
Diseases of sheep
Information and further reading


David G. Hinton has spent most of his 36-year career working with farmers as an Animal Health Officer with the Department of Agriculture / Primary Industries in central Victoria. His chief aim has always been to empower producers with training and education so that they can confidently manage situations in their own flocks and herds. He has had extensive involvement in training courses for both established graziers and new farmers and has written numerous articles, government reports, information sheets and books.