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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

General Information

The Pacific region has profound problems in conservation and land management that require urgent attention. The region also has people with world-class skills and training in conservation oriented biological research. One broadly recognised impediment to effective conservation and management is inadequate communication among research biologists and conservation managers and administrators.

Pacific Conservation Biology enhances this communication. It provides a forum for discussion about regional conservation problems; debate about priorities and mechanisms for conservation oriented biological research; and dissemination of the results of relevant research.

Emphasis is placed on making clear the relevance and management implications of the research. The primary readership is composed of research biologists, wildlife managers and administrators of government and non-government conservation agencies.

Pacific Conservation Biology publishes six issues a year. Each issue includes contributed papers that present high quality original research. A section of news and correspondence, and a forum with a key discussion paper and responses, are often featured. Reviews on relevant topics, especially those that focus on the region, are welcome.

Please refer to the Author Instructions for specific instructions on manuscript preparation.


To submit your paper, please use our online journal management system ScholarOne Manuscripts.

For general enquiries about submitted papers please contact:
Pacific Conservation Biology
CSIRO Publishing

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