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Realising the benefits of modern fish-protection screening in Australia

Thomas S. Rayner A B * , Craig A. Boys A B , John Conallin B , Boyd Blackwell C D , Anthony Moore E , Marita Pearson F and Rodney Price F
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A Freshwater Ecosystems Research, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Taylors Beach, NSW, Australia.

B Gulbali Institute, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW, Australia.

C Freshwater Environment Branch, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Armidale, NSW, Australia.

D Centre for Global Food and Resources, School of Economics and Public Policy, Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

E Freshwater Environment Branch, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Bega, NSW, Australia.

F Freshwater Environment Branch, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Dubbo, NSW, Australia.

* Correspondence to:

Handling Editor: Max Finlayson

Marine and Freshwater Research 75, MF24067
Submitted: 28 March 2024  Accepted: 16 August 2024  Published: 20 September 2024

© 2024 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY)



Modern fish-protection screens are being implemented globally to conserve aquatic ecosystems and protect water infrastructure. Australian governments have invested ~A$40 × 106 towards incentive programs. However, evaluation remains limited.


This study aimed to review progress, summarise research, and identify future priorities for screening in Australia.


The study analysed screen installations to date, estimating their benefits for native fish and agricultural water supply.

Key results

In New South Wales, 36 pumped water diversions were screened from 2018 to 2024. These installations protect over 819,000 native fish annually and can deliver up to 2600 ML of cleaner water per day, servicing over 230 km2 of irrigated agriculture. By 2026, these figures are set to rise to 48 sites, 1.72 × 106 native fish year−1 and 5461 ML day−1 of water.


Although incentive programs are generating substantial public benefits, valued at least A$177 ML−1 of water passing through a modern screen, and with benefit–cost ratios averaging 4:1, installation costs remain high and national progress has been limited.


Addressing these challenges is crucial to realising the full potential benefits of screening. Action is required to identify high-priority water diversions, improve affordability, encourage industry stewardship, and pursue advancements to facilitate wider adoption.

Keywords: agriculture, aquatic ecosystems, complementary measures, conservation, fish screens, irrigation, river infrastructure, water diversion, water extraction.


Modern fish-protection screens help safeguard aquatic ecosystems. The technology reduces the velocity of water entering pumps and gravity-fed diversions, without changing the volume or rate at which water can be diverted (Boys et al. 2021a). By doing so, modern screens reduce entrainment, injury, and mortality of freshwater fish and other organisms, while securing access to water for human use (Swanson et al. 2005; Bretzel et al. 2023). In the United States, Europe and New Zealand, screening has been implemented across irrigation networks, power stations and flood-management systems (Moyle and Israel 2005). In Australia, use has centred on protecting native fish species at irrigation diversions in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB; Baumgartner and Boys 2012; Boys et al. 2021a). Governments have invested over A$40 × 106 to incentivise adoption, with economic subsides ranging from 10 to 100% of construction and installation costs (Rayner et al. 2023). Despite ongoing application, evaluation of fish-screening efforts has been limited worldwide (Moyle and Israel 2005). The spatial extent of screen installations, operational longevity of designs, annual rate of fish preservation, and the place of screening in river-restoration strategies remain unclear in many countries.

But we simply do not know if screening every diversion or any particular diversion makes a difference to fish populations, even those of listed species [Moyle and White 2002, p. 9].

With investment increasing in Australia, there is a need to chart progress to date, guide implementation and address remaining knowledge gaps. This includes developing a better understanding of the economic cost–benefit of screen installations, the outcomes of reduced point-source mortality for fish populations, and the cumulative benefits of screening multiple diversions in a single river reach or catchment, for fish, fishing, farms, communities, and cultures.

The aim of this study was to objectively examine the progress and future of modern fish-protection screening in Australia. The specific objectives were to (1) review progress in existing and funded screen installations, and the scientific knowledge base, and (2) identify priorities for effective and widespread implementation. The goal was to establish an objective baseline of progress and create a pathway to support realisation of the full benefits that modern fish-protection screens offers for Australia, including long-term ecological and economic sustainability of water access.


Thousands of water diversions are unscreened or poorly screened in Australia, with over 4500 in New South Wales (NSW) alone (Boys et al. 2021a). Here, inland and coastal catchments present different challenges and opportunities for screening. Inland catchments are characterised by water extraction for irrigated agriculture, with large-volume diversions that contribute to poor ecological river condition (NSW Environmental Protection Authority 2021). In contrast, most extraction in coastal catchments of NSW is for human consumption and heavy industry (e.g. cooling for power generators and mining), but the volumes of water extracted relative to total river discharge are typically lower than in inland rivers (NSW Government, unpubl. data) and river condition is relatively good (NSW Environmental Protection Authority 2021). Installation of modern screens can protect fish from entrainment in both areas, although screening reduces the risk of entrainment only at screened diversions; fish remain exposed to unscreened diversions and other extant threats (Lintermans et al. 2024).

Screen installations

Modern fish-protection screening programs in Australia have focussed on pumped-water diversions, as opposed to gravity-fed diversion. These pumps are concentrated in regulated river reaches downstream from major water storages in the MDB, where large volumes of water are extracted for irrigated agriculture (Leblanc et al. 2012). A central objective of these screening programs has been to complement large-scale river-restoration activities, such as the delivery of water for the environment, fish stocking, habitat rehabilitation, and improvements to fish passage, which aim to improve trends in the health, resilience and connectivity of native fish populations (Koehen et al. 2020; Crook et al. 2023).

New South Wales

There has been significant progress in research, management and implementation in NSW (Fig. 1, Table 1). This includes informing design, supporting industry, coordinating action, engaging with stakeholders, and communicating outcomes. An incentive-based approach has been applied to initiate progress, showcase technologies, and generate evaluations opportunities (Rayner et al. 2023). Water users can self-nominate as ‘early adopters’, by an expression of interest (EOI) process, and receive financial, technical or institutional support to install screens. This approach is underpinned by lessons from international experiences and concepts from social-learning theory (e.g. Rogers 2003). It has been used to take action, on the basis of strong biophysical evidence (Boys et al. 2021a), in lieu of a quantitative prioritisation, which could consider ecological, economic, and socio-cultural factors at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.

Fig. 1.

Map of modern fish-protection screening sites in Australia to August 2024. The status of screen installations is indicated, including expressions of interest (EOI) from water users to participate in incentive programs. Specific location data were not available for four additional sites installed in southern Queensland under the Northern Basin Toolkit, nine private sites in Victoria, and two sites in the Australian Capital Territory.

Table 1.Progress in research and management of modern fish-protection screening in New South Wales, led by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

Tailoring screens to local conditionsDPIRD has adapted international technology to suit local fish and waterways. Laboratory experiments, field trials and flume testing (e.g. Boys et al. 2013a ) have led to design guidelines that ensure screens meet the swimming abilities of native fish species (Boys 2021).
Correcting the recordDPIRD has consolidated the historical and contemporary evidence on native fish losses at water diversions (Boys et al. 2021a ). The findings highlight the impact on fish populations, with millions of native fish being affected annually. The implementation of screens therefore plays a key role in conserving and restoring aquatic biodiversity.
Supporting industryDPIRD has developed A Guide to Modern Fish-Protection Screening in Australia to support water users (Boys et al. 2021b ). This resource describes how modern screens operate and the factors that require consideration to provide effective fish protection.
Promoting showcasesThe Fish Screens Australia website shares the latest science and showcases screening projects. DPIRD actively collaborates with early adopters to capture their experiences and examine the costs and benefits for water users. This dissemination of knowledge supports further adoption of screens. See
Coordinating actionThe Australian Fish Screening Advisory Panel facilitates communication, knowledge sharing, and management of screening across jurisdictions and industries in Australia. It comprises representatives from the irrigation industry, recreational angling community and international experts.
Developing policyModern fish screening is recognised as a complementary measure to environmental flow delivery, fishway construction, habitat restoration and fish stocking. Screening is embedded in the Native Fish Recovery Strategy (Murray–Darling Basin Authority 2020), the NSW Water Strategy (NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment 2020), the NSW Ministerial Taskforce for Fish Passage and the Northern Basin Toolkit.
Exchanging informationThe Modern Fish Screening Interagency Working assists the NSW Ministerial Task Force on Fish Passage, by providing a forum for knowledge transfer across agencies involved in the delivery of screening and the operation of key policies in the State.
Understanding stakeholdersSocial research has examined the attitudes, motivations and abilities of water users in the Murray–Darling Basin. This work allowed development of targeted engagement strategies to support incentive programs for modern screens (Nayeem et al. 2023a , 2023b ; Rayner et al. 2023).
Understanding economicsResearch has been funded by the Fisheries and Cotton Research and Development Corporations to measure on-farm benefits of screening, including energy savings. Additional research is underway to determine the broader-scale economic benefits of screening programs to the NSW public.
Building research capacityResearch projects have been examining screen performance. These involve experiments in the field (e.g. Bretzel et al. 2023) and larval fish interactions with screens in the laboratory. This research is creating new experts in screening and the outcomes are being used to refine design guidelines.
Communicating outcomesDPIRD staff have delivered dozens of public presentations, workshop sessions and scientific conference papers. A comprehensive communications and engagement plan has been developed to coordinate stakeholder engagement across incentive programs and support the implementation of projects.

NSW water users have responded enthusiastically to opportunities to participate in incentive programs and implementation is well underway. In total, 36 modern fish-protection screen installations were completed in NSW from 2018 to 2024, mostly in the northern Murray–Darling Basin (Table 2). Together, these protect an estimated 819,126 native fish per year and deliver up to 2600 ML of cleaner water to water users per day across 234.09 km2 of irrigated agriculture (see Entrainment section below for calculations). Most of these installations were on small diversions (with a maximum pumping capacity of 1–16 ML day−1), using stainless-steel cylinder screens with brushed or water-jet cleaning mechanisms. A larger diversion was screened with a T-shaped dual cylinder screen plus an array of four cone screens, totalling 800 ML day−1 (Fish Screens Australia 2023). No gravity-fed diversions have been screened in NSW.

Table 2.Status of modern fish-protection screening programs in NSW to August 2024.

StatusFunding bodyNumber of sitesMaximum daily pump capacity (ML day−1)Irrigated area serviced (km2)Cost (A$ × 106)Native fish protected (fish year−1)
InstalledNSW Government292229223.4811.05702,261
Commonwealth Government33406.003.63107,100
FundedCommonwealth Government7217750.0013.12685,802
NSW Government568324.423.69215,240
Total (installed + funded) 48 5461 308.51 31.48 1,720,168
EOICommonwealth Government1531590.0014.77995,085
NSW Government1115430.005.92486,045
Grand total7410,163308.5152.173,201,298

The total of installed plus funded sites (in bold) provides the best indication of the status of modern fish-protection screening in NSW, with funded screens likely to be installed in 2025 and 2026. Expressions of interest (EOI) submitted by water users to participate in screening programs provide an indication of potential future uptake, if additional resources become available to provide financial, technical and institutional support at these sites. The number of native fish protected annually was estimated using 3.5 fish ML−1 and a 90-day irrigation season (Boys et al. 2021a).

The rate of uptake has been accelerating, particularly since 2023, with over A$30 × 106 invested in incentive programs (Fig. 2, Table 2). This is despite delays caused by flooding, access to labour in regional areas, and variation in the price of stainless steel (Sverdrup and Olafsdottir 2019). A further 12 installations have been funded and are in design and manufacture. Once installed, these will bring the total number of screened diversions in NSW to 48, protecting 1.72 × 106 native fish year−1 and delivering up to 5461 ML day−1 of cleaner water (Table 2). A total of 26 additional water users have submitted EOIs. Screening of these sites would protect an additional 1.481 × 106 native fish year−1 and deliver up to an additional 4702 ML day−1 of cleaner water per day, bringing the cumulative totals to 3.2 × 106 native fish and 10,163 ML day−1 (Table 1). However, demand has outstripped the quantum of funding available and further resources would be required to support screen installations at these latter 26 sites.

Fig. 2.

Uptake of modern fish-protection screening in NSW, indicating (a) cumulative number of sites, (b) cumulative maximum volume of cleaner water delivered per day, and (c) estimated cumulative number of native fish protected annually. Sites for 2025 are funded and set to be installed. Additional expressions of interest (EOIs) from water users to participate in incentive programs demonstrate the cumulative potential future uptake of modern screening technology.


Few screens have been installed in the southern portion of the NSW MDB and little attention has been given to coastal river catchments, as a consequence of funding availability. There is also a need to progress screening of gravity-fed diversions, which can entrain high numbers of native fish (Gilligan and Schiller 2003; Boys et al. 2021a). Advancing screening in these areas would require assessing the impacts of water diversions, prioritising sites, and understanding the stakeholders required for effective implementation. There are likely to be real and meaningful differences in the motivations and abilities of water users in coastal catchments versus inland systems, and between pumped and gravity-fed diversions, which will influence the uptake of screens (Rayner et al. 2023).

Other jurisdictions

Progress in other jurisdictions has been limited, with few installations outside NSW. However, attention is shifting towards the challenge.

  • Victoria was the first Australian jurisdiction to install a modern fish-protection screen in 2018. The gravity-fed diversion in the town of Cohuna, adjacent to the Murray River, features an array of four, self-cleaning, 3-mm cone screens. Mark–recapture of hatchery-reared fingerlings demonstrates that the system effectively reduces entrainment of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii) and golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) by more than 98% and significantly lowers debris loads from 19 to 0.14 kg h−1 (Bretzel et al. 2023). It remains the only gravity-fed diversion to be screened in Australia. The need to screen additional sites in the Victorian portion of the MDB is currently being explored, as is screening in coastal catchments to protect the drifting larvae of diadromous species (Justin O’Connor, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, pers. comm.).

  • In Queensland, A$6.6 × 106 has been committed to install modern screens on pumps in the Border Rivers, Lower Balonne and Condamine catchments, as part of the Commonwealth Government’s Northern Basin Toolkit (Murray–Darling Basin Authority 2023). Four screens have been installed, totalling 92 ML day−1. These protect an estimated 231,840 fish at a rate of 28 fish ML−1 (see Hutchinson et al. 2022), over an assumed 90-day irrigation season. Four additional screens have been manufactured, totalling 266.25 ML day−1, and a prioritisation project has been funded (Andrew McCartney, Southern Queensland Landscapes, pers. comm.).

  • In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), a fish-egg filter-screen aperture of 0.44–0.49 mm was installed on a 100 ML day−1 raw water transfer pipeline, constructed in 2012, to supply Googong Reservoir from the Murrumbidgee River via Burra Creek. The screen prevents entrainment of fish and eggs from the Murrumbidgee River. Although, carp (Cyprinus carpio) has recently established breeding populations in the reservoir because of other transport vectors and is known to be present in the upper sections of the Googong Reservoir catchment. Another screen was installed on the Cotter Dam offtake tower in 2013 (Matthew Beitzel, ACT Government and Tim Chaseling, Icon Water, pers. comm.).

  • In South Australia, the installation of modern screens is being investigated to complement upgrades to pumping infrastructure in weir pools of the Murray River. The first steps will be to quantify entrainment rates at managed wetlands by using pumping infrastructure equivalent to irrigation offtakes and survey water-user attitudes towards screening (Cassy Petho, South Australian Department for Environment and Water, pers. comm.).

  • There have been no reports of modern fish-protection screens being installed in the Northern Territory, Western Australia or Tasmania.


Substantial research has been undertaken to develop, implement and evaluate modern fish-protection screening in Australia. This includes work on entrainment, screen performance, stakeholder engagement, and economic cost–benefits.

Fish entrainment

Evidence of native fish entrainment is well established. Boys et al. (2021a) used all available historical and contemporary scientific evidence to establish a conservative best estimate of 3.5 native fish ML−1. That rate can be used to estimate the impacts of individual pumping sites. However, it is an approximation, which contains two key assumptions. Specifically, that pumps operate continually at their maximum daily capacity (ML day−1) and that pumps are used for 90 days per year. A 90-day irrigation season is consistent with feedback gathered from irrigators and is considered appropriate. However, pumping rates are known to vary among days and seasons, according to variables such as local weather conditions, crop requirements and pump maintenance schedules.

Opportunities exist to strengthen understanding of the spatial and temporal variability in fish entrainment rates. Hutchinson et al. (2022) began tackling this challenge, by sampling 10 pumped and two gravity-fed diversions in southern Queensland. They reported a mean entrainment rate of 28 native fish ML−1 across the pumped diversions (maximum pumping capacity ranged from 14 to 164 ML day−1), likely driven by a relatively high density of native fish in these waterways (cf. Boys et al. 2021a). However, they also reported significant variation in entrainment rates among sites. These were driven by factors such as the diversion type (pumped versus gravity-fed), intake position and depth, pumping rate, river flow type, fish size and life-history stage (Hutchinson et al. 2022). Further research is underway across south-eastern Australia, including assessment of pump configurations, species vulnerability, seasonal variability and population-scale benefits of screening multiple diversions in a river reach.

Gravity-fed diversions typically entrain more native fish per megalitre than do pumped diversions (Boys et al. 2021a; Hutchinson et al. 2022). This difference is likely to occur because gravity-fed diversions extract a larger portion of the total flow (as high as 97% in some cases; Boys et al. 2021a) and may be perceived by fish as a natural branch in the river channel. A single irrigation offtake channel can entrain 5 × 106 native fish, including their eggs and larvae, in a single irrigation season (Gilligan and Schiller 2003). This indicates that tens of millions of native fish are likely to be entrained across pumped and gravity-fed diversions in Australia every year and that the population-scale impacts are likely to be significant (Boys et al. 2021a).

Screen performance

Laboratory flume studies have explored the complex interactions between swimming abilities of fish species found in Australia, flow velocity and screens. Boys et al. (2013a) found that lowering approach velocities to 0.1 m s−1 effectively reduced entrainment of both juvenile silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) and golden perch. Similarly, Stocks et al. (2019) found that a 2-mm wedge-wire screen eliminated entrainment of juvenile golden perch at 0.1 m s−1, but impingement rates increased significantly with water velocity. Other species trialled include larval Murray cod (Stocks et al. 2024), golden perch (McSweeny 2021) and the invasive redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis; Doyle et al. 2023). Additional data are soon to be published, including small-flume testing 12 additional species (Joachim Bretzel, Charles Sturt University, unpubl. data) and a large-flume study, employing a high-volume channel, examining larval Murray cod and golden perch (Craig Boys, unpubl. data).

This body of research was used to define and validate the Design Specifications for Fish-Protection Screens in Australia (Boys 2021). The specifications account for screen location and orientation, hydraulics, construction, internal baffling, maintenance, and fish bypass design. Critically, the specifications recommend an approach velocity not exceeding 0.1 m s−1 and a mesh size of 2–3 mm (Boys 2021). Field-based studies have demonstrated that screens built to these specifications can reduce entrainment of fingerlings by over 98% for native species (Bretzel et al. 2023) and confirmed the importance of approach velocity in governing fish entrainment (Boys et al. 2013b). Deviating from these standards will result in poorer fish protection and debris control, increased maintenance costs and an increased risk of screen failure.

Social research

Rigorous social research has informed strategic stakeholder engagement and effectively enabled the success of incentive programs in Australia. Unlike in other countries, such as New Zealand, there is no legislative requirement for modern fish-protection screens to be installed on water diversions (see Rayner et al. 2023). Uptake is being progressed by securing, and then capitalising on, the enthusiastic participation of water users, while simultaneously removing barriers to participation and implementation. This requires inter-disciplinary collaboration, integration of biophysical and social science, and the development of approaches to stakeholder engagement and communication, an approach that appears to be unique to Australia in the context of modern fish-protection screening.

For example, the NSW Government has created a stakeholder-centred approach to engagement, combining diffusion of innovations theory (Rogers 2003) with the motivations and abilities (MOTA) framework for stakeholder assessment (Conallin et al. 2022). The emphasis is on understanding ‘triggers’, ‘motivations’ and ‘abilities’ for adoption, the social context of conservation interventions, and the relationships and networks of communication among stakeholders. The aim is to establish genuine dialogues with stakeholders, understand their attitudes, perceptions and capacities, and work towards participatory co-design of initiatives. Irrigators in inland NSW, for example, are motivated to protect fish, save money and improve their social licence to operate (Nayeem et al. 2023a, 2023b). However, a range of barriers to adoption must also be overcome, using a variety of technical, governance and social solutions (Rayner et al. 2023).

Economic research

Investment in fish screens returns market and non-market public and private benefits. Public benefits result from improved native fish populations, waterbird populations, recreational fishing and river ecosystem health (J. Rolfe, J. De Valck, M. Star, N. Flint, D. Rajapaksa, A. Rahman, M. Gordos and B. Blackwell, unpubl. data). For example, cost–benefit analysis (CBA) for a proposed A$15.2 × 106 screening incentive program in NSW estimated a net present value (NPV) of A$52 × 106, distributed across private and public stakeholders, with a benefit–cost ratio (BCR) of 4.7 to 1 (Boyd Blackwell, unpubl. data). On-ground works engage local businesses, drive job creation, and support agricultural productivity. High-quality, stainless-steel screens have an estimated lifespan of 50 years and annual maintenance costs estimated at 3% of the initial cost of just the screen component of a full site installation (Brett Kelly, AWMA Water Control Solutions, pers. comm.). Irrigators can also benefit from reduced backflushing of pumps to clear debris, and higher crop yields from reduced sprinkler blockages; together, these create water, energy and labour savings, and increased revenue.

The monetary value of public benefits derived from screening demonstrates that government support is appropriate and should continue. However, there is a definite role for private investment in the future of screening in Australia. Jaensch (2023) provided an analytic policy framework to identify scenarios where government investment is not only justified, but imperative for the optimisation of returns. The research found that a lower bound of A$177 of public benefits is derived per megalitre of water passing through a modern screen, but that subsidies of at least 70% are required to make screening projects viable for small farms (Jaensch 2023). Private co-investment can help improve the overall impact of screening programs, by allowing public funding to be directed to a higher number of diversions. Economic research is underway in NSW to quantify both private, on-farm benefits of screen installations (including savings in water, power, and maintenance and the value of improved social licence) and additional public benefits not yet captured (such as improvements to recreational fishing and cultural values).


Modern fish-protection screening has the potential to protect millions of native fish annually and provide significant ecological, economic, social and cultural benefits (Table 2; Rayner et al. 2023). Similarly many conservation interventions, the challenge now is to unlock this potential through action, affordability, and acceptance.

Action: prioritise diversions for screening

Australia needs a pragmatic framework to identify high-priority water diversions for screening. It should encompass a clear objective, a well-defined set of actions, and a robust model of system behaviour (Brooks et al. 2006). Furthermore, it should possess transferability and applicability across various spatial scales, including river reaches, catchments, regions, and jurisdictions. Ideally, the framework would allow prioritisation of all diversions using datasets collected across a wide sample of sites, without necessitating fieldwork at every individual location. Previous attempts have been limited by mistakes common to conservation priority setting, including arbitrariness, data availability and scope (Game et al. 2013), with the only two cases of which the authors are aware listed below:

  • King et al. (2020) proposed a framework to prioritise gravity-fed diversions in Victoria by using ecological, physical and socioeconomic considerations. However, this robust and comprehensive approach was limited by lack of data (mainly for water use and socioeconomics), which restricted prioritisation to 8 of the 23 sites. Vulnerability scores were calculated for 64 water-dependent species and sites were ranked according to the sum of these scores for the species recorded at each site.

  • Hutchinson et al. (2022) collected intensive entrainment data to create a scoring matrix for irrigation pumps in southern Queensland. Unlike in the Victorian approach, the vulnerability of individual species to entrainment was not incorporated in the matrix; rather, the focus was on overall impacts of different pump-intake configurations. The prioritisation explicitly did not consider socioeconomics. The framework is currently being strengthened with greater replication across pump types and locations (Michael Hutchinson, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, pers. comm.).

To improve on both of these approaches, prioritisation methods can be applied from other conservation interventions. Marsden et al. (2023) created a staged decision-support tool to prioritise fish-passage barriers for remediation in resource-deficient settings. It follows a series of logical stages, from remote geospatial analysis to field validation and assessment of socioeconomic context at the site scale. This approach is now being modified as the basis for a new framework to prioritise diversions for screening in NSW, including the southern MDB and coastal catchments (T. S. Rayner, NSW Diversion Screening Strategy, unpubl. data). The latter will include a wide scope of considerations, leveraging local data on fish populations, diversion characteristics, economic benefits, and stakeholder motivations and abilities (Boys et al. 2021a; Rayner et al. 2023). In practice, it will simplify prioritisation to a series of questions, such as the following: what is the estimated impact of an individual diversion on native fish; is the owner willing to install a screen; is funding available for a financial incentive; and what are the economic, social, and cultural outcomes for public and private stakeholders?

More broadly, there is an opportunity to consider where and how modern fish-protection screens could provide benefits in across Australia, outside the regions discussed above. This could include areas where human water use intersects with distributions of rare, threatened, endemic or highly-valued species, applications beyond irrigation diversions, such as pumped hydropower developments and in the marine environment, and areas with high aquatic biodiversity, where patterns of water use might shift with a changing climate (Lake and Bond 2007).

Affordability: improve the value proposition for water users

Screening needs to be made more affordable, without affecting the performance of screens for native fish protection and debris control. As described above, the economic BCR and NPV for screening projects are positive (and typically in the tens of millions of dollars). Public investment has been used to incentivise uptake, by funding up to 100% of screen installations, and this funding has been critical in securing the participation of early adopters in incentive programs. However, upfront installation costs are simply too high for most water users to consider private investment without financial support.

The current level of public investment to screen private water diversions is unsustainable. The average cost of screen installations in NSW has been ~A$5700 ML−1 of maximum daily pumping capacity (Table 2). New types or levels of financial incentives are required to maintain the viability of screening as a component of irrigation modernisation and conservation efforts. Optional financial mechanisms include potential tax advantages, interest-free loans, industry certifications or biodiversity credits (Ducros and Steele 2022; Jaensch 2023). There is also an opportunity to scale financial incentives by the ratio of public:private benefits derived from a screen installation (i.e. if a private water user will receive 30% of the benefits, they could contribute 30% of the screening cost).

Fortunately, the screen manufacturing industry is innovating to reduce costs. A large portion of the expense associated with installations has come from retrofitting screening systems to existing (and often aging) infrastructure, rather than the cost of the screens themselves. Costs associated with dewatering, surveying, custom engineering, pump realignment and redesign of pump ‘wet-ends’ ensure that pump ‘retrofits’ are almost always more expensive than screening greenfield sites. To address this issue, screen manufacturers are now working with pump manufacturers to develop ‘screen-ready pumps’ (Brett Kelly, AWMA Water Control Solutions, pers. comm.).

Many irrigation pumps in the MDB are also nearing the end of their effective life and require replacement. This presents the opportunity for water users to install new pumps that are either designed to be fitted with screens in the future (i.e. ‘screen ready’), or with screens already incorporated. This would create significant cost savings and greater potential for cost-share arrangements between water users and governments. In simple terms, the water user gets a new pump at a discounted rate and government does not have to cover the cost of retrofitting, resulting in more efficient incentive programs and more sites being modernised.

Acceptance: encourage industry leadership of screening

Governments have demonstrated strong support for water users, investing ~A$40 × 106 to encourage uptake of modern screens in Australia. Financial incentives have been delivered with strategic and genuine, stakeholder-centred engagement founded on rigorous biophysical and social research (Rayner et al. 2023). Even though this has been very effective, governments lack the capacity to deliver widespread adoption of screening without the support of industry leaders. As the availability of public funding for economic incentives decreases, industry peak bodies have an opportunity to accept a level of stewardship in the adoption process. These leaders can champion and guide ongoing uptake, while helping to secure long-term access to water, social licence to operate, and profitability for their industries.

Current proponents of screening, particularly governments, can support industry leaders with technical and institutional support. For example, this might include the collaborative introduction of industry-led certifications. In the fibre industry, Cotton Australia promotes a voluntary online self-assessment program called ‘myBMP’ (my best management practices; see, accessed 5 February 2024). This program allows growers to assess their own environmental management, compare themselves with other growers, measure improvements, and align with quality-assurance programs and best practices. Specifically, the myBMP checklist for ‘water storage and distribution systems’ could include ‘installation of modern fish-protection screens on water intakes’.

Requiring modern screens as compulsory for water diversions is often thought as a ‘simple’ solution to ensure adoption, because it clearly mandates the need for screening and enforces compliance through legislative means. In regions such as North America, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, screening has been implemented through incentive programs (e.g. grant schemes) and enforced through national and state-based legislation (see Turnpenny et al. 1998; Bureau of Reclamation 2006; National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research 2023). This has resulted in thousands of screen installations (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 2023). However, the reality is that through ‘grandfathering’, minimum diversion-size rules, and various licensing exemptions, many diversions in these regions are either not required to screen, or fail to comply (Boys et al. 2021a).

Regulation creates restrictions that affect flexibility, for both water users and regulators. It immediately removes water-user consent and restricts the ability of regulators, water users, and screen manufacturers to balance fish protection with efficient delivery of water. If screening criteria and technologies are also applied inconsistently, these dynamics can create uncertainty about project goals, leading to ‘stalemates’ between regulators and water users. This not only halts screening projects but undermines trust among all parties involved. Additionally, regulation does not address many of the real barriers to screening uptake (Rayner et al. 2023).

Clearly legislative change alone is not an effective way to maximise uptake. Instead, a mixed-model approach, combining co-designed, incentive-based support for water users with rational regulation, is likely to be most effective (see Rayner et al. 2023). This approach focuses on the ongoing participation of water users in implementation, coupling appropriate assistance with sensible regulations and policies that, for example, might require modern screens on new pump installations, while allowing water users to access subsidy schemes. This would ensure that the financial burden on industry is reduced, while ensuring that the agricultural industry is continuing to improve its sustainability through best-practice water diversion.

Advancements: ‘crossing the chasm’ of adoption

In diffusion of innovations theory, ‘crossing the chasm’ marks the shift from ‘early adopters’ to the ‘early majority’ (Moore 2014). It means wider acceptance by the bulk of the market and is recognised as the crux of implementation. For screening, this phase will require patiently gaining the attention and trust of pragmatic water users who seek incremental progress (rather than transformational change) and consider each technology purchase on the basis of proven performance (Moore 2014). Quantifying and showcasing the performance of existing screens, while simultaneously improving the design, availability and affordability of screens, will help instil confidence in the investment potential. In NSW, ongoing research, management and stakeholder engagement is focussed on addressing these priorities, quantifying real-world outcomes and translating site-scale screening improvements into broader benefits for fish, fishing, farms, and communities. Adoption of this approach in other jurisdictions will improve the understanding and benefits of screening across Australia.


Implementation of modern fish-protection screens in Australia has shown promising progress, particularly in NSW where substantial advancements have been made in screening pumped-water diversions. These installations not only protect significant numbers of native fish annually, but also contribute to delivering cleaner water for agricultural use and deliver significant public benefits. However, despite the success in NSW, progress on a national scale has been limited, highlighting the need for concerted efforts to unlock the full potential of screening technology. Doing so entails prioritising high-impact water diversions, improving affordability through innovative financing mechanisms and designs, fostering industry leadership, and pursuing ongoing advancements to facilitate adoption by the majority of water users. Screens need to be showcased across more catchments and water uses to enhance stakeholder awareness and maximise benefits for native fish. Future research should focus on addressing knowledge gaps, such as quantifying the value proposition of screening for water users, and identifying new areas and applications for screening technology across the country. By overcoming these challenges and bridging the gap between early adopters and wider market acceptance, modern fish-protection screening can play a vital role in enhancing the ecological and economic sustainability of water access in Australia.

Data availability

Specific location data for screen installation sites have been withheld from publication to protect participant privacy. These data are unable to be completely deidentified because the volumetric capacity of water diversions can be linked back to individual agricultural properties. These data were used to assess progress, while protecting the privacy of stakeholders involved in incentive programs, who are required for these conservation efforts to be successful. Data on stakeholder perceptions, used to inform the future priorities identified in this study, were collected under a Negligible Low Risk Human Ethics permit approved by the authors’ Institutional Review Board (INT20/376227).

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Declaration of funding

Funding for this research was provided by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, as a component of the project Finalisation of the NSW Diversion Screening Strategy, the Australian Government, as part of the Northern Basin Toolkit, and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, through project 2022-003 Evaluating the economic and environmental return on investment of modern fish screens. The funders had no role in data preparation or the decision to submit for publication.


This paper is dedicated to the memory of our colleague Andrew Bruce, who worked tirelessly to protect and restore native fish in NSW. The authors acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and rivers where this work took place and pay their respect to Elders past, present and emerging. The authors also acknowledge the enthusiastic participation of water users and recreational anglers.


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