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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

A decision support tool for habitat connectivity in Australia

Patrick Norman A * and Brendan Mackey A
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A Climate Action Beacon, Griffith University, 1 Parklands Drive, Southport, Qld, Australia. Email:

* Correspondence to:

Handling Editor: Mike Calver

Pacific Conservation Biology 30, PC24008
Submitted: 10 February 2024  Accepted: 20 August 2024  Published: 9 September 2024

© 2024 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND)



Species connectivity mapping is a technically challenging task for conservation practitioners and nongovernment organisations to undertake as it requires experience in geographic information systems and often some computer programming.


We developed a decision support tool to provide spatial information and data on potential habitat connectivity and optimum connectivity pathways for a selection of forest-dependent vertebrate fauna in eastern and south-western Australia.


We systematically searched spatial data repositories for Australian spatial datasets for modelling connectivity. A least cost paths and patch connectivity approach was used to map potential habitat connectivity for (1) a single species – the glossy black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami) of South East Queensland, and (2) four species guilds – rainforest pigeons, gliding possums, the black cockatoos of south-western Western Australia and a landscape level forest connectivity. Optimum connectivity pathways were assessed for protection status.

Key results

In total 71 spatial datasets useful for habitat connectivity mapping were identified. Species and guild modelling found that the protection status for optimum connectivity pathways varied between 24.7% and 53.3%. A decision support mapping tool was then created to enable users to interactively explore the connectivity data and download the spatial datasets for further analysis.


The development of a decision support tool for mapping habitat connectivity in eastern and south-western Australia represents a useful platform for conservation practitioners as it provides valuable spatial information on potential connectivity pathways for forest-dependent vertebrate fauna.


The tool can aid in the prioritisation of conservation actions aimed at enhancing habitat connectivity and mitigating the impacts of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity in the two regions.

Keywords: conservation, decision support tool, environmental managers, habitat connectivity, integral index of connectivity, interactive tool, least cost paths, species habitats.


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