Microbiology Australia
Volume 39 Number 2 2018
MA18020Newly discovered mosquito viruses help control vector-borne viral diseases
Roy A Hall and Jody Hobson-Peters
pp. 72-75
MA18021Chikungunya: treatments, opportunities and possibilities
Joseph R Freitas, Shambhavi Rao and Suresh Mahalingam
pp. 76-79
MA18022The detection and significance of emerging insecticide resistance in mosquitoes
Nancy M Endersby-Harshman, Andrew R Weeks and Ary A Hoffmann
pp. 80-83
MA18023The risks to Australia from emerging and exotic arboviruses
John S Mackenzie and Andrew F van den Hurk
pp. 84-87
MA18028Arboviruses in pregnancy: consequences of maternal and fetal infection
William Rawlinson
pp. 96-98
MA18029Neurological disease caused by flavivirus infections
Tristan Gibbs and David J Speers
pp. 99-102
MA18031The molecular epidemiology of Murray Valley encephalitis virus in Australasia
David T Williams
pp. 106-108
MA18032Protecting Australia from disease vectors: exotic mosquito management at the border
Angus Sly and Callum Mack
pp. 108-110